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Flooded courses in Kenya [2025 Edition]

Last updated on February 21st, 2025 at 12:53 pm

Read about the most flooded courses in Kenya….perhaps you are worried that the course you have selected has a large crowd out there still looking for jobs and you’re worried that you may end up joining the ‘tarmacking’ group…

Well, below is our list of flooded courses in Kenya

Flooded courses in Kenya

Business courses

Business studies is one of the most flooded course in kenya …there are thousands upon thousands of young people who hold certificates, diplomas, and degrees and even Masters in business courses that are still looking for work.

The most common business courses that people are taking a long time to find meaningful employment are:

Supply chain management (procurement) / purchasing and supplies

There was a time this was a hotcake course but not anymore….that ship has sailed so jobs are now not readily available.

In other words, supply is way higher than demand

Business management and Business administration

Is there even a big difference between these two?

Accountancy courses like CPA and Diploma in Accountancy


More students have the course though at least it is still a better option compared with some of the other flooded courses in Kenya  …

Problem is the pay is quite measly for a beginner.


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Now proceed reading about the most flooded courses in Kenya below..

Some Hospitality courses and tour guiding

Another bad news course is Hospitality.. same can be said about tourism courses such as tour guiding

And do you know why?

Well, because everyone can do a course in hospitality e.g. catering and accommodation, (even with an E), then a lot of form 4 leavers have taken the course.

And since many do not seem to like self-employment (yet the course can be very good if you open a business and use your skills to outshine the competition), they are stuck out there still waiting for lady luck to smile on them.

In short, the following courses are tricky if what you have in mind is getting employment once you finish college/university

  • Catering & Accommodation Management
  • Catering and Hotel Management
  • Catering & Accommodation Operations
  • Tour Guiding and Travels
  • Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Hospitality Management
  • Food and Beverage

Otherwise, the courses can pay well if you start a business and you do things the right way.


Some Health sciences /medical courses

Again there are quite a number of medical courses that have a huge number of graduates still waiting for relevant opportunities to come up.

They may not be as flooded as per see but there are not many jobs for holders of these qualifications:

  • Medical laboratory
  • Pharmacy – especially at the Diploma level
  • Health records & IT

Some Fashion Design and Beauty Therapy courses

Here I have observed – from my sampling of students populations in a few colleges- that the following seems quite popular and have many, many graduates searching for employment

  • Hair Dressing
  • Beauty Therapy
  • Fashion Design and Garment Making

The reason is the same as Hospitality courses and tour guiding…virtually everybody can do these courses (entry barrier is low).

Also, so many colleges have been running marketing blitzes around these courses so enrollments have shot up in a big way.

But are the above courses bad?

I don’t think so because they have excellent self-employment opportunities  (beauty and fashion are big industries and there is demand for beauticians and fashion designers and garment makers everywhere you turn)..

What you need to do is be fact, you can look for a small job in a beauty business or clothing business near you (there are beauty parlors and saloons all over) then leave and start your own business once you have built a solid clientele base.

Because why not?


Select Liberal Studies Courses (Social sciences)

I have also scanned recent graduation lists of a couple of institutions and it appears that the following two courses have many students joining the job market:

  • Social Work and Community Development
  • Criminology (And Criminal Justice)


Is criminology marketable in Kenya?


Other Flooded courses in Kenya

Information Studies – People still seem to pursue library and information science in large numbers in the era of digitization, which baffles logic (we only need few librarians now because of technology – remember e-books?).

Electrical Engineering – there was a time (a few years back) when there was a rush to do this course meaning a significant number of those who did it are still out there hustling in un-related areas (or surviving on minor, part-time jobs)

ECDE- I think there are more ECDE teachers today than it has ever been in history. The good thing is kids will always be born(so even if you won’t get a high paying job until the government does something about the remuneration of ECDE tutors, you are unlikely to sleep hungry)

Journalism– Young people appear to like journalism and broadcast related courses but what they do not know is that we are in the era of digital journalism (and traditional media houses are struggling)

BCOM- oversaturated too in job market

Philosophy- There are literally no jobs for this-  nothing else I can say here.


Are flooded courses useless courses in Kenya?

Not at all…

By the way, there’s no course that’s a surebet these days….that’s how tough the job market is today because Kenyans have really taken into higher education.

So, every single course- even the ones above can take you place if you’re exceptionally good at what you’re doing.

You just need to be strategic from the word go….look for the in-demand skills, connect with the right people(network aggressively) and make sure you’re out there showing potential employers/clients what you can do (#Jitume!).

After all, we do not just go to college to learn…..there are many other benefits of being at University/College including broadening your mind as well as reasoning abilities and interacting with different people.

In the end, you will become very self-reliant and adaptable (in whatever situation)


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