Sign language courses in Kenya (where to learn sign language in Kenya)

Last updated on February 21st, 2025 at 03:46 pm

Learn about where you can study Sign language courses in Kenya in this short article

Doing sign language can be a good way of empowering yourself.


Because it has become one of the most invaluable skills to have as more businesses and institutions accept that having someone capable of using sign language in Kenya can help them reach more people  as well as make them look caring in the eyes of the general public.

In fact, Persons with Disabilities Act(2003) requires that  public institutions such as schools, hospitals, courts, and all government offices engage sign language interpreters(to help speak with the deaf).

Learning Kenya Sign language is also a good way of keeping yourself busy if you’re a form 4 leaver waiting to go to College/University during this waiting time.

Which brings me to an important question: where to learn sign language in Kenya.

Now, below are some of the institutions where you can learn sign language in Kenya including public colleges offering sign language courses in Kenya.

Sign language courses in Kenya – where to learn sign language in Kenya

These are the kenya sign language schools we recommend here at Kenya Education guide:

Where to learn sign language in Nairobi


Institute of Sign Language(ISL):

ISL is one of the best colleges offering professional sign language courses in Kenya.

And you can choose to study Part-time, Online, or Full-time.

Contact details

Location: Information Hse., Opposite Afya Center- 5th Floor (room 520), Nairobi-Kenya

Contact: You can reach them via 0729 438 815/0726 782 724/0710924026 (SMS ONLY)/0718 500 496 (CALL)

Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf

This is a public institution and you find it near the busy Waterfront Mall, Karen- off Ngong Road

Course structure:

  • Elementary KSL(Level 1)
  • Intermediate KSL(Level 2)
  • Advanced KSL(Level 3)

Karen Technical Training Institute for the Deaf contacts

Call: 0722 677859


St. Paul’s University

Here you can take a Diploma in KSL(Kenyan Sign Language) Interpretation.

Do not forget that the aim of the KSL course at St Paul’s is to make you a competent entry-level sign language interpreter, who is proficient in KSL as well as English or Kiswahili.

St. Paul’s University contacts

Physical Location: Limuru

Telephone: 0728 669 000/0736 424 440/ 0701 079 406

Nairobi Campus Telephone: 0701 079 407/ 0788 155 500


Ephphatha Sign Language Training Centre

Here you can earn a Basic Certification in Kenya Sign Language.

And you can again choose to attend face-to-face learning or take it as an online course.

By the way, Ephphatha(Catholic church owned) seems to be quite popular going by the raving reviews left by some of their students on Google.

Ephphatha contacts

Location: Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish- Adams Arcade, Nairobi

Telephone: 0705 769335


Kenya Institute of Special Education(KISE)

Another public intuition offering Kenya Sign  Language is KISE- KISE was formed to help train skills to make life more bearable for Kenyans with special needs and/or disabilities and has become one of the biggest such institutions in Kenya.

KISE contacts

Use the following Contact Information to get more details about their KSL programs:

Location: Kasarani, off. Thika Superhighway (Exit 8), along Kasarani-Mwiki Rd – drive onto ICIPE-KISE road

Telephone: 0734 801860




Where to learn sign language in Mombasa

Pioneer Sign Language Training Institute

Go to Pioneer Sign Language Training Institute if you’re in Mombasa.

Contact details

Location: They are at Eunice Wanjiru Blue-room building right next to Chicken Inn (1st Floor), Door No.1- along Haile Sellasie Road in Mombasa

WhatsApp: WhatsApp them on: 0785 358014


Where can I learn sign language in Kenya?

Still on where to study sign language in Kenya, you can also check out the following colleges/institutions:

Where to learn sign language in Kisumu

Pro-Terp Sign Language Center Kisumu

If you’re in Kisumu, contact Pro-Terp Sign Language Center via WhatsApp number 0717 485 111

Where to learn sign language in Nakuru

Nakuru Sign Language Training Centre

Sign Language Courses here:

  • Basic Sign Language
  • Advanced Sign Language
  • Interpretation Sign Language

Contacts Information

WhatsApp 0731 395 006


Horizon Sign Language Training Centre(Nakuru Branch)

HSLTC(Horizon Sign Language Training Centre)  is located at ministry of public works-right opposite the KFA building in Nakuru.

Contacts Information

WhatsApp 0799 030 547

Where to learn sign language in Eldoret

If you’re in Eldoret and you want to learn Kenyan Sign Language(KSL) check out the following training center:

Gifted Hands Center of Sign Language

  • Contact Information: Find them on Facebook here

Where can I study sign language in Kenya – Final words

Before you chooses where to learn sign language courses in Kenya, ask about what exactly the course covers, duration, cost, and decide whether you want to study online or go for face-to-face sessions(online is always a bit cheaper).

Also, check if that school is TVETA accredited.

Good bye and good luck!


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