Sigalagala national polytechnic courses and fees structure

Last updated on February 21st, 2025 at 06:55 am

If your dream is to study at Sigalagala National Polytechnic, this is for you: Find below the Sigalagala national polytechnic courses and fees structure (current).

We shall also share the requirements for various courses.

Sigalagala national polytechnic courses and fees structure (All Sigalagala National Polytechnic courses and requirements and fees)

First, let us look at the updated fee structure for Sigalagala national polytechnic

Sigalagala national polytechnic fee structure

Tuition fees (Certificate and Diploma courses)..

Term 1- 19600

Term 2-18119


Term 1- 1870

Term 2-2100


Term 1- 2100

Term 2-2100

Activity fee

Term 1- 2000

Term 2-2000

Personal emoluments

Term 1- 5150

Term 2-5150


Term 1- 2000

Term 2-2000


Term 1- 1500

Term 2-1500

Total fee payable

Term 1- 34220

Term 2-32969

Other charges (Student ID card, Registration, KUCCPS, Students welfare,  TVETA Fee)- Kshs.4000

TOTAL PAYABLE (Per year)- Kshs. 71189.00 …..Remember the Kshs.4000 is paid when reporting so add it to term 1 fee.


How to pay fees

Pay fees to the following account:

Main Campus students

Bank account 1

A/c Name: Sigalagala national polytechnic

Bank Name: ABSA Bank

Bank Branch: Kakamega

Bank account number: 8043551


Bank account 2

A/c Name: Sigalagala national polytechnic

Bank Name: Equity Bank

Bank Branch: Kakamega

Bank account number: 0500277394606


Town Campus students

A/c Name: Sigalagala national polytechnic

Bank Name: Cooperative Bank

Bank Branch: Kakamega

Bank account number: 01120098473700


Maturu Campus students

A/c Name: Sigalagala national polytechnic

Bank Name: Cooperative Bank

Bank Branch: Kakamega

Bank account number: 01139098473700

*Be sure to apply for government funding through HEF website …

The Sigalagala national polytechnic fee structure is that way so let us look at the courses you can take there


Sigalagala national polytechnic courses offered

Diploma courses offered at Sigalagala national polytechnic and requirements

Remember that courses at Sigalagala national polytechnic are examined by bodies such as TVET CDACC, NITA, HRMPEB, KASNEB, KISEB, and KNEC….(It is soon getting replaced by TVET CDACC)…Of course, a few are examined by the polytechnic itself, especially the Sigalagala national polytechnic short courses.

Agriculture Department

Agriculture Extension Level 6(Diploma)

Requirements: C- minus

Duration: 9 terms

Environmental Science with Technology Level 6(Diploma)

Requirements: C- aggregate and(maths- D+, Bio – C-, Chem- C-)

Duration: 9 terms

Horticulture producer Level 6 ( Diploma)

Requirements: C- minus

Duration: 9 terms

Apiculture Management Level 6 ( Diploma)

Requirements: C- minus

Duration: 9 terms

Agripreneurship Level 6

Requirements: C- minus

Duration: 9 terms

Environmental Management Level 6(Diploma)

Requirements: C- minus

Duration: 6 terms


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Now proceed reading below..

Applied Sciences Department

Chemical Engineering -Level 6

Requirements: C-(minus) aggregate and Chemistry D+(Plus)

Duration: 9 Terms

Industrial chemistry-level 6

Requirements: C-(minus) aggregate and Chemistry D+(plus)

Duration: 9 Terms

Diploma in Sciences Laboratory Technology

Requirements: C-(minus) aggregate

Duration: 9 terms

Science laboratory technology level 6

Requirements: C-(minus) aggregate

Duration: 9 terms

Applied Biology Mod-level 6

Requirements: C- (Minus) KCSE aggregate

Duration: 9 terms

Analytical Chemistry -level 6

Requirements: C- KCSE aggregate, plus D+ (Plus) in chemistry

Duration: 9 Terms


Health Sciences Department

Health Records and information Technology- Level 6 Diploma

Requirements: C Plain aggregate and C plain in English/Kiswahili and C- in Sciences along with a D plain in Maths

Duration: 9 terms

Nutrition and Dietetics – Level 6 Diploma

Requirements: C- (minus) aggregate and C-(minus) in English/Kiswahili, Sciences, and Maths

Duration: 9 terms

Community Health – Level 6 Diploma

Requirements: C- minus (aggregate)

Duration: 9 terms

Pharmaceutical Technology – Level 6 Diploma

Requirements: C Plain(aggregate) plus C plain in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology

Duration: 9 terms

Medical Lab. Technology – Level 6 Diploma

Requirements: C Plain(aggregate) plus C plain in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology

Duration: 9 terms


Building and Civil Engineering Department

  • Architectural Technology -level 6 diploma
  • Building Technician -level 6 diploma
  • Civil Engineering -level 6 diploma
  • Land Surveying -level 6 diploma
  • Quantity Surveying -level 6 diploma

The requirement for all Diploma courses in the department is just a C-(KCSE Aggregate) grade.

Also, each takes 9 terms to finish.


Business Studies Department

  1. Accountancy- Level 6 Diploma
  2. Banking and Finance – Level 6 Diploma
  3. Business Management – Level 6 Diploma
  4. Co-operative Management – Level 6 Diploma
  5. Human Resource Management – Level 6 Diploma
  6. Marketing Management – Level 6 Diploma
  7. Office Administration – Level 6 Diploma
  8. Project Management – Level 6 Diploma
  9. Supply Chain Management – Level 6 Diploma
  10. Credit Manager – Level 6 Diploma
  11. Office Manager – Level 6 Diploma
  12. Stores Manager – Level 6 Diploma

Again the requirement for all Level 6 Diploma courses in the business studies department is just a C-(KCSE Aggregate) grade. Meanwhile, you finish the course in about 9 terms.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department Diplomas

  • Electrical Engineering (Power option) -Level 6 Diploma
  • Instrumentation and Control Engineering-Level 6 Diploma
  • Telecommunication Engineering- Level 6 Diploma

You need a C- in all and you’ll study for 9 terms as well.


Department of Computing and Informatics Diplomas

  1. ICT- Level 6 Diploma
  2. Library and Information Science- Level 6 Diploma
  3. Records and Archives Management – Level 6 Diploma
  4. Diploma in Journalism & Mass media
  5. Journalism – Level 6 Diploma

You take 9 terms too to complete and all the courses needs just a C-(Aggregate) in your KCSE.


Institutional Management, Hospitality, Fashion & Design Diplomas

  • Food and Beverage sales & service management- Diploma level 6
  • Food and Beverage production(culinary Arts ) – Diploma level 6
  • Housekeeping and Accommodation- Diploma level 6
  • Baking Technology – Diploma level 6
  • Fashion Design – Diploma level 6
  • Cosmetology – Diploma level 6

Once again you take 9 terms too to complete these level 6 diplomas and all the courses needs just a C-(Aggregate) in your KCSE.


Automotive & Mechanical Engineering Department Diplomas

  1. Automotive Engineering -level 6 diploma
  2. Mechanical Production -level 6 diploma
  3. Welding and Fabrication -level 6 diploma


As it has been all through, the requirement for the above Level 6 diplomas is C- (aggregate) in your KCSE and you study for 9 terms.

Liberal Studies Department Diplomas

  • Social work and community development- level 6 diploma
  • Child protection – level 6 diploma
  • Counseling & psycho social support – level 6 diploma

C- needed and courses duration is 9 terms.

Certificate courses offered at Sigalagala national polytechnic and requirements

Agriculture Department

Agricultural Extension -Level 4

Duration: 2 terms

Apiculture Management Level 5(Certificate)

Duration: 6 terms

Horticulture Producer Level 5(Certificate)

Duration: 6 terms

Agripreneurship Level 5

Duration: 6 terms

The requirements for these courses are KCSE Certificate, with any grade (Level 4) and D plain(at least), for Level 5 Certificate courses….


Applied Sciences Department

Science Laboratory Technology-level 5

Requirements: D Plain

Duration: 6 Terms


Health Sciences Department

Community Health -level 5 certificate

Requirements: D+ Plus(Aggregate)

Duration: 6 Terms

Health Records and information Technology- Level 5 certificate

Requirements: D(Plain) (Aggregate) plus D plain in Maths as well as Languages & Sciences

Duration: 6 Terms

Nutrition and Dietetics -level 5 certificate

Requirements: D(Plain) (Aggregate) plus D plain in Maths as well as Languages & Sciences

Duration: 6 Terms


Building and Civil Engineering Department certificate courses

Level 5 certificate courses

  1. Land Surveying -level 5 certificate
  2. Carpentry and Joinery -level 5 certificate
  3. Plumbing -level 5 certificate

The requirement for all level 5 certificate courses in the department is just a D+(KCSE Aggregate) grade.

Also, each takes 6 terms to finish.

Level 4 certificate courses

  • Plumbing -level 4 certificate (Maturu campus)
  • Masonry -level 4 certificate (Maturu Campus)
  • Carpentry and Joinery -level 4 certificate (Maturu Campus)

The requirement for all level 4 certificate courses in the department is just a D-(KCSE Aggregate) grade and each takes 3 terms to finish.


Business Studies Department certificate courses

  1. Business Management -Level 5 certificate
  2. Co-operative Management -Level 5 certificate
  3. Human Resource Management -Level 5 certificate
  4. Marketing -Level 5 certificate
  5. Office Administration -Level 5 certificate
  6. Project Management -Level 5 certificate
  7. Supply Chain Management -Level 5 certificate
  8. Credit Manager -Level 5 certificate
  9. Office Manager -Level 5 certificate
  10. Stores Manager -Level 5 certificate
  11. Store keeping -Level 4 certificate*

The requirement for all level 5 certificate courses in the business department is just a D plain(KCSE Aggregate) grade and you still take about 6 terms to be done.

Also, each takes 6 terms to finish.

At the same time, you need a D-( KCSE Aggregate) to get admission into the Store keeping -Level 4 certificate course and it will take you 3 terms to graduate.


Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department Certificate programmes

  • Electrical Installation -Level 5 certificate- Needs D (plain) and takes 6 Terms
  • Electrical Installation -Level 4 certificate (Maturu Campus) – Needs D- (minus) and takes 3 Terms
  • Solar Photovoltaic Installation- Level 4 certificate- Needs D- (minus) and takes 3 Terms


Department of Computing and Informatics Certificates

  1. ICT level 5 Certificate
  2. Records & Archives Management level 5 Certificate
  3. Certificate in Journalism & Mass media

Note that You take 6 terms too to complete and all the above courses needs just a D plain (Aggregate) in your KCSE.


Institutional Management, Hospitality, Fashion & Design Certificates

Level 5

  1. Food and Beverage sales & sales management -level 5 certificate
  2. Housekeeping and Accommodation -level 5 certificate
  3. Food &Beverage Production(Culinary Arts ) -level 5 certificate
  4. Fashion Design -level 5 certificate
  5. Baking Technology -level 5 certificate
  6. Cosmetology -level 5 certificate

The requirements for Level 5 certs is D plain(aggregate) in your KCSE and you study for 6 terms.


Level 4

  1. Cosmetology- level 4 Certificate
  2. Baking Technology- level 4 Certificate
  3. Fashion design – level 4 Certificate ( Maturu Campus)
  4. Food and Beverage – level 4 Certificate (Town & Maturu Campuses)

The requirements for Level 4 certs is D-(aggregate) in your KCSE and you study for 3 terms.


Automotive & Mechanical Engineering Department Certificates

  • Automotive Engineering- level 5 certificate
  • Mechanical Production – level 5 certificate
  • Welding and Fabrication – level 5 certificate

As always, the requirement for Level 5 certs is D plain(aggregate) in your KCSE and you study for 6 terms.


Liberal Studies Department Certificates

  1. Social work & community development- level 5 certificate
  2. Child protection -level 5 certificate

D plain(aggregate) needed and you study for 6 terms.


Sigalagala national polytechnic short courses

Agriculture Department

  1. Kienyeji Chicken Growers Management(Level 4)
  2. Kienyeji Chicken Health &Welfare Management
  3. Artificial Incubation Management-Level 3
  4. Artificial Kienyeji Chick Brooding Management-Level 3
  5. Passion Fruit Orchard Operation-Level 3
  6. Passion Fruit Processing-Level 3
  7. Bee Product Harvesting-Level 3
  8. Agrientreprise Firm Establishment-Level 3
  9. Marketing Agrientreprise Products & Services

The requirements for these courses are just a KCPE Certificate and they take 1 month to complete

Health Sciences Department

  • Health promotion
  • HIV Testing Services

The requirements for these two short courses are just a KCSE Certificate(Any grade) and they take 1 month to complete


Computing and informatics

  1. Computer Repair and Maintenance- Needs KCSE
  2. Computer Graphics (Photoshop)-Needs KCSE
  3. Computer Packages-needs KCPE

You take 1 term(3 months) to complete these courses.


Sigalagala national polytechnic courses and fees structure – Other courses

Business department

The following courses require you to have a C+ (KCSE aggregate) or a diploma in a business-related area(with a credit pass).

They take 6 terms too.

  1. Certified Public Accountant(CPA) -KASNEB examined
  2. CCP (Certified Credit Professional) -KASNEB examined
  3. CS (Certified Secretaries) -KASNEB examined
  4. CIFA (Certified Investment Financial Analyst) -KASNEB examined
  5. Certified Human Resource Professional(CHRP)- needs a C+ or Diploma in HRM(credit pass)
  6. Certified Procurement and Supply Professional(CPSP) –Needs a C+ (plus) plus a C+ (plus) in both English and Mathematics. You can also be admitted with Pass in the Associate in Procurement and Supply exams.

The other course there is the ATD- examined by KASNEB- and it needs a C-(KCSE aggregate)

Driving school- NTSA

Course Qualifications Duration
Driving school Instructor course D (plain) aggregate and a valid driving license 6 Terms
Driving course National ID Just 1 term

Keep in mind that the fee structure for the short courses will be provided to you upon enquiry so reach out to the institution using the contacts I will share near the end of the article for short fees information.

Sigalagala national polytechnic courses and fees structure – When are the intakes?

The major courses intakes are in January, May, and sept every year.

On the other hand, short courses have periodic intakes (some monthly)


Sigalagala national polytechnic courses and fees structure – how to apply

Apply through KUCCPS when the portal opens(keep checking here)…..that way, you can benefit from government funding when it comes to the fees.

Otherwise, apply online if you want to be self-sponsored.


How to apply online (for self-sponsored)…

Go to (and fill in the form)…be sure to attach all required documents


Sigalagala national polytechnic location

Remember you can also visit Sigalagala National Polytechnic at Sheywe, along Kisumu-Kakamega Road/ and Along the Sigalagala – Butere Road.


Sigalagala National Polytechnic contacts

Below is how to contact Sigalagala National Polytechnic

Calls/Text: 0793 600 519


Main website:


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