List of TVET CDACC approved courses

Last updated on September 20th, 2023 at 07:06 am

This is the current updated list of TVET CDACC approved courses (All CDACC levels)

TVET CDACC approved courses

  1. Accountancy-Level 6
  2. Aeronautical Engineering-Air frame & power plant option-Level 6
  3. Aeronautical Engineering(Avionics option) -Level 6
  4. Agricultural Engineering-Level 6
  5. Agricultural Extension-Level 4
  6. Agricultural Extension-Level 6
  7. Agriculture machinery and equipment-Level 4
  8. Agriprenuership-Level 3
  9. Agriprenuership-Level 4
  10. Agriprenuership-Level 5
  11. Agriprenuership-Level 6
  12. Air Cargo Management-Level 6
  13. Air Cargo Operations-Level 5
  14. Airport operations-Level 6
  15. Analytical Chemistry-Level 6
  16. Animation and Digital Media-Level 5
  17. Animation & Digital Media Technology-Level 6
  18. Apiary attendant-Level 4
  19. Apiculture management-Level 5
  20. Apiculture management-Level 6
  21. Applied Biology-Level 6
  22. Applied statistics-Level 6
  23. Aquaculture-Level 3
  24. Aquaculture-Level 4
  25. Aquaculture-Level 5
  26. Aquaculture-Level 6
  27. Architectural Draftsmanship-Level 5

TVET CDACC approved courses continued (TVET CDACC approved courses in Kenya)

  1. Architectural Technology-Level 6
  2. Artificial Intelligence-Level 6
  3. Automotive Engineering-Level 5
  4. Automotive Engineering-Level 6
  5. Automotive Mechanic-Level 3
  6. Automotive Technician-Level 4
  7. Baking Technology (Cake decoration) -Level 3
  8. Baking Technology (Cake producer) -Level 3
  9. Baking Technology (Pastry producer) -Level 3
  10. Baking Technology (Yeast products) -Level 3
  11. Baking Technology (Cake Decoration and Pastry Production) -Level 4
  12. Baking Technology (Cake Production and Decoration) -Level 4
  13. Baking Technology (Production of Cakes and Pastry Products) -Level 4
  14. Baking Technology (Production of Yeast Products and Cake
  15. Decoration) -Level 4
  16. Baking Technology (Production of Yeast Products and Cakes) -Level 4
  17. Baking Technology (Yeast and Pastry Production) -Level 4
  18. Baking Technology-Level 5
  19. Baking Technology-Level 6
  20. Banking and finance-Level 6
  21. Bartender-Level 4
  22. Beauty Therapy-Level 3
  23. Beauty Therapy-Level 4
  24. Beauty Therapy-Level 5
  25. Beauty Therapy-Level 6
  26. Bee products Processing-Level 4
  27. Beehives and Equipment Construction-Level 4
  28. Biotechnology-Level 5
  29. Biotechnology-Level 6
  30. Broadcast Journalism-Level 6
  31. Building Artisan-Level 4
  32. Building Technician-Level 6
  33. Business Management-Level 5
  34. Business Management-Level 6
  35. Carpentry and Joinery-Level 4
  36. Carpentry and Joinery-Level 5
  37. Cartography-Level 6
  38. Ceramic Technology-Level 3
  39. Ceramic Technology-Level 4


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Now proceed reading below..👇

  1. Ceramic technology-Level 6
  2. Ceramics Technology-Level 5
  3. Chemical Engineering-Level 6
  4. Child Protection-Level 5
  5. Child Protection-Level 6
  6. Christian Ministry-Level 6
  7. Civil Engineering-Level 6
  8. Clearing and Forwarding-Level 6
  9. Community health-Level 4
  10. Community Health-Level 5
  11. Community health-Level 6
  12. Community Policing-Level 5
  13. Computer applications-Level 3
  14. Computer Programming-Level 6
  15. Computer Science-Level 6
  16. Concrete Field Testing-Level 4
  17. Construction Management-Level 6
  18. Construction plant Engineering-Level 6
  19. Construction survey-Level 4
  20. Cooperative management-Level 5
  21. Cooperative Management-Level 6
  22. Corporate Governance-Level 6
  23. Counseling Psychology-Level 5
  24. Counselling Psychology-Level 6
  25. Credit management-Level 6
  26. Credit Officer-Level 5
  27. Criminal Justice Management-Level 5
  28. Criminal Justice management-Level 6
  29. Customs Administration-Level 5
  30. Customs Administration-Level 6
  31. Cyber Security-Level 5
  32. Cyber Security-Level 6
  33. Dairy Farm Management-Level 3
  34. Dairy Farm Management-Level 4
  35. Dairy Farm Management-Level 5
  36. Dairy Farm Management-Level 6
  37. Dairy Plant Management-Level 4
  38. Dairy Plant Management-Level 5
  39. Dairy Plant Management-Level 6


TVET CDACC approved courses continued


  • Dairy Processing-Level 4
  • Data management and Analytics-Level 6
  • Digital Journalism-Level 6
  • Distributed Sales-Level 3
  • Distributed sales-Level 5
  • Drawing and Painting-Level 6
  • Electrical Engineering-Level 6
  • Electrical Installation-Level 3
  • Electrical Installation-Level 4
  • Electrical Installation-Level 5
  • Electrical Installation-Level 6
  • Electrical Operations-Level 5
  • Electronics-Level 3
  • Electronics-Level 4
  • Electronics Engineering-Level 5
  • Electronics Engineering-Level 6
  • Environmental Management-Level 6
  • Environmental Science-Level 6
  • Fabric Formation-Level 5
  • Fashion design-Level 4
  • Fashion design-Level 5
  • Fashion design (dress making) -Level 3
  • Fashion design (tailoring) -Level 3
  • Fashion Design Management-Level 6
  • Film production-Level 6
  • Financial Sales Services-Level 5
  • Fine arts-Level 5
  • Fine arts-Level 6
  • Fingerprint and Biometric Technology-Level 6
  • Fire Management-Level 6
  • Fisheries Technology-Level 5
  • Fisheries Technology-Level 6
  • Fisheries Technology (Dry Dock Operations) -Level 4
  • Fisheries Technology (Dry Dock Operations) -Level 3
  • Fisheries Technology (fishing operations) -Level 3
  • Fisheries Technology (fishing operations) -Level 4
  • Flight dispatch-Level 6
  • Food and Beverage Production (Culinary Arts) -Level 3
  • Food and Beverage Production(Culinary Art) -Level 6


  • Food and Beverage Production(Culinary Arts) -Level 4
  • Food and Beverage Production(Culinary arts) -Level 5
  • Food and Beverage Sales & Service Management-Level 6
  • Food and Beverage Sales and Services Operations-Level 3
  • Food and Beverage Sales Service-Level 4
  • Food Beverage Sales and Service Management-Level 5
  • Food Processing Technology-Level 4
  • Food Technology-Level 5
  • Food Technology-Level 6
  • Footwear production-Level 3
  • Footwear production-Level 4
  • Footwear production-Level 5
  • Forensic investigation-Level 5
  • Forensic investigation-Level 6
  • Forestry-Level 6
  • Forestry Management-Level 5
  • Forex and securities-Level 3
  • Forex and securities-Level 4
  • Forex and securities-Level 5
  • Forex and Securities-Level 6
  • Freight Management-Level 6
  • Freight operations-Level 5
  • Front Office Operations-Level 3
  • Gemology-Level 3
  • Gemology-Level 4
  • Gemology-Level 5
  • Gemology-Level 6
  • Geophysical Exploration Technology
  • Geophysical Exploration Technology-Level 6
  • Graphic Design-Level 5
  • Graphic Design-Level 6
  • Hairdressing-Level 3
  • Hairdressing-Level 4
  • Hairdressing-Level 5
  • Hairdressing-Level 6
  • Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy-Level 3
  • Health Records and Information-Level 5
  • Health records and IT-Level 6
  • Health Services Support-Level 4


TVET CDACC approved courses continued


  • Health Services Support-Level 5
  • Herbal Medicine-Level 6
  • Highway Engineering-Level 6
  • Homecare Management-Level 6
  • Horticultural Produce Processing Management-Level 3
  • Horticultural Produce Processing Management-Level 4
  • Horticultural Produce Processing Management-Level 5
  • Horticultural Produce Processing Management-Level 6
  • Horticulture Nursery Management-Level 3
  • Horticulture Nursery Management-Level 4
  • Horticulture Nursery Management-Level 5
  • Horticulture Nursery Management-Level 6
  • Horticulture Production-Level 3
  • Horticulture Production-Level 4
  • Horticulture Production-Level 5
  • Horticulture Production-Level 6
  • Housekeeping and Accommodation-Level 3
  • Housekeeping and Accommodation-Level 4
  • Housekeeping and Accommodation-Level 5
  • Housekeeping and Accommodation-Level 6
  • Human Resource Management-Level 5
  • Human Resource Management-Level 6
  • ICT Technician-Level 4
  • ICT Technician-Level 5
  • ICT Technician-Level 6
  • Industrial Automation and Robotics-Level 6
  • Industrial Controls Installations-Level 6
  • Industrial plant operations-Level 6
  • Industrial plant operation-Level 5
  • Industrial Plant Operations-Level 4
  • Instrumentation and Control-Level 3
  • Instrumentation and Control-Level 4
  • Instrumentation and Control-Level 5
  • Instrumentation and Control-Level 6
  • Insurance-Level 3
  • Insurance-Level 4
  • Insurance-Level 5
  • Insurance-Level 6
  • Integrated Pest Management


  1. Interior Design-Level 4
  2. Interior Design-Level 5
  3. Interior Design-Level 6
  4. Interior Design Finishing
  5. Investment Management-Level 6
  6. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Technology-Level 6
  7. Islamic Banking-Level 6
  8. Land Surveying-Level 5
  9. Land surveying-Level 6
  10. Laundry and Dry-Cleaning Operations-Level 4
  11. Leather Goods Production-Level 5
  12. Leather Processing(tanning) -Level 5
  13. Leather Technology-Level 6
  14. Library and Information Science-Level 5
  15. Library and information science-Level 6
  16. Marine Engineering-Level 5
  17. Marine Engineering (Ship Construction) -Level 6
  18. Maritime Transport and Logistics-Level 6
  19. Marketing-Level 5
  20. Marketing Management-Level 6
  21. Marriage and Family Therapy-Level 5
  22. Marriage and family therapy-Level 6
  23. Masonry-Level 3
  24. Masonry-Level 4
  25. Meat Abattoir Operations-Level 4
  26. Meat Based Product Processing-Level 4
  27. Meat Butchery Operations-Level 3
  28. Meat Butchery Operations-Level 4
  29. Meat Processing-Level 5
  30. Meat Slaughterhouse Operations-Level 3
  31. Mechanical Heavy & Light Machinery Operations-Level 6
  32. Mechanical Plant Technology-Level 5
  33. Mechanical plant Technology-Level 6
  34. Mechanical Technology and Maintenance-Level 6
  35. Mechanical Technology(Production) -Level 6
  36. Mechatronic Technician-Level 5
  37. Mechatronic Technician-Level 6
  38. Medical Engineering-Level 5
  39. Medical Engineering-Level 6


TVET CDACC approved courses continued


  1. Medical laboratory technology-Level 6
  2. Mining Technology-Level 6
  3. Motorcycle Mechanics-Level 3
  4. Motorcycle Mechanics-Level 4
  5. Music Art-Level 5
  6. Music performance-Level 6
  7. Music technology-Level 6
  8. Network &System Administration-Level 6
  9. Nutrition and Dietetics-Level 5
  10. Nutrition and dietetics-Level 6
  11. Office Administration-Level 5
  12. Office Administration-Level 6
  13. Office Assistance-Level 4
  14. Oil Pipeline Fire Operations-Level 5
  15. Oil Pipeline Instrumentation and Control-Level 5
  16. Oil Pipeline Laboratory Technology-Level 5
  17. Oil Pipeline Mechanical Maintenance-Level 5
  18. Oil Pipeline Operations-Level 5
  19. Optical technology-Level 6
  20. Pastry cook-Level 4
  21. Pension Management-Level 6
  22. Perioperative Theatre Technology-Level 5
  23. Perioperative Theatre Technology-Level 6
  24. Petroleum Management-Level 6
  25. Pharmaceutical technology-Level 6
  26. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing-Level 6
  27. Pig production-Level 3
  28. Pig production-Level 4
  29. Plant and Service-Level 3
  30. Plant and Service-Level 4
  31. Plant and Service Engineering-Level 5
  32. Plant &Service Engineering-Level 6
  33. Plumbing-Level 3
  34. Plumbing-Level 4
  35. Plumbing-Level 5
  36. Post-Press Printing Technology-Level 5
  37. Poultry Breeding and Hatchery Operations-Level 5
  38. Poultry Broiler Production Operations-Level 3
  39. Poultry Broiler Production Operations-Level 4



  • Poultry Hatchery Operations-Level 4
  • Poultry Kienyeji Production-Level 3
  • Poultry Layer Production-Level 3
  • Poultry Layer Production-Level 4
  • Poultry Management Technology-Level 6
  • Poultry Processing Operations-Level 5
  • Poultry Products Processing Operations-Level 4
  • Pre- Press Printing Technology-Level 5
  • Press Printing technology-Level 5
  • Print Journalism-Level 6
  • Printing Technology-Level 6
  • Project Management-Level 5
  • Project Management-Level 6
  • Public administration-Level 6
  • Quantity Surveying-Level 6
  • Records and Archive Management-Level 4
  • Records and Archives Management-Level 5
  • Records and Archives Management-Level 6
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning-Level 4
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning-Level 5
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning-Level 6
  • Road Transport Management-Level 5
  • Road Transport Management-Level 6
  • Road Transport Operations-Level 4
  • Salt Processing-Level 4
  • Scaffolding Technology-Level 3
  • Scaffolding Technology-Level 4
  • Scaffolding technology-Level 5
  • Scaffolding technology-Level 6
  • Science Laboratory Technician-Level 5
  • Science laboratory technology-Level 6
  • Security Guarding-Level 3
  • Security Guarding-Level 4
  • Security management-Level 5
  • Security management-Level 6
  • Sign Language-Level 4
  • Social Work and Community Development-Level 3
  • Social Work and Community Development-Level 4
  • Social Work and Community Development-Level 5


  1. Social Work & Community Development-Level 6
  2. Soft furnishing-Level 5
  3. Soil management-Level 3
  4. Soil management-Level 4
  5. Soil management-Level 5
  6. Soil management-Level 6
  7. Solar PV installation-Level 3
  8. Spinning-Level 5
  9. Sports Science Technology-Level 6
  10. Storekeeping Management-Level 5
  11. Supply Chain Management-Level 5
  12. Supply Chain Management-Level 6
  13. Surveying-Level 4
  14. Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development-Level 5
  15. Tax Administrator-Level 6
  16. Tax Clerk-Level 5
  17. Technical trainer-Level 6
  18. Telecommunication Engineering-Level 6
  19. Textile Engineering-Level 6
  20. Textile Processing-Level 5
  21. Theatre arts-Level 6
  22. Tour Guide-Level 5
  23. Tourism and Travel Management
  24. Tourism and Travel Management-Level 6
  25. Wastewater and Sanitation Engineering Technology-Level 6
  26. Water Engineering-Level 6
  27. Water Laboratory Technology-Level 6
  28. Water resource management technology-Level 6
  29. Welding-Level 4
  30. Welding and fabrication-Level 5
  31. Welding and Fabrication-Level 6
  32. Wildlife Management-Level 5
  33. Wildlife Management-Level 6
  34. Wine Technology-Level 5




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