Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery UON requirements

Last updated on February 21st, 2025 at 06:10 am

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery UON requirements: University of Nairobi is one of the best universities when it comes to bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery courses (M.B: Ch.B Degree)

Now, if you want to join them, below are the minimum Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery UON requirements – the grades you must have to join UoN under KUCCPS or as a self-sponsored student (Module II student)


Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery UON requirements for government sponsored students (KUCCPS applicants)- Bachelor of medicine and surgery UON cut off points

If you’re applying through KUCCPS (Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service), then theoretically you need to have met the following requirements:

Attain the set University entry KCSE Mean Grade for the year you did your KCSE Exam (minimum aggregate grade to join university)

This has, for a long time, been a C+ aggregate grade

Other requirements

On top of that- and this is where things get a little bit blurred – you must meet the set grades for each cluster subject considered when calculating the required cluster points for the UoN Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery Degree.

Now, nobody knows for sure how the overall cluster points are computed by the KUCCPS system so your best bet is to log into your KUCCPS student portal and then try and add the Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery Degree into the course basket.

This is what happens:

If you have satisfied all the pre-determined KCSE subject cluster points requirements, the system will accept to add the course.

Otherwise, you’re told “you haven’t met the cluster requirements for the course” automatically by the system and it won’t add the programme.

Remember I said theoretically at the beginning – it is because ,for the most part, only those who have passed really well get an opportunity to study to become doctors at UON.

You see, because competition for slots is so stiff- do not forget that UON is one of the best when you talk about medicine courses- the system tends to favor A students …

In short, I think it is programmed to first pick those with the best grades – and you can only get a chance of being selected if the number of applicants with the best grades does not fill up the available slots.

On a more positive note, we know which subjects make up the cluster grouping for the course at UON.

Below are the four subjects that make up the cluster grouping for the course, just in case you have been wondering:

Alternative A group of subjects

  • Physics/Mathematics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • English/Kiswahili

Alternative B group of subjects

  • Mathematics
  • Physical Sciences
  • Biological Sciences
  • English/Kiswahili

So the cluster points calculation will be made from the above subjects (either grouping, depending on what you did at KCSE – you may, for example, have taken Biology instead of Biological Sciences)


The best way to be sure if you have qualified for the Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at UON is by attempting to add the course to the course basket once you log into your KUCCPS Student portal…



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Now proceed reading below..

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery UON requirements for self-sponsored students (privately sponsored applicants)

Here is the thing: If you did not get the aforementioned entry grades to join under KUCCPS, you can try your luck under Module II (if your parents/sponsors can fund you).

You will however need to satisfy these set minimum KCSE requirements:

KCSE Mean (overall) Grade: C + (i.e. C plus)

Other entry requirements (cluster subjects and needed grades):

Biological Sciences/ Biology – B plain (minimum)

Chemistry subject– B plain (minimum)

Mathematics/ Physics– B plain (minimum)

Languages (English or Kiswahili)– You must have B plain (minimum)

Alternative bachelor of medicine and surgery requirements in Kenya (at UON)


You might also get a chance if you have these qualifications:

A Diploma course in Medical Sciences

In addition:

C+ (plus) mean grade in your KCSE plus a C+ (at least) in these four cluster subjects:

  • Biological Sciences/ Biology
  • Mathematics/ Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Languages (English or Kiswahili)


Have a Bachelor’s Degree (undergraduate degree) in any Biological-Science area – it should be from an accredited University

So, see if you have qualified and go ahead and apply for the Module II programme…

I should add that you make your application online via the website or by visiting the admissions office and making the application physically(carry all your documents including the result slip)

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery University of Nairobi requirements – recap

As you have seen, there’s no way you can tell what the bachelor of medicine and surgery UON cut off points are accurately.

For that reason, to be sure that you have qualified for the Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at UON, attempt to add the course to the course basket once you log into your KUCCPS Student portal…

That should give you a straightforward answer- of course, you want to go ahead with the application if it has accepted.

Otherwise, if it tells you that you have not met the minimum cluster points (which by the way keep changing every year), you could try the Module II route (And I have shared the requirements to help you see if you are qualified)

All the best from all of us here!


University of Nairobi – Faculty of Health Sciences


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