Best courses in 2025

Last updated on February 6th, 2025 at 04:47 am

Best courses in 2025 – The most Marketable Courses to do in 2025 (Most marketable courses in Kenya by 2025)

Today we change course a little bit…from AI matters to career advise!


Well, it’s because I don’t want you to see you take a funny course at College/University then end up joining the Millions of Young Men and Women who’re tarmacking in Kenyadespite having beautiful Degree and Diploma Certificates..

Hear this: The World changed when it comes to the job market. Long time ago!

Changed. Forever!

Sadly, you may not have realized. ….so you (or your son/daughter, if you’re a parent) still want to do a Bcom or a Diploma in Criminology like your rich uncle..

Sorry….friend It won’t you rich!

Indeed, many of the so- called prestigious courses of the early 2000’s and 2010’s are pretty much useless these days..they no longer give people jobs!

In fact, having a degree does not guarantee you employment anymore.

Ask them: Many of those tarmacking have excellent Degree papers!


Best courses in 2025- The most Marketable Courses to do in 2025

‍♂️What are the best courses to pursue at College/University in 2025?


most marketable courses in kenya by 2025

We’re not leading a very healthy lifestyle these days so the need for medical care (and hence qualified medical professionals) will continue surging for the next few years.

Medical Courses I recommend include pure Medicine, Nursing(Excellent), Radiography & Imaging, Dentistry,  and maybe Clinical Medicine..


Engineering courses

best course in 2025

Engineering courses are also a potentially great choice for any Form 4 leaver in 2025 since we are rapidly growing infrastructure-wise.

This has created significant demand for skilled engineers- and this is likely to remain the case for the next couple of years.

Engineering courses I suggest include Civil , Mechanical, Mechatronics, Automotive, Electrical & Electronics Engineering (perhaps Medical Engineering too).


ICT and Computer (and AI) Courses

the best course in kenya

ICT and Computer (and AI) are now ruling the world so this is another nice career line.

‍♂️But beware that here you must be a person who thinks outside the box…(I mean there’s a lot of hustling in ICT) and money is actually found in self employment and innovation when it come to ICT/Computer science.

That is formal jobs are not so many – but if you can start a consultancy, you’ll be in the money (meaning this courses is best if you’re entrepreneurial minded)

❌Again, stay away from limiting courses such as Computer Engineering and instead go for ‘full’ courses such as ICT (Pure) or Computer Science.

Courses I recommend here: Enroll for a Diploma or Degree in ICT/Computer Science ..and not a fancy sounding ICT/Computer courses such as Computer Engineering(It has a big title yet it has extremely few jobs).


Oh, and ensure you’re specialize in lines such as cyber security , Data Science & AI, Cloud Computing & DevOps , or Maybe Game Development and Virtual Reality (VR/AR), or even UR/UX Design & Human-Computer Interaction – (i don’t like software engineering as AI is taking it over coding roles gradually)


good courses in kenya

Kids will always be born- and human educationists will thus be in demand- at least for the foreseeable future.

So take Diploma in PTE(Primary Teacher Education- there’s no ECDE course moving forward), Diploma in Secondary Education, Special Needs Education or a BEd. (depending on your grades).

You can even choose to pursue the TVET instructor line – here you will take a PGDE(Post Graduate Diploma in Education after you complete your degree) or join the Kenya School of TVET after your Diploma/Degree course.



best course to do in kenya

Because we are living in an increasingly dysfunctional World, Depression has become as common as flu nowadays.

So take a Diploma in Counselling Psychology(or degree)



easiest courses in kenya

There are plenty of bad business courses(courses such as business management and front office have very few jobs) but all is not lost if your passion is in business..

Take one of:

  • HR(Human Resources)– because staff must always be managed in an organization.
  • Sales and Marketing(Conventional)– You will never lack a job if you can become a good sales and marketing person.
  • Digital Marketing– Learn how to do massive marketing online and see organizations and brands competing for you.
  • Real Estate Management– Also not so bad
  • Investment and wealth management– Take CFA course/Financial management/Actuarial Science(Degree) and work as a financial advisor.

Best courses in 2025- The most Marketable Courses to do in 2025


best course in kenya

I believe that these too can be great courses- if you want a stable career in the years to come (non-categorized):

  1. Building Technology- we will always be building(who doesn’t want a home?)
  2. Climate Change– this is the newest crisis to threaten humanity so become a professional and solve this problem for us(we shall pay you well surely!)
  3. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning– take a Degree in AI and see real money as AI takes over our lives!
  4. Applied Biology/Applied Chemistry/Industrial Chemistry– These have quite a number of amazing opportunities!
  5. Fashion Design– Highly under-rated yet humans must always put on clothes.
  6. Surveying courses– Quantity surveying, Land Surveying and all other surveying courses (since real estate and infrastructure development go hand in hand)
  7. Welding and Fabrication– as long as we’re building, there will be jobs/business opportunities here
  8. Refrigeration and air conditioning– The world is getting hotter and we need more cooling professionals to cool us down
  9. Agricultural related courses -such as Agricultural extension, Crop production, Animal Health and Production (because we need food daily!)
  10. Renewable Energy Technology– learn solar and other green energy solutions(the world is going green!)
  11. Robotics & Automation Technology-You can become a robotics technician/automation engineer, etc.
  12. Fintech (Financial Technology)-The finance sector continues to rapidly adopt digital payment solutions.

Remember: The best course is that which can enable you to be both self-employed or be employed(just in case self-employment doesn’t impress you)

Good luck..



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