Masters in education courses in Kenya [most marketable masters degree in education in Kenya]

Last updated on February 22nd, 2025 at 05:38 pm

Masters in education courses in Kenya are your natural next step when you want to take your career to the next level (may be you’re tired of spending time in the classroom and you know want to move to administration)…

So below is all you need to know about Masters in education courses in Kenya to help you make an informed decision..

Masters in education courses in Kenya – all you need to know about the most marketable masters degree in education in Kenya

First, let us take a look at the masters in education courses you can choose when it comes to studying for a masters in education degree in Kenya- as offered by some of the leading education universities in Kenya:

Masters in education course at KCA University

  1. Master of Education(M.Ed)
  2. Master of Education (M.Ed)in Leadership and Management
  3. Master of Educational (M.Ed) in Administration, Curriculum, &Policy Studies

Masters in education courses at MKU

Masters of Educational Management

Overall, the above Masters of Education course in MKU course has these Options (specializations) – choose the most suitable.

  • Leadership & Management –This is one of the most marketable masters degree in education in Kenya especially if you want to become the head of an institution (principal, head-teacher, etc) or even the HOD of a busy department in a national polytechnic, TVET college, Teachers Training College, etc.
  • Educational Planning
  • Educational Administration
  • Curriculum studies
  • Economics of Education

Entry requirements -minimum

Bachelor of Education(Be.d) -Second Class Honours (the Upper Division)


Bachelor of Education(Bed) –the 2nd Class Honours(the Lower Division) PLUS 2-years of teaching experience


BA( Bachelor of Arts) /Bsc.( Bachelor of Science)degree PLUS a recognized post graduate Diploma in Education.

Department of Educational Psy-chology&Technology masters at MKU

Here you can pursue five masters courses:

  • Master of Education-Instructional Technology
  • Master of Education- Educational Psychology
  • Master of Education-Educational guidance& counselling
  • Master of Education- Philosophy of Education
  • Master of Education- Sociology of Education

Entry requirements

Bachelor of Education(Be.d) -Second Class Honours (the Upper Division)


Bachelor of Education(Bed) –the 2nd Class Honours(the Lower Division) PLUS 2-years of teaching experience


Other Master of Education courses-MKU

Master of Education-in-Early Childhood Studies

Entry requirements

Bachelor of Education(Be.d) -Second Class Honours (the Upper Division) – the degree has to be in Early Childhood Studies(ECS)


Bachelor of Education(Bed) –the 2nd Class Honours(the Lower Division) PLUS 2-years of teaching experience– the degree has to be in Early Childhood Studies(ECS)

Master in Education-SNE-Special Needs Education

Your specialization areas/options

  • Visual Impairment
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Physical Handicap &other Health Impairment
  • Emotional& Behavioural Disorders
  • Gifted & Talented
  • Specific Learning Disabilities
  • Inclusive Education
  • Deaf blindness

Entry requirements

Bachelor of Education(Be.d) -Second Class Honours (the Upper Division) – the degree has to be in (SNE)-Special Needs Education


Bachelor of Education(Bed) –the 2nd Class Honours(the Lower Division) PLUS 2-years of teaching experience– the degree has to be in (SNE)-Special Needs Education


Bed.( Bachelor of Education) degree/ BA( Bachelor of Arts) /Bsc.( Bachelor of Science)degree PLUS 2-years of actual teaching experience in special schools/units.

KU masters in education courses including masters in education administration in Kenyatta university and masters in educational psychology in Kenyatta university

If you’d rather study at KU, below are the KU masters in education courses you can select from:

  • Masters of Education -Educational Research, Evaluation& Assessment
  • Masters of Education -Special Education
  • Masters of Education -M.Ed
  • Master of Education -(Educational psychology)
  • Master of Education- (Guidance and Counselling)
  • Masters of Education -Educational Communication& Technology
  • Masters of Arts-Early Childhood Studies
  • Masters of Education-Special Education
  • Master of Education (M.Ed ) in Education Management & Policy Studies
  • Master of Education (M.Ed ) in Educational Foundations

Masters in education courses in Kenya – course duration

The duration of education master’s in Kenya are as follows (in general):

  • Full time student (if you have taken study leave) -2 to 3 years
  • Part-time students (and distance/school-based students)- 3 to 4 years

Other universities offering Masters in education course

  • Chuka University
  • Embu University
  • University of Nairobi
  • Machakos University
  • Rongo University
  • Taita Taveta University

Masters in education course in Kenya – Course Structure

Your course will, for the most part, consist of the following:

  • Coursework
  • Examination (CATs and other assessments)
  • Thesis (you will have to do a thesis on an area/topic you choose)


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So Please follow Kenya Education Guide on Facebook here for more updates about best courses in Kenya, best colleges and Universities in Kenya, Career choice options, Scholarships in Kenya, etc 


Now proceed reading below..

Masters in education course in Kenya fee structure

Well, the fee depends on where you’re studying.

For example, at MKU, the cost is as follows:

  • Distance & Institution (school) Based Learning mode -Kshs. 60000 per sem- and you go for 6 semesters
  • Regular mode -Kshs. 90000 per sem- and you go for 4 sems
  • Digital varsity – Kshs. 90000 per sem

Meanwhile, at KCA, you pay the following amounts (based on the course):

  • Administration fees – kshs.30000
  • Tuition fee (11000 per unit)-165000 – kshs. 200000
  • Dissertation fee– kshs. 88000
  • The fees per sem is as follows:
  • Semester 1– kshs.55000 – kshs. 61000
  • Semester 2– kshs.41000 – kshs. 57000
  • Semester 3– kshs.41000 – kshs. 57000
  • Semester 4– kshs.44000 – kshs. 55000
  • Semester 5– kshs.44000 – kshs. 55000

How to apply

You may apply online for most universities or Visit your nearest campus of the university you select and apply physically.

As regards intake, many of the Universities teaching the Masters In education programme has intakes in January, May, and September every year.

But what I’d suggest is you reach out to the university you have in mind to confirm.


Which university offers masters in education technology in Kenya?

The course is offered by several universities including the University of Nairobi – it is one of UON masters programs in education

Meanwhile, Embu University offers a Masters Of Philosophy (M.Phil)  In Technology Education


MKU Masters in education courses

Bachelor of education arts subject combination

Masters programmes in JKUAT [Jomo Kenyatta University masters programmes]

JKUAT masters fee structure [All Jomo Kenyatta university masters programmes]

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