Strathmore university certificate courses [2024 Intake]

Strathmore university certificate courses

Read this if you are wondering if there are certificate courses you can take at Strathmore Uni…I shall take you through all the Strathmore university certificate courses and what you need to qualify. But first things first: There are just a handful of Strathmore university certificate courses because being a premier University, Strathmore university focuses more on Undergraduate … Read more

Strathmore university masters fee structure [2024 Intake]

Strathmore university masters fee structure

I recently shared with you a list of Strathmore university masters courses – I recall that I promised to share with you a complete Strathmore university masters fee structure to help you plan your finances properly. So below is the Strathmore university masters fee structure for each of the Masters courses at Strathmore university Strathmore … Read more

Strathmore university masters courses [2024 Intake]

Strathmore university masters courses

If you’re planning to join Strathmore university for your Masters but you’re not sure if they offer the programme you have in mind, below is a list (and a brief description) of all Strathmore university masters courses Go through it and see if your dream course is one of the masters courses at Strathmore university. … Read more

Bachelor of medicine and surgery UON fee structure 2024

Read on and see how much it will cost you (or your child) to study for the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Degree at the University of Nairobi

Find the Bachelor of medicine and surgery UON fee structure below (UON school of medicine fee structure) We recently shared about the minimum Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery UON requirements including bachelor of medicine and surgery UON cut off points. Now, as a follow-up, we shall share the Bachelor of medicine and surgery UON fee … Read more

Degree in orthopaedic and trauma medicine in Kenya requirements

Degree in orthopaedic and trauma medicine in Kenya requirements

Degree in orthopaedic and trauma medicine in Kenya requirements: In this article, we shall be speaking about a Degree in orthopaedic and trauma medicine in Kenya. Read on if you are one of those who have been Googling “Degree in orthopaedic and trauma medicine in Kenya requirements” because the information we are about to share is important to you.   Degree in orthopaedic and trauma medicine … Read more

Chiropractor course in Kenya [All you need to know]

Chiropractor course in Kenya

Because Chiropractic care is fairly new in Kenya, there are not many chiropractic schools in Kenya so it is not easy to get an institution to study for a Chiropractor course in Kenya So, to help you, we have prepared a list of platforms/institutions you can consider if you want to take a Chiropractor course … Read more