University grading system in Kenya [for leading universities]

Last updated on February 24th, 2025 at 03:59 am

Once you join university (or as you prepare to join), it’s important to understand the university grading system in Kenya as your CATs and exams are marked and scores classified based on this system.

Below we look at the University grading system in Kenya as applied in some of the country’s top universities.

Read on to learn how your lecturers will be grading your performances.

University grading system in Kenya from selected universities

Mount Kenya University Grading System

Marks are accumulated and averaged as per the following letter grades signifying the attained level of academic performance by an individual student per unit and when aggregated for the purposes of determining your final degree class using the MKU GPA calculator.

The holds for both continuous course assessments as well as the University examinations.

  • 70% and above              -A (Distinction)
  • 60% – 69%                       -B (Credit)
  • 50% – 59%                       -C (Satisfactory)
  • 40% – 49%                      -D (Pass)
  • 39% – and Below            -E (Fail)

The pass mark is set at 40% in most of the courses.

Grading System in University Of Nairobi

The grading system in UON is as follows:

  • 70 and above -A
  • 60 to 69 -B
  • 50 to 59 -C
  • 40 to 49 -D
  • 00 to 39 -E

For the final degree, the following scoring criterion is used:

  • First Class Honours                 -70 and above
  • Second Class Honours (upper)                 -60 to 69
  • Second Class Honours (lower)                 -50 to 59
  • Pass -40 to 49

If you are at the University of Nairobi, note that results are usually uploaded on the UON student portal for easier access by the students.


Technical University of Kenya Grading System

Grades and marks are graded as explained next at TUK (Technical University of Kenya):

Postgraduate diplomas

  • 75-100 Grade -A(Distinction)
  • 65-74 Grade -B(Credit)
  • 50-64 Grade -C(Pass)
  • Below 50 Grade -D(Fail)

Master’s degree Coursework

  • 75-100 -A
  • 65-74 -B
  • 50-64 -C
  • Below 50 -Fail

Undergraduate programs (CATs and end of semester exams)

  • 70% and above                 -A
  • 60% and above but below 70% -B
  • 50% and above but below 60% -C
  • 40% and above but below 50% -D
  • Below 40% – F(Fail)


KU (Kenyatta University)

Here we look at the how the Kenyatta university GPA calculator rates you:

  • 75 and above -A
  • 65 to 74 -B
  • 50 to 64 -C
  • 49 and below -E


JKUAT (Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

Here is how grading is done for CATs and exams at JKUAT:

  • 70% and above                 -A
  • 60% and above but below 70% -B
  • 50% and above but below 60% -C
  • Below 50% – F(Fail)

For the cumulative degree award, the following system applies:

  • First Class Honours -70% and above
  • Second Class Honours (Upper) -60 to 69%
  • Second Class Honours (Lower) -50 to 59%
  • Pass -40 to 49%
  • Fail -Below 40%


Moi University Grading System in Kenya

The grading system here mirrors that of the University of Nairobi across the various programs but for masters and doctoral degrees which uses the following grades:

  • 72% and above – A(Distinction)
  • 65 to 74% – B (Credit)
  • 50 to 64% – C (Pass)
  • Below 50% – D (Fail)

University grading system in Kenya: Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is the difference between retake and supplementary?

Well, in a retake, you literary repeat a course unit in which you had totally failed to attain a satisfactory score in an ordinary examination.

You go back to the relevant class and ‘relearn’ the course(s) afresh and then re-sit the examination in the ordinary university examinations.

It does affect your final degree score.

On the other hand, a supplementary exam is a senate authorized exam that you sit after failing to satisfy the examiner in the end of semester examinations (but you were close) and is to be held within 3 months after writing the ordinary examinations.

The maximum score in supplementary exams is the set percentage pass mark (40%-50%) in the applicable grading system

Can you mention some first class honours degree benefits in Kenya?

A first class honours degree is awarded to students who maintain exemplary academic brilliance throughout their degree study and can unlock many doors for you.

For example, some universities will sponsor first class honours degree holders to pursue a master’s degree in their line of study.

In addition, some employers consider first class honours degree holders to be gifted problem solvers and will favor them when hiring.

A first class honours degree can also boost your chances of winning a scholarship to pursue graduate studies in a foreign country.


We have just looked at how to calculate university grades in Kenya including how the GPA grading system arrives at the final degree award in selected universities.

I should add that some universities have a course-by-course evaluation system for tests, projects, term papers, assignments, practical work, and end of trimester/semester final exam.

For example, the KCA university grading system varies from one department to the next depending on the curriculum.

We shall add the University grading system for universities not included here including the existing Zetech university grading system in due course.




KNEC college grading system (grading system in colleges)


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