TSC requirements for PGDE in Kenya [latest guidelines]

Last updated on February 24th, 2025 at 03:12 am

This article highlights the TSC requirements for PGDE (pgde entry requirements that is for post graduate diploma in Education)

Let’s first look at who should take a PGDE course.

Now, you should enroll for a PGDE if you pursued a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc.) degree and dream of becoming a secondary school teacher in Kenya.

You can confirm this by looking at the latest TSC registration qualifications where TSC expressly states that holders of relevant Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees shall only be considered for employment as secondary teachers in Kenya after completing a PGDE.

Let’s leave that and now focus on the specific TSC requirements for PGDE.

TSC requirements for PGDE – what do the TSC guideline say?

According to the TSC, you should meet the following minimum qualifications before enrolling for a post graduate diploma in education in Kenya (If you’re taking it in the hope that it will help you secure a job as a high school teacher upon graduating).

  1. Hold a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science degree from a recognized university in Kenya.
  2. Must have scored a mean grade of C+ in your O levels.
  3. You must have obtained a C+ grade (minimum) in the two teaching subjects you intend to specialize in.

According to the TSC requirements for secondary teachers, you can also register for the PGDE if you want to build a career as a technical teacher in a relevant area.

Here are the PGDE requirements for those with technical qualifications:

  1. Must have scored a mean grade of C+ in your O levels (or it’s equivalent). Also acceptable are 1 principle pass and 2 subsidiaries at the ‘A’ level.
  2. You must have obtained a C+ grade (minimum) or a credit pass in the two technical subjects you intend to specialize in.
  3. Have a Bed TECH (Bachelor of Education Technology) degree from a university approved by the CUE (commission of higher education) OR
  4. Hold a Bachelor of Science (BSC) degree in the applicable technical Subject(s)/Course.

This would be an ideal route for those who, for some reason, are unwilling to pursue a DTTE (Diploma in Technical Teacher Education) from KTTC  (Kenya Technical Teachers College)- KTTC is now Kenya School of TVET.

Note that for the employment of technical teachers as described above, TSC asks for either a PDGE or a DTTE/post graduate diploma in technical education from KTTC (Kenya School of TVET)  so you can do your math and see which of the two suits you best.

Something else before you invest in a PGDE qualification: All graduate teachers must have studied at least 8 course units at the undergraduate level in every teaching subject to be eligible. And this applies to all the degrees.

Of course, you don’t want to waste time and money pursuing a PGDE if you won’t be eligible for consideration for secondary school teaching vacancies afterward so it’s critical that you observe the above conditions.

There is another group of teachers who can gain from pursuing a PGDE…

These are teachers who are planning to pursue a Master of Education (MeD.) degree, maybe for promotion reasons but were employed with a Bachelor of Arts/Science degree.

For this lot, TSC requires that you undertake a PGDE then use it to apply for admission into the MeD program in any university offering the course in Kenya.

Lastly, teachers planning to pursue enhancement courses in certain subjects may be required to have a PGDE (please contact the TSC official in your sub county education office for specific advice depending on the enhancement subject).


Where to pursue a PGDE in Kenya (post graduate diploma in education in Kenya)

Now that we’re through with the TSC requirements for PGDE, the next question that comes to mind is where to take the course in Kenya.

In general, a good number of universities offering teacher education degrees in Kenya offer the programme.

These include:

Universities offering pgde in Kenya

  1. MMUST (Masinde Muliro University)
  2. UoN- University of Nairobi
  3. Machakos University College
  4. KU- Kenyatta University
  5. Moi University
  6. Kisii University
  7. CUEA – The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  8. Baraton University (officially referred to as the University of Eastern Africa Baraton)
  9. MKU- Mount Kenya University (they also offer an online postgraduate diploma in education)
  10. PUEA- The Presbyterian University of East Africa
  11. UoE- University of Eldoret
  12. KCA University (Thika Road)
  13. Egerton University
  14. Chuka University
  15. Maseno University
  16. Daystar University

Overall, you are supposed to adopt a subject methods course when studying.

And since you’re preparing to teach in two approved curriculum subjects at the secondary school level, you should take subject combinations like:

  • Mathematics /Fine Arts
  • Biological Sciences/biology and Geography
  • Religious Education and Physics/Physical Sciences
  • Economics/Commerce and Chemistry
  • English /History
  • French /Kiswahili


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Now proceed reading below..

Post graduate diploma in education fees in universities offering PGDE in Kenya

Fees for the PGDE vary from one institution to the next.

To give you an idea of how much you can expect to spend, we compiled a fee guide from a couple of higher learning institutions offering the course.

Take a look:

Post graduate diploma in education fees guide (pgde fee structure)

Institution PGDE fees Statutory /administrative charges
Kenyatta University  Kshs. 130,000 Kshs. 23,500
University of Eldoret Kshs. 100, 000 (arts) and Kshs.120,000 (sciences) Kshs. 60,650 (arts) and Kshs.65,650 (sciences)
Maseno university Kshs. 76,000 About Kshs. 15,000
KCA university (distance learning) Kshs. 85,345 0
Mt Kenya University (as per the MKU PGDE fee structure ) Kshs. 49,550.00 per semester (count 2 semesters) Kshs.120000

TSC requirements for PGDE – Frequently asked questions [FAQs[

How long does it take to complete a PGDE?

Answer: The PGDE extends for a period of just one calendar year (minimum).

There are two semesters of relevant course work, examinations, and a project.

You spend the last months in teaching practice in a secondary school/an equivalent educational institution.

Note that the teaching practice lasts for the duration of a single academic term (which is 3 months in secondary schools).


Is PGDE equivalent to Masters?

Answer: Nope. This is not a degree course like the Masters but rather an advanced diploma education course.


Can I teach abroad with a PGDE?

Answer: Well, it depends on the country. Some countries won’t consider a PGDE for fulltime teaching positions overseas without some additional teaching certificates.

Others are just fine and recognize PGDEs from Kenya.

UPDATE: Those who keep asking if they can take PGDE and be registered by TSC as secondary school teachers in Kenya should understand that TSC does not accept all undergraduate courses (there are a number of courses not eligible for pgde). In truth, only those with a BA/Bsc undergraduate degree are guaranteed to get registration with TSC (after completing the PGDE).

For any other degree, we advise you to write an email to TSC (use the email address info@tsc.go.ke) to enquire if your undergraduate course is acceptable for registration after completing the PGDE (You can also call TSC via 020-
2892351 to understand more about tsc pgde requirements in Kenya)

Otherwise, you can always take a PGDE(No Institution will reject your money) with any undergraduate course…problem is, if your goal is to get a TSC number, Sorry it won’t work…but you can always target teaching at TVET colleges under PSC as PSC only needs an Undergraduate Degree(for the most part) and in fact a PGDE is considered an added advantage. So decide wisely.

PS: Follow Kenya Education Guide on Facebook here for more educational tips and advice.


Qualifications for secondary school teacher in Kenya


173 thoughts on “TSC requirements for PGDE in Kenya [latest guidelines]”

  1. Hi I have a concern, I have a degree in B.COM (Accounting) i have an interest in teaching, can I be considered for PGDE???

  2. Good morning,
    I hereby enquire about whether a degree holder in Business Administration (Procurement & supply chain Option) can qualify to pursue a Postgraduate Diploma in education and other necessities to fulfill the requirements of the Teachers Service Commission.
    Kindly advice.

  3. It sounds tricky but I really need a genuine answer I have a BSc IT but didn’t do computer as a subject when I was in high school. Can I qualify for PGDE in maths and computer?

  4. Hello? I hold a ‘Bachelor of Economics’ degree which is neither classified as a BA or BSC degree but has many units for math/business studies combination. Can I be employed by TSC after doing a PGDE?

  5. In my BA I did literature, Linguistics and religious studies but when I was a third year I dropped religious studies and majored in literature and Linguistics. In my PGDE can I be allowed to complete religious studies units as well?

  6. Dear Sir/Madam,
    Good afternoon, I have gone through the requirements and i noted that i did seven units of a teaching subject. My request is, is their any enhancement so that i met the set requirements.

  7. Hi,ni Chirchir,am inquiring if its possible to take a PGDE(Chem $Bio) I pursued Bsc Chemistry and graduated with second class honours upper division

  8. Hello I did BSC agriculture (crop science) i passed well in bio and chem And I was placed in the course.Agriculture I got a D+ .can i do a pgde in teaching bio and agriculture since TSC stipulate you can teach agriculture if you had above C+ in biology?

  9. Hi it’s Alice I have a bachelor of arts degree, having specialized in sociology and gender and development studies,can I do a pgde and qualify as a secondary teacher?

  10. Hello. I a dregree with a padd on BSc. zoology. Several Biological courses and 7 Chemistry courses. Can i persue a PGDE in Bio/ Chem?

  11. i did bsc. in agribusiness management from university of nairobi. Iam i eligible to pursue pgde and considered by tsc

  12. Dear admin am a Bsc Chemistry graduate and intend to join teaching profession specially Chen/Bio teaching subjects but my worry is I don’t have enough units for Bio guide on the way foward as by the requirements at least 8 units are required in order to be employed by tsc

  13. Hae,I did applied Statistics with computing as a degree,I didn’t take computer in secondary but have A plain in mathematics,Can I do a pgde and be registered and employed as a maths/computer teacher?I have five units of computer,what can i do to make them eight?

  14. Dear admin, I did Bachelor of science in Applied statistics with computing. Am I eligible to enroll for PGDE as a teacher in Maths/computer considering I didn’t do computer in secondary school. Thanks

  15. Thanks adm for this piece ,majority of disturbing questions on PGDE have been answered correctly. with the change in technology and rising numbers if covid 19 cases ,majority of university have now turned to online teaching.

  16. inquiry
    i have tried to contact tsc on pgde and not all undergraduate courses qualifies one to pursue pgde.
    Hi. I pursued a bsc in microbiology and I would like to inquire if my undergraduate degree meets the requirements needed for one to enroll Post graduate diploma in secondary education (pgde).

    The course you did is a deviation of what is required by the Commission for one to teach in a post primary school . Fundamentally, the commission only registers persons who have undertaken a Teacher Education Course . Regrettably , you do not qualify for PGDE.

    From: info@tsc.go.ke
    Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 8:56 AM
    To: Deputy Director QAS
    Subject: Fw: inquiry

  17. Thank admin for great advise,i did BSC.Mathematics and computer science,am i eligible for tsc registration after completion of my pgde?

    • Please note that the available subjects are as indicated. Plus, you must have undertaken a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science degree from a recognized university in Kenya.
      Then, you must have scored a mean grade of C+ in your O levels in addition to obtaining a C+ grade (minimum) in the two teaching subjects you intend to specialize in.

      • Clarification on technical such as comp, business,homescience . Since according to guidelines aren’t a must to have done them in kcse

        • Kindly note that the minimum qualifications are as stated in the article. Check with TSC if you have more questions.

  18. Hello.l pursued a bachelors degree in agricultural economics and resource management.Do l qualify for a PGDE?Then can l pursue a combination of business studies and history or religious studies?

    • It is important to note that the KCSE grade and a person’s undergraduate degree determines whether a person qualifies or is eligible for a PGDE or not. Hence, TSC does not accept all undergraduate courses.
      As it is now the course you did is a deviation of what is required by the Commission for one to teach in a post primary school.
      The commission only registers persons who have undertaken a Teacher Education Course. Hence, you were not qualified for PGDE as per your undergraduate degree.
      Bear that in mind and please contact TSC for final advise.

    • It is important to note that the KCSE grade and a person’s undergraduate degree determines whether a person qualifies or is eligible for a PGDE or not. Hence, TSC does not accept all undergraduate courses.
      The commission only registers persons who have undertaken a Teacher Education Course. Bear that in mind.

  19. Hello admin, I did Bsc Chemistry and hoping to go for a PGDE but I was shocked by the latest tsc teachers minimum requirements, some degrees have been scrapped like industrial Chemistry so my worry is will I be absorbed having done Bsc Chemistry and now that they have banned Bsc industrial chemistry and the two courses have alot of similarities, kindly help

  20. I have a question, I did bachelor of Development studies which did not have a teaching subject. But later I went for PGDE and I was taught two teaching subjects of which each contain more than 8 course unit.Will I qualify to register with TSC?

    • It is important to note that the KCSE grade and a person’s undergraduate degree determines whether a person qualifies or is eligible for a PGDE or not. Hence, TSC does not accept all undergraduate courses.
      As it is now the course you did is a deviation of what is required by the Commission for one to teach in a post primary school.
      The commission only registers persons who have undertaken a Teacher Education Course. Hence, you were not qualified for PGDE as per your undergraduate degree.

  21. I also did BSC Applied statistics, I was continuing with my PGDE, unfortunately tsc has indicated that I was not even qualified for PGDE,

  22. Hi Admin, This is the response I got when I inquired if I qualify for tsc registration as Teacher,I hold BSC.applied statistics &IT,
    Does this mean I should discontinue my PGDE coz I may not be registered as a teacher- mathematics , computer studies
    It is important to note that the KCSE grade and a person’s undergraduate degree determines whether a person qualifies or is eligible for a PGDE or not. Hence, TSC does not accept all undergraduate courses.

    As it is now the course you did is a deviation of what is required by the Commission for one to teach in a post primary school.

    The commission only registers persons who have undertaken a Teacher Education Course. Hence, you were not qualified for PGDE as per your undergraduate degree.

    Regards, TSC

    • In my opinion, Finish it and look for a job at a tertiary college (TVET colleges). However it all comes down to your long term career goal


    • A PGDE will only be helpful if you want to teach at a tertiary college. TSC asks for either Bachelor of Education or Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science if you want to get a TSC number after the PGDE

  24. hi admin,I did Bsc.Manufacturing engineering,I am interested in Teaching Maths/physics, Can tsc employ me upon doing pgde? I alrerady did 8 maths units and 8 physics units

    • It is important to note that the KCSE grade and a person’s undergraduate degree determines whether a person qualifies or is eligible for a PGDE or not. Hence, TSC does not accept all undergraduate courses.
      As it is now the course you did is a deviation of what is required by the Commission for one to teach in a post primary school.
      The commission only registers persons who have undertaken a Teacher Education Course. Hence, you were not qualified for PGDE as per your undergraduate degree.
      Bear that in mind and please contact TSC for final advise via info@tsc.go.ke
      [Your best bet is teaching in a technical college as a trainer]

    • It is important to note that the KCSE grade and a person’s undergraduate degree determines whether a person qualifies or is eligible for a PGDE or not. Hence, TSC does not accept all undergraduate courses.
      As it is now the course you did is a deviation of what is required by the Commission for one to teach in a secondary school.
      The commission only registers persons who have undertaken a Teacher Education Course. Hence, you were not qualified for PGDE as per your undergraduate degree.
      Bear that in mind and please contact TSC for final advise via info@tsc.go.ke
      [As it stands, Your best bet is looking for a chance in a technical college as a trainer].

  25. Hello Admin, I did a bachelor in Development studies from Makerere University, I have 3 principal passes and 1 subsidiary, am I eligible to go for PGDE.

    • Yeah but you will probably teach in a tertiary college. TSC doesnt register people with a non-educational undergraduate course

  26. am michael mukavi mutemi, persued a bachelors degree in geophysics and mineralogy, am i eligible for undertaking pgde?

    • You should write to TSC via the email address we gave in the article for clarification- remember they ask for an educational degree

  27. Have a degree in bachelor of science in agricultural economics will TSC recognize me if I do a PGDE??? I passed in all subjects did in kcse

    • Write to TSC before enrolling. But as indicated in the article, TSC only considers a PGDE that is backed up by an educational undergraduate degree.

  28. I graduated with Second Class Upper Division in BSc Biotechnology and am interested in doing PGDE science (Biology/Chemistry) so that I can have more skills in both class work and lab work.Am I eligible for this?

    • Write to TSC before enrolling. But as indicated in the article, TSC only considers a PGDE that is backed up by an educational undergraduate degree.

  29. Hello, I have a Bachelor of science in agricultural economics and resource management and I am willing to do a PGDE in agricultural extension and education. Will I be offered that chance?

  30. helloo?..i did bachelor of education arts degree but i got c- in english 2017 can i qualify to register tsc and become a high school teacher


    • If you dream of becoming a secondary school teacher in Kenya (under TSC),you should enroll for a PGDE if you pursued a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc.) degree.For any other degree, we advise you to write an email to TSC (use the email address info@tsc.go.ke) to enquire if your undergraduate course is acceptable for registration after completing the PGDE (You can also call TSC via 020-2892351)

  32. Hello.I did bachelor of science in Agricultural extension education.I would want to train as agriculture and biology teacher.My agriculture units are enough but biology units are not.I only have 4 units for biology.I would therefore want to enquire if my undergraduate course is considered for registration on completion of pgde.Thanks

  33. Hello.I did Bachelor of science in Agricultural extension education.I would want to train as Agriculture and biology teacher.My undergraduate course units for agriculture are enough but
    those for biology are only 4.I would want to enquire if my undergraduate course is considered for registration.Thanks

  34. Hello,Iam MARTIN DIMBA OSORE, I graduated from Baraton University with degree in Agribusiness management, second class lower division. Am l eligible to pursue PGDE Course?

  35. hello, i am fabian mwirigi, i graduated with Bsc.Entomology and Parasitology in meru university, later i realized i cannot pursue PGDE just because i had not qualified in one of the subjects i intended to be teaching,so if i sit for KCSE again and qualify, can i be allowed to do PGDE?

  36. Am patrick i did BSC MATH i graduated in upper class upper division .I had c plus in two teaching subject, but the problem is i have english c minus so kindly am asking if i can get tcs no after doing pged?

  37. Hello, I have been writing to tsc via their mail but am not given any advice or feedback for one year. I have a BSc degree school of biological and physical sciences (biology 42 units,chemistry 8units.Is it possible to undertake more agricultural units and do a pdge to teach biology and agriculture..?A detailed response via mail will be appreciated

    • Sorry for that. Unfortunately, They are the ones who can say for sure so you have to get a way of reaching them.

  38. Hello I did bachelor of science in natural resources can I do pgde in biology and chemistry I scored A- in chemistry and B+ in biology

  39. Hello, i did Bachelor of science mathematics, having c plus in two teachings subjects but i had c- in English , then would i qualify for tsc number after doing pgde?

  40. Hello,Iam Duncan Kithisya, I graduated from Egerton University with degree in BSC(Computer science), second class lower division. Am l eligible to pursue PGDE Course?

  41. hello,. I’m inquiring if someone who has degree in bsc mathematics get tsc number after doing pgde and has C minus in English but c+ in other subjects.

  42. Hello, my name is OSORE MARTIN DIMBA,I graduated with a bachelor of science, AGRIBUSINESS MANAGEMENT, second class upper division, Iam planning to enroll for a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education PGDE and teach Agriculture and Biology in secondary School. I scored Agriculture (B+), Biology (A-)Am I eligible?

  43. Hello… I am peter I did BSc in mathematics and computer science. Can I undertake a PGDE taking Mathematics and computer following the fact that I never did computer studies in high school? If not, can I undertake the PGDE with maths and another subject such as Chemistry or Physics? thanks

  44. Hi.
    I did Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Economics)
    Am I eligible to do a PGDE?
    Your feedback will be appreciated.
    Thank you.

  45. hi, I pursuit a bsc course and I scored D+ in English but I passed in physics and chemistry, can I qualify to be come a secondary teacher.

  46. Hi, I’m eligible to take P.G.D.E. I had CPlain in KCSE exams ,I started with a bridging course diploma in special needs education and then bachelor of special needs education with two teaching subjects business / geography and graduated with second class honors upper division

  47. Hello, I am Vincent a graduate with Bachelor of Science Physics [58],( I had A- maths and C+ phycs at O level ), now I am asking if I am eligible to apply post graduate as technical lecturer?..if yes then what are other requirements and how should I go about ..
    will appreciate for the feedback

  48. I did bachelor of arts in English literature sociology.bu I had C plain in English at kcse level can I qualify for pgde ?


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