Diploma in pharmacy requirements in Kenya

Last updated on February 22nd, 2025 at 06:45 pm

If you’re planning to take a Diploma in Pharmacy course in Kenya and you did not manage to get the minimum requirements to take a Degree in pharmacy, below are the diploma in pharmacy requirements in Kenya you need to have met to stand a chance of getting admission:

Diploma in pharmacy requirements in Kenya

KCSE Mean Grade: C Plain

Cluster subjects and requirements:

  • English or Kiswahili (either one): C Plain
  • Chemistry/Physical Science  (either one): C Plain
  • Biology / Biological Sciences (either one): C Plain

You also need to have a C (plain) grade in any of the following subjects (just one of them will suffice): 

Mathematics or Physics or Physical Sciences

 So, yeah..those are the requirements to study diploma in pharmacy in Kenya and that’s all..

Remember because the course is regulated by the pharmacy and poisons board in Kenya, the diploma in pharmacy entry requirements are usually the same regardless of the college / institution..

Just to drive my point home, the pharmacy diploma requirements at Methodist University are as follows:

KCSE mean grade: (Plain) or an equivalent

Besides, you need at least a C plain mean grade in these cluster subjects: 

  • Chemistry / Physical Sciences
  • Biology / Biological Sciences 
  • Mathematics or Physics.
  • English or Kiswahili


See? They are essentially the same as above.

In other words, the diploma in pharmacy requirements in KMTC (minimum qualifications for diploma in pharmacy at KMTC) are as indicated earlier.

And it is the same thing when it comes diploma in pharmacy requirements at MKU..


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Now proceed reading below..

Where to study Diploma in pharmacy in Kenya

My favorite institutions – the ones that I recommend most when it comes to taking the Diploma in Pharmacy course in Kenya- are as follows:


KMTC (Kenya Medical Training College)

Graduates from KMTC are highly regarded compared to those from some private colleges so yes, KMTC is perhaps the best public health studies college in Kenya.

So I cannot recommend it enough. 

Just apply when their next intake advert is released (keep checking their website).

Remember the course is offered in quite a number of KMTC campuses around the country.


TUK University

The course goes by the name Diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology here but the minimum requirements are unchanged.

And because TUK has been offering it for so long, it can be a good school due to their experience teaching the programme

Kenya Methodist University (KEMU)

KEMU also offers a Diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology program under the Pharmaceutical Sciences section targeting those who missed out on the Degree program because of their grades. 

The good thing is that after you obtain the Diploma (and you scored at least a credit pass), you may be admitted into KEMU’s 5-year degree in Pharmacy course ( Bachelor of Pharmacy Degree Program). 


Other colleges offering Diploma in Pharmacy in Kenya /additional Institutions worth considering when it comes to pharmacy diploma courses in Kenya

Nyeri National Polytechnic – You can also join Nyeri National Polytechnic for a Diploma in Pharmaceutical Technology as long as you have met the Diploma in pharmacy requirements in Kenya I listed earlier. It is best to apply through KUCCPS if you want to take the course here since you may benefit from government subsidy when paying fee


Kisumu National Polytechnic- – You can as well enroll with Kisumu National Polytechnic for a Diploma in Pharmacy course.  Again it is best to apply through KUCCPS if you want to take the course at Kisumu Poly since you may benefit from government subsidy when paying fee


Outspan Medical College -Outspan is a reputable private medical training college and it offers the course too. Visit their website

There is also the option of pursuing a diploma in pharmacy at Kenyatta University and the University Of Nairobi among others

Diploma In Pharmacy Course Units (Diploma In Pharmacy Course Outline In Kenya)

Here now are the standard diploma in pharmacy units, just in case want to have an idea about what you will be covering when studying for a diploma in pharmacy at KMTC or anywhere else:

  • Basic Mathematics
  • Social Psychology
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Computer Applications
  • Christian Beliefs
  • Community Skills
  • Human Anatomy
  • Pharmaceutical Microbiology
  • Medical Physiology
  • Biochemistry
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Social and Administrative Pharmacy I
  • Pharmacy Practice Experience I
  • Social and Administrative Pharmacy II
  • Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Pharmacognosy
  • Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Drug Supply Management I
  • Pharmaceutics I
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry I
  • Drug Supply Management II
  • Pharmacy Practice Experience II
  • Pharmaceutics II
  • Organic Pharmaceuticals Chemistry II
  • Pharmacology and Therapeutics II
  • Social Admin
  • Pharmacy III
  • Pharmaceutics III
  • Pharmacy Practice Experience
  • Research Project

How long does the Diploma in Pharmacy course in Kenya take?

In Kenya, The diploma in Pharmacy course takes about 3 calendar years at institutions like KEMU, KMTC, Kisumu National Polytechnic and basically everywhere else.

Of course, the program follows the normal semester/trimester schedule so there are breaks in between.

The course also includes the practical experience bit (Pharmacy Practice Experience) so there are months you will be out there in teaching hospitals to gain the necessary experience needed to excel in your pharmacist career.



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