Government sponsored students fee structure in Kenya 2024

Last updated on February 29th, 2024 at 07:38 am

Government sponsored students fee structure in Kenya (fees structure for government sponsored students): So how much can you get under the revised government funding model for higher education in Kenya?

Well, below is our updated Government sponsored students fee structure in Kenya for degree and KUCCPS diploma/certificates..


Government sponsored students fee structure in Kenya for degree courses (How much is University fees in Kenya)- new funding model (public university fees in Kenya) and government sponsored students fee structure for diploma 2023 / 2024

The amount of funding you will receive as a university student under the new government funding model for higher education in Kenya depends on your level of need.

In other words, the government will fund you depending on which category of need are you.

Just in case you’re wondering what that exactly means, below is the new categorization that the government is using to determine how much of the fees it will subsidize for you and how much you need to pay yourself..

New university fees Kenya – The categories the government uses to determine how much funding it will subsidize for you (How much does KUCCPS pay for degree students)

Band one (Previously called Vulnerable students)

You get 70% worth of Scholarships -25 % in Loans. That means that your parents/guardians will shoulder the remaining 5% of your annual fees cost

The government will additionally allocate you in this band Kshs.60,000.00 for upkeep.


Band two (Previously called Extremely needy students)

You get 60% worth of Scholarships -30 % in Loans. That means that your parents/guardians will shoulder the remaining 10% of your annual fees cost

The government will additionally allocate you in this band Kshs.55,000.00 for upkeep.


Band three(Previously called Needy students)

You get 50% worth of Scholarships -30 % in Loans. That means that your parents/guardians will shoulder the remaining 20% of your annual fees cost

The government will besides allocate you some Kshs.50,000.00 for upkeep.

Band four(Previously Less needy students)

You get 40% worth of Scholarships -30 % in Loans. That means that your parents/guardians will shoulder the remaining 30% of your annual fees cost

The government will besides allocate you some Kshs.45,000.00 for upkeep.


Band five

You get 30% worth of Scholarships -30 % in Loans. That means that your parents/guardians will shoulder the remaining 40% of your annual fees cost

The government will on top of that allocate you some Kshs.40,000.00 for upkeep.

Government fee structure

Remember that the government has locked out private universities out of the funding program and you’re only eligible for HELB loan and not scholarship/subsidy if you choose to study in a private university such as MKU.


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Now proceed reading below..👇

To put that into context, below is the fee structure for government sponsored student at Chuka University under the new higher education funding model in Kenya.. helb new funding model

HEF government funding

How much does university cost in Kenya (new university fees Kenya) -new funding model (new funding model of education)

Well, it depends on the degree course you’re taking and where you will be taking your degree (the university you’ll be studying in)…

Below is the cost of various popular degrees to give you a better idea of what you might have to pay for your Degree program:

Degree course Cost (kshs) per year
Bachelor Of Laws(Ll.B.)


Kshs 170,000 To Kshs 269,250
Bachelor Of Engineering (Civil Engineering)


Ksh 300,000 To Ksh 374,850
Bachelor Of Science (Electrical And Electronics Engineering)


KSH 302,940 To KSH 374,850
Bachelor Of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)


Ksh 302,940 To Ksh 374,850
Bachelor Of Engineering (Geospatial Engineering)


Ksh 283,333 To Ksh 374,850
Bachelor Of Engineering (Agricultural & Bio-Systems Engineering)


Ksh 336,600 To Ksh 375,700
Bachelor Of Science (Marine Engineering)


Ksh 275,400 To Ksh 336,600
Bachelor Of Science (Telecommunication And Information Engineering)


Ksh 244,800 To Ksh 336,600
Bachelor Of Science In Mechatronic Engineering


Ksh 316,800 To Ksh 336,600
Bachelor Of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering)


Ksh 300,000
Bachelor Of Science In Software Engineering


Ksh 142,600 To Ksh 316,285
Bachelor Of Engineering (Civil & Structural Engineering)


Ksh 300,000 To Ksh 374,850
Bachelor Of Science (Petroleum Engineering)


Ksh 336,600
Bachelor Of Veterinary Medicine Ksh 312,340 To Ksh 442,850
Bachelor Of Medicine And Bachelor Of Surgery


Ksh 306,000 To Ksh 612,000
Bachelor Of Science Clinical Medicine Ksh 160,000 To Ksh 330,480
Bachelor Of Science (Computer Science)


Ksh 204,000 To Ksh 316,285
Bachelor Of Science (Information Technology)


Ksh 115,000 To Ksh 306,000
Bachelor Of Education (Arts)


Ksh 96,000 To Ksh 257,800
Bachelor Of Actuarial Science


Ksh 110,000 To Ksh 290,700
Bachelor Of Arts (Economics) Ksh 105,000 To Ksh 244,800
Bachelor Of Science (Statistics)


Ksh 110,000 To Ksh 290,700
Bachelor Of Science (Computer Security And Forensics)


Ksh 179,290 To Ksh 306,000
Bachelor Of Dental Surgery


Ksh 521,050 To Ksh 612,000
Bachelor of Commerce KSh 130,000 to KSh 227,500.

These are just a few of the degree courses whose costs are published by KUCCPS- You can just go to the KUCCPS portal to check what the degree you have in mind will cost you.

Government sponsored students fee structure in Kenya for KUCCPS diploma courses (and KUCCPS Certificate courses in Kenya)

If you’re going to a public TVET college (including National Polytechnics), the tuition fee has been standardized to Kshs.67189 per year (you have to budget for your exams and accomodation and meals separately).

The breakdown is typically as follows:

Term 1 -Kshs.35220

Term 2-Kshs.31969

Total -Kshs. 67189

Other fee to budget for when joining:

  • KUCCPS Fee
  • Registration
  • Student ID
  • Student levy
  • Essentials for your course- you may need to buy things like laptops, dust coats, measuring tools, etc. depending on  the course you have been called for.

The amounts here vary so reach out to your institution and seek clarification.

Please do not forget that the government may again fund you as follows:

government sponsored students fee structure kenya

So, if for example you are grouped in the needy or less-needy category, the fee will be as below:

Government scholarships- 32% of the above fee per year

Loans- 48% of the above fee per year

That means that you (your parents/sponsors) pay 20% of the above fee per year(20% of 67189 is about Kshs.13438)

Again be sure to apply for funding as soon as you get your admission letter via the HEF education Funding website -no categorization here (everyone joining a government college is eligible).

Still there, I hope you know that there’s no scholarship for you if you’re going to a private college- there you can only apply for loans(no grants whatsoever)

And as I had told you, meals, hostels, exams, attachment fee, and such are on you so budget for them separately.


What more do you need to know

The government has increased its budgetary allocation for universities from KES54 billion (US$396 million) in the current fiscal year to KES84 billion (US$615.8 million) in the 2023-24 fiscal year.

Of course, this increase in funding will allow the government to provide more financial assistance to you when you become a university student.

Now, in addition to government funding, you may also be able to apply for bursaries from complementary funding agencies, such as county governments, national government constituency development funds, and private companies/foundations.

PS: Please note that it is still very early days so it is not very clear how much the government will be paying for you under each category so we may have to wait a little bit to be sure about how much will be the subsidy, if you qualify.


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