The best ICT courses in Kenya – most marketable  ICT courses[2025]

Last updated on February 23rd, 2025 at 05:22 pm

Thinking about ICT? Learn about the most marketable ICT courses in Kenya in this article and where to train.

According to the World Economic Forum:

  • 50% of all jobs will be automated in the next 10 years.
  • 9 out of every 10 jobs will need digital skills.
  • 50% of the global economy and will be disrupted by ICT technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning, Virtual Reality, Internet of Things (IoT), and more.

In fact, the trend will see the future of work shift change forever- there will be markedly less demand for office support workers, machine operators, and similar low-skill professionals and massive demand for technology professionals like computer engineers and ICT (information communication technology) specialists.

In other words, this is the best time to take an appropriate ICT course in Kenya.

But here is the thing: Not all ICT courses in Kenya will help you get a job. Hell No!

We have moved from the era when just having a computer packages certificate would make you a hotcake. Neither does just having a CISCO certificate guarantee you a job!

The ICT world is moving at breakneck pace and you need to be keen when selecting the course to do to avoid wasting your hard earned money and time doing an unworthy course.

So, which are the most marketable ICT courses in Kenya and where can you pursue them?

Read on for answers..

The most marketable ICT courses in Kenya – best Information technology courses in Kenya to pursue right now

Now, if you’re wondering, I’m an ICT professional so I’m speaking from experience here.

In short, trust me: the following ICT courses will unlock an ocean of opportunities for you after graduating and getting sufficient experience:


1. Cyber Security

Because cyber criminals are becoming cleverer with each passing day, Cyber Security is one of the most marketable courses in Kenya today.

Career prospects are great for Kenyans with the right mix of skills, expertise, and experience in this fast-growing field.

You’ll typically begin in junior cyber security position but you can quickly climb up the ladder if you’re good at it.

Where to Study Cyber security in Kenya

Read this article to find out the best institutions to study cyber security in Kenya.

Note: It’s important to pursue a Diploma or a Degree in ICT (or a related area) before specializing in Cyber Security since many employers ask for a Diploma or a Degree in ICT plus Cyber Security Certifications when recruiting cyber security specialists.

2. Data Science

We are in the era of big data and organizations- from financial institutions to health facilities, and everyone in between- now rely on structured data to make important decisions.

Data science is the course to take if you’re good at numbers and want a career that merges ICT and numbers- it unifies statistics, analytical systems, machine learning, and numerous other similar methods in harvesting and analyzing data.

Where to Study Data Science in Kenya

This course especially goes well with a degree in statistics/ Computer Science/Applied Mathematics/ or Engineering so the best approach is to take it as a short course alongside your Diploma/Degree course.

Read this article to find out the best institutions to study data science in Kenya.


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Now proceed reading below..

3. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence(AI)

While careers in machine learning are relatively new, the future could be bright for anyone with these skills.

If you’re not aware, machine learning is simply a branch of AI (artificial intelligence) focused on building apps that learn from gathered data and improve accuracy over time with-out having to be programmed to achieve this.

AI is itself all about enabling machines including robots to reason and act as human beings.

As mentioned earlier, machine learning actually fits within the broad data science field and connects AI and data science.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that there are almost infinite possibilities for graduates of these fields.


4. Programming /coding

In order to work properly, computers and devices such as smartphones relies on instructions that they have been fed with about various tasks- in short, they need to be pre-programmed to function.

That is where programmers and developers come in- they write the code (or instructions) that tell devices and computers how to execute tasks.

Some of the most in-demand programming languages that you should learn if you’re interested in programming include:

  • PHP/Laravel
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • Java

Also in high-demand is knowledge of Node.js, React, and .NET Core.

And oh, ensure you can build Android and IoS apps.

Where to Study programming in Kenya

Go through the schools in this article and choose one.

Most best paying employers hire programmers with a bachelor’s degree so the best way to approach it is to pursue one of the most popular ICT degree courses in Kenya (IT, Computer Science, Management Information Systems, etc.) while learning these languages on the side (either during holidays or after university classes).

I should add that a Diploma in ICT (including the KNEC Diploma in ICT) is also accepted by a good number of employers too (along with a certificate course in programming).

5. Cloud Computing

Most organizations no longer invest in their own servers and data centres. Instead, they rent processing power and data storage services from providers who have invested in massive server computers and data centers elsewhere- these computing services are delivered via the ‘cloud’ (the internet) hence the use of the term cloud computing.

Simply put, firms can now access more computing power at a reduced cost- Google, Gmail, DropBox, YouTube,  and SalesForce are just a few examples of the countless services we access via cloud computing.

Now, your work will be to develop and/or manage the physical and virtual infrastructure that keep cloud computing centers running to ensure their clients continue working seamlessly.

If you want to take this direction, it’s best to a Diploma/Degree first then take up marketable cloud computing certifications such as:

  • Google Certified Professional_Cloud Architect.
  • Google Certified Professional_Data Engineer.
  • W.S Certified Solutions Architect – Associate.
  • W.S Certified SysOps Administrator.
  • W.S Certified Developer– Associate.
  • Microsoft Certified- Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

These certifications can be taken online or you can choose to attend sessions in institutions offering cloud computing courses in Kenya such as AFRALTI.

6. Games development

Another ICT related area you can venture into with the right skills is games development- you’ll simply be building games.

It can be a well-paying area because today’s generation is more into virtual games than tradition physical games.

To succeed here, take courses such as:

  • Unity Game Development course/Certification
  • 3D Artist Specialization course
  • Python

If you’re good, you can easily work for some of the biggest gaming companies in the world (remotely).

7. Digital marketing

Almost every single company needs digital marketers- there is no other way to remain relevant in today’s internet-crazy society.

If you have a thing for marketing and find doing it from behind your screen a much friendlier prospect than visiting clients physically door-to-door, then consider taking a digital marketing course.

I should add that the course doesn’t really need any particular qualifications although having a degree/diploma in marketing/any business field can be an advantage.

Where to Study digital marketing in Kenya

Here is an article listing colleges offering digital marketing courses in Kenya.

Other Computer courses in Kenya / ICT short courses in Kenya that can add you value

Other ICT courses that you consider taking to add value to your CV, get a promotion, or just to be future ready are:

· IoT (Internet of Things) course

It has been predicted that over 50 billion devices (or things) around the planet will be hooked to the internet in the next couple of years, making IoT (Internet of Things) a mainstream technology.

Self-Driving cars, Smart Cities, Smart Grids, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT),  Smart Homes/Buildings, Smart Agriculture, Smart Infrastructure, and Smart Health are example of the areas where IoT is in application.

In a nutshell, businesses will, in the near future, adopt IoT for many of their operations so having great skills and knowledge in IoT could put you ahead of the competition.

Sadly, this is one of the not-so-common ICT courses in Nairobi but it’s possible to take it online from CISCO and other online academies.

· 3D Animation

If you’re creative and would love to work in the media, advertising, and film, take a 3D animation course at colleges such as Shang Tao Media Arts College.

You can study up to a higher national diploma (HND) in 3D Animation & Film.

· Graphic Design

A graphic design course develops creative and other technical skills suitable primarily for digital marketing careers.

Remember that many ICT colleges offer a graphic design course (at least up to the diploma level).

You can also open your graphic designs firm with the course.

· Digital Video Production

A digital video production graduate has excellent prospects too both in self-employment and in formal employment – from YouTube, Adverting agencies, media houses, to small businesses offering video production services, you have loads of opportunities.

Again you need to be creative to thrive here.

To study this course, locally, check out colleges such as Africa digital media institute(ADMI) in Nairobi.

General ICT course requirements

As mentioned, having a Diploma or a Degree in ICT/computer science/ or any ICT-related area gives you a head start when it comes to ICT jobs and it’s crucial to get any of these papers before enrolling in any of the marketable ICT specialization courses.

Of course, you can pursue your specialization simultaneously with your Diploma/Degree to save time – you may attend online classes after lessons or go for the ICT courses in Kenya you have chosen during holidays.

Now, the requirements for ICT Diploma and Degree are as follows:

  • Diploma in ICT- KCSE C minus mean grade (or a recognized certificate in Information Technology in Kenya)
  • Degree in ICT- KCSE C+ mean grade

Note: To take certificate in information technology in Kenya (KNEC), you only need to have scored a D plain mean grade (minimum) – there are no cluster requirements.

Universities offering ICT courses in Kenya

Nearly all universities in Kenya offer ICT courses- not all offer the specializations but nearly all offer at least one Diploma and Degree in ICT (or a related area – Computer Science, Information Systems, etc.)

Here are some of the leading ones in ICT:

  • Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
  • Multimedia University
  • Strathmore University (they even offer a Masters Degree in Cyber Security)
  • USIU
  • Masinde Muliro
  • Mt Kenya University


These are the best ICT courses in Kenya for a person who has finished form 4 (and even someone who is already working in the ICT sector and want to upgrade their skills to earn a better pay or to remain relevant)

We have also mentioned the best colleges offering information technology courses in Kenya where you can study for these courses including the highlighted ICT certificate courses in Kenya, the entry requirements, job prospects, and every other information that is useful.

So, go ahead and choose your course- you’re now in a position to make a more informed decision.

PS: Don’t forget to like our FaceBook page here for more educational/career tips and guides.


Short courses in Kenya [The most marketable]


31 thoughts on “The best ICT courses in Kenya – most marketable  ICT courses[2025]”

    • Yes. Take the one for KNEC then upgrade to Diploma later. Plus, dont forget to specialize in a good area- coding, cybersecurity, digital marketing, etc depending on your preferences

  1. Hi I’m jacklyne.thanks for the good thoughts.lemi look for the college’s offering them.i hope I won’t waste my time and money doing the course.thanks

  2. Information is power.Good advise. My son did KCSE last year and got mean grade of C plain but got maths D-. He is interred in Diploma in ICT. Can he be admitted for the Dip. Thanks in advance

    • Yes. If that is his passion, let him go for it. He can apply to any TVET College (Technical College) through KUCCPS. Let him log into KUCCPS and apply. Deadline for 1st Revision is 11th June 2021

  3. My son did KCSE last year and got D+ mean grade and a D plain in Maths but he is passionate about ICT and would like to pursue it…….how would you advice

  4. Knowledge is power ,I did kcse last year and I would to persue ict course this year yet I had D+,will I start with certificate in ict or diploma(?
    Kindly help

  5. Thanks alot for the information,but I have a question.My wish is to study ict course and I could want a programming/coding and I had a D plain in my kcse ,where will I start

    • Join a Technical College (TVET) near you for an Artisan then be learning coding certifications on the side. It is important to have a formal Diploma in ICT/Computer studies even as you specialize in coding.
      Also you need to be aware that coding requires good analytical and problem solving skills before you go down that route

  6. I have an ordinary level certificate from Uganda with:
    I was mainly interested in science subjects in high school.Besides,i did computer packages.My ambition before my education was to do engineering or medice.About a decade now since i graduated from high school,i still have a sense of dissatisfaction with my level of education and am thinking of adding a value to myself.I am leaned towards computer related course, with a PC i bought for home use.Thanks for this article and am open for any further career advice.

  7. i had a D+ IN MY KCSE and my plans were to do computer science but i have been requested to do ICT yet i am joining cooperative university .so does the school offer the course???

  8. I have a D- in my KCSE and my dream is to learn more about computer mostly in gaming development and programing/coding where can i start

  9. I did my kcse on December with a mean grade of C+ and a D plain in math and C+in physics can I do a degree of ICT with that score cause im into ICT so much

  10. I did my kcse last year and score a mean grade of c- and D- in maths is it possible to for me to take ict course

  11. Hi
    I had an A in computer and a B in math
    Even though i like computer, am stranded
    is business in IT a god course for a fast learner


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