Certificate in community health nursing requirements [2025 Intake]

Last updated on February 22nd, 2025 at 04:08 am

In this article, we shall look at the certificate in community health nursing requirements at KMTC (and other medical colleges in Kenya)- I’m assuming that that is the course you want to pursue..perhaps you never attained the minimum requirements needed to do a Diploma in Community Health Nursing.


Certificate in community health nursing requirements in Kenya

In summary, you must meet the following requirements if you want to pursue a Certificate in community health in Kenya:

Summary of certificate in community health requirements

At KMTC, the course is officially called Certificate in Enrolled Community Health Nursing and you need these grades:

KCSE Mean (aggregate) Grade: C-

Other qualifications for certificate in community health nursing in KMTC

  • C- in Kiswahili/English
  • C- in Biology/Biological Sciences.
  • D+ in one (any) of these subjects: Chemistry Physics/Physical Science or Mathematics

So those are the certificate in community health nursing requirements in KMTC


Fee structure for certificate in community health nursing

The annual fee for Certificate in community health Nursing at KMTC has been as follows (budget for your living and accommodation cost separately).

Year 1

ITEM Semester 1 & Semester 2 in Kshs. Total/ year
Registration Fees 2000(paid once during your admission) 2000
Activity Fees 1000 +1000 2000
Examination Fees 5000 +5000 10000
Library & ICT services fees 2000 +2000 4000
Tuition Fees 15000 +15000 30000
Research and Development Fees 5000 +5000 10000
Transport Levy 6000 + 6000 12000
Maintenance Levy 5000 +5000 10000
Student Identity Card 700(paid once during your admission) 700
TOTAL 41700 + 39000 80700

Year 2

ITEM Semester 1 & Semester 2 in Kshs. Total/year
Registration Fees N/A N/A
Activity Fees 1000 +1000 2000
Examination Fees 5000 +5000 10000
Library &ICT services fees 2000 +2000 4000
Tuition Fees 15000 +15000 30000
Research and Development Fees 5000 +5000 10000
Transport Levy 6000 + 6000 12000
Maintenance Levy 5000 +5000 10000
Student ID Fees N/A N/A
TOTAL 39000 + 39000 78000

Final 6 months



Registration Fees N/A
Activity Fees 5000
Examination Fees 2000
Library and ICT services 2000
Tuition Fees 35000
Research and development Fees 5000
Transport Fees 5000
Maintenance Fees 5000
Student ID Fees 5000
TOTAL 59000

This is important: The certificate in community health nursing course takes 2 and ½ years at KMTC so that explains the above fee structure.


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Now proceed reading below..

About KMTC certificate in community health nursing scholarship

The scholarship does not seem to be there anymore- it used to be sponsored by BeyondZero run by former first lady Margaret Kenyatta and it appears as if Beyond Zero has itself scaled down its operations since she vacated office.

Which KMTC campus offers certificate in community health nursing?

The certificate in enrolled community health nursing is taught in some of these KMTC campuses:

  • Kapenguria
  • Kabarnet
  • Lodwar
  • Kilifi
  • Garissa
  • Loitoktok
  • Msambweni
  • Bomet
  • Kitui


Other colleges offering certificate in community health nursing in Kenya

NEP college of health sciences Garissa


A word about certificate in community health nursing at MKU

Well, sorry- MKU University does not offer certificate in community health nursing course in Kenya at the time of writing this…what they have is a certificate in community health which is markedly different from the certificate in community health nursing programme.

I’m saying so because with a certificate in community health, you will be involved in roles such as community health worker in an assigned locality and not nursing the way you know it.



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