Zetech University courses and fees structure [Updated]

Last updated on February 22nd, 2025 at 05:40 pm

Below is a full list of  Zetech University courses and fees structure (complete Zetech University fees structure)


Zetech University courses and fees structure

The list includes:

  • Zetech university degree courses
  • Zetech university diploma courses (Zetech university diploma courses and requirements)
  • Zetech university short courses
  • Zetech university distance learning courses

Let’s dive in:

Zetech University courses and fees structure – Zetech University fee structure for degree courses

Degree Name Fee/Semester (Kenya Shs.) Total Semesters you’ll pay for
Bachelor of Commerce(B-Com) 54650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Arts-International Relations& Diplomacy(BIRD) 54650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Education(Arts)-Bed.Arts 54650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Accounting& Finance(BAF) 54650.00 x8 semesters
B.B.I.T 60650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Science(BSc.)in Information Technology(BSC.IT) 60650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Economics& Statistics(BES) 54650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Business Administra-tion& Management(BBAM) 54650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Purchasing-&-Supply Chain Management(BPSCM) 54650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Science(BSc.)-in-Hospitality& Tourism Management(BSc.HTM) 60650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Science-in-Health Systems Management(BScHSM) 58650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Science(BSc)-in-Computer Science(BCS) 60650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Science(BSc)-in-Computer Science& Mathematics(BCM) 60650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Science(BSc)-in-Computer Science&Applied Physics(BCP) 60650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Science(BSc) –in Software Engineering(BSE) 60650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Science(BSc)-in-Media &Digital Communications(BMDC) 60650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Journalism-(BAJ) 60650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Arts(BA)-in-Psychology-with Technology(BPSY) 54650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Arts(BA)-in-Sociology –With Technology(BST) 54650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Arts(BA) –in-Political Science- with Technology(BPT) 54650.00 x8 semesters
Bachelor of Science(BSc)-in-Actuarial Science(BSC.AS) 60650.00 x8 semesters


Zetech University degree courses [Everything you need to know]



Zetech University courses and fees structure – Zetech University Diploma courses Fee structure

Diploma Course Fee/Semester(Kes..)
Business Management-&- Administration(DBMA) Diploma 30,650.00
Purchasing-&-Supply Chain Management(DPSM) Diploma 30,650.00
Human Resource Management Diploma-(DHRM) 30,650.00
Accounting and Finance(DAF)-Diploma 30,650.00-
Counseling Psychology Diploma-(DCPY) 30,650.00-
Project Management Diploma)_(DPM) 30,650.00
Criminology&Security Studies Diploma(DCSC) 30,650.00
International Relations&Diplomacy Diploma(DIRD) 30,650.00
Communication&Media Studies Diploma(DCMS) 36,850.00-
Film&Television Production Diploma(DFT) 36,850.00
Information Technology Diploma(DIT) 36,850.00
Software Engineering Diploma_(DSE) 36,850.00
Business Information Technology Diploma_(DBIT) 36,850.00
Computer Science Diploma_(DCS) 36,850.00
Hospitality Management Diploma_(DHM) 38,850.00
Tourism Management Diploma_(DTM) 30,650.00


Zetech University diploma courses [All about Zetech University diploma courses]


Zetech university certificate fee structure

Certificate Course Name Number Terms to pay Fees / Term
Business Management (KNEC)Certificate x5 terms Shs.15000.00
Supply Chain Management-(KNEC)-Certificate x 5 terms Shs.15000.00
Human Resource Management-(KNEC)- Certificate x 5 terms Shs.15000.00
Information Communication Technology-(KNEC)-certificate in IT at zetech university x 5 terms Shs.15000.00
Electrical Engineering-(Power)(KNEC)-Certificate x 6 terms Shs.15000.00
Community Development&Social Work(KNEC) Certificate x 4 terms Shs.15000.00
Food Production, Sales-&-Service Management Certificate-(KNEC) x 5 terms Shs.15000.00
Certificate in Journalism-Part I-(ICM) Certificate x 3 terms Shs.16500.00
Artisan Certificate in Salesmanship_(KNEC) x 3 terms Shs.15000.00
Artisan in Store Keeping_(KNEC) x 3 terms Shs.15000.00
Artisan Certificate in Food-&-Beverage Production(KNEC) x 3 terms Shs.17500.00
Artisan Certificate-in-Electrical Installation(KNEC) x 3 terms Shs.17500.00
CPA I part One(KASNEB) 6-Months Shs.16000.00


Zetech University certificate courses [Requirements, Duration, Career opportunities, etc]

Zetech University fee structure for short courses

ICDL WORKFORCE  SUITE WordProcessing KES… 31000

(Course lasts 3 months)

Online Essentials
I.T. Security
ICDL PROFESSIONAL MODULES Advanced Presentations module KES… 9500

Course  lasts  5 weeks

Advanced Word Processing module KES… 9,500

Course  lasts  5 weeks

Advanced Spreadsheets module KES… 9,500

Course  lasts  5 weeks

Digital Marketing  module KES… 9,500

Course lasts 5 weeks

Advanced databases  module KES… 9,500

Course lasts 5 weeks

End User Professional(Computer packages) M-S Windows package KES… 12,000.00

Course lasts 8 weeks

M-S PowerPoint package
M-S Word package, Concepts of ICT package
M-S Excel  package, Internet package
M-S Access package, M-S Outlook package
Advanced End-User Professional Advanced Word Processing package (word) KES… 7,000

Course lasts 5 weeks

Advanced Spreadsheet package (Excel) KES… 7,000

Course lasts 5 weeks

Advanced database package (Access) KES… 7,000

Course lasts 5 weeks

Web Design Pro HTML unit KES… 5,000

Course lasts 3 weeks

CSS  unit KES… 6,000

Course lasts 4 weeks

Fireworks/Dreamweaver   unit KES… 6,000  each

Course lasts 4 weeks

Joomla, Drupal, WordPress units KES… 9,000  each

Course lasts 5 weeks

PHP   unit KES… 9,000  each

Course lasts 4 weeks

Databases My SQL and SQL  units KES… 9,000  each

Course lasts 4 weeks

Computer Programmer Specialist(coder) Fundamentals of Java unit KES… 8,000

Course lasts 4 weeks

Java SE(Standard Edition) unit KES… 25,000

Course lasts 4 weeks

C, C++ , and VisualBasic units KES… 7,000  each

Course lasts 4 weeks

Python Programming language unit KES… 10,000

Course lasts 5 weeks

CISCO Courses CCNA  stages 1-3 KES… 10,000  each module

Course lasts 3 months to complete the three modules

 CYBER OPS 15,000

Course lasts 6 weeks

IT Essentials course(Equivalent to A+) 10,000

Course lasts 5 weeks

Computer Aided Design AutoCAD  unit, ArchiCAD  unit KES… 7,000  each

Course lasts 4 weeks

Financial Applications QuickBooks financial software, Sage financial application KES… 6,000 each

Course lasts 4 weeks

Statisical  Packages MsProject  unit, SPSS  unit, and STATA KES… 7,500  each

Course lasts 4 weeks

HUAWEI Certifications HCIA – Datacom module,HCIA-Security module, HCIA-IOT module,HCIA-Big data module, HCIA- cloud Computing module,HCIA-Storage module, &HCIA-WLAN module KES… 20,000 each

Course lasts 5 weeks

Graphic Design CorelDraw/Adobe Photoshop/Adobe Illustrator/Adobe InDesign/Microsoft publisher KES… 6,000 each

Course lasts 4 weeks

Foreign Languages English as a foreign language KES… 9,000 per term(1 term=3 months)
French as a foreign language KES… 9,000 per term(1 term=3 months)
 Others Project management development-&-writing skills KES… 10,000

Course lasts 2 weeks

Effective management of-CBO/NGOs- KES… 10,000

Course lasts 4 weeks

HIV/Guidance-&- counselling KES… 10,000

Course lasts 4 weeks

Research Methods-&-skills KES… 10,000

Course lasts 4 weeks

Effective leadership skills-&-Development KES… 10,000

Course lasts 4 weeks

Resource mobilization-&-fund raising KES… 10,000

Course lasts 4 weeks

Strategic Planning-&-Management Of Projects KES… 10,000

Course lasts 4 weeks

Pastries/pastry KES… 10,000

Course lasts 4 weeks

Confectioneries KES… 8,500

Course lasts 1 week

Cake-Making& decorations KES… 10,000

Course lasts 4 weeks

Meals’ Preparation KES… 15,000

Course lasts 4 weeks

Basic Food Service KES… 5,000

Course lasts 4 weeks

ALSO READ: Zetech University short courses [All you need to know]

Zetech university courses and fees structure (Zetech college courses and fees structure)– final words

Now Zetech University is not a public institution, you are going to be self-sponsored so the above is essentially Zetech university fee structure for self sponsored students- also put aside some money for other important expenses including hostels and food.

Remember you can apply for HELB loan if you’re short of money- it is awarded even to students in private universities and can help ease your financial burden

SOURCE: https://www.zetech.ac.ke/index.php/academics/tuition-fees



Zetech university diploma courses and fee structure

Zetech university diploma certificate

Degree courses offered at Zetech university

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