Qualifications for secondary school teacher in Kenya

Last updated on February 24th, 2025 at 03:56 am

This article explains all the qualifications for secondary school teacher in Kenya as set by the TSC (Teacher service commission).

Here are the qualifications needed to be a secondary school teacher in Kenya.


Qualifications for secondary school teacher

Now, TSC has set diverse requirements for Kenyans desiring to be registered as secondary teachers.

And it all comes down to your education qualification.

Here are the various TSC qualifications for secondary school teachers:

Graduate Secondary School Teachers (TSC degree qualification)

You must hold a Bachelor of Education degree in 2 teaching subjects.


  • You must have a mean grade C+ (Minimum) and or its equivalent.
  • In addition, you should have a C+ in 2 subjects of specialization.

You may also be considered with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (Bsc.) degree


A mean grade of C Plus (minimum) in your O levels.

Additionally, you are expected to have a C+ in the 2 specialization subjects.

Lastly, you need to hold a PGDE (Post graduate diploma in Education) from an accredited university for this Degree.

Note: Holders of Bachelor of Education degree plus a C Plain KCSE mean grade and a C Plain grade in the two specialization subjects at KCSE will be considered as long as they have pursued a diploma in Education or have an A-Level qualification.

Also note that holders of Bachelor of Science (BSc.) degrees with Education or Bachelor of Arts (BA) degrees with Education qualify if they have the mandatory two teaching subjects.

The last batch to qualify is those who are currently practicing as primary school teachers and have met the below requirements:

  • Are Kenyan Citizens.
  • Have a PI Certificate.
  • Have a Bachelor’s Degree (BeD) in Education (with the 2 mandatory teaching subjects).
  • Have a KCSE mean grade of C+ (Plus) at the KCSE (or its equivalent) and a C+ in the 2 teaching subjects.
  • Be currently employed by the TSC.


Technical Teachers

Like the rest, you must hold a C+ (plus) mean grade (minimum) at KCSE or an equivalent qualification a C+(minimum) or a credit pass in your preferred two teaching subjects or 1 principle and 2 subsidiaries (at ‘A’ levels).

In addition, you should have:

  • A BeD Tech (Bachelor of Education in Technology) degree OR
  • A Bachelor of Science (BSC.) degree in the relevant technical Subject(s)/Courses or
  • A Higher National Diploma in an applicable Technical course or an ordinary Diploma in an advertised Technical Course.

Further, you should hold a DTTE (Diploma in Technical Teacher Education) from KTTC (Kenya Technical Trainers College) or a PGDE from an accredited University.

Now we look at the TSC requirements for secondary teachers holding a Diploma.


TSC requirements for diploma in education arts and all Diploma Secondary School Teachers

To start with, you must have a Diploma in Education from a recognized Teacher Training institution in Kenya.


  • You should have scored a C+ mean grade C in your KCSE exams (and above) and a C+ in both your specialization subjects.

The above requirement changes if you graduated with your Diploma in Teacher Education in 2008/before.

In this case, you will be employed if you hold:

  • A mean grade of C Plain, of course, in your KCSE (and above) and
  • A C plain grade (minimum) in English and
  • A C plain grade (minimum) in Math if you have a Science-based diploma OR
  • A D+ (plus) grade (minimum) in Math if you have a non-science based diploma.

TSC requirements for special needs teachers (Visually and hearing impaired)

Holders of a Diploma in Education for Visually/hearing impaired students have to meet the following additional requirements to be eligible for employment by the TSC:

  1. KCSE mean grade of C Plain (minimum) plus
  2. A C minus grade (minimum) in English and
  • A C (minus) grade (minimum) in Math if you have a Science-based diploma OR
  • A D (plain) grade (minimum) in Math if you have a non-science based diploma.

Tip: Both KSL and Braille are considered as teaching subjects meaning you can apply with combinations like Biology/KSL or Geography/Braille


Qualifications for secondary school teacher -Important tips

Still on the TSC requirements for secondary teachers, here are things to keep in mind:

  1. If your degree is in subjects that are not taught in secondary schools, you will not be considered the fact that you have since graduated with a PGDE notwithstanding.

These include holder of Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in areas like Forestry, Natural Resources, petroleum studies, Meteorology, Fisheries, and more.

  1. Graduates of the following subjects can be considered for Business Studies and IRE/CRE teaching vacancies:
  • Economics/Accounting
  • Social Education & Ethics (SEE)
  1. Turning to Diploma holders, you’re free to apply for English/Literature teaching positions as long as you have a combination of English and any other subject.
  2. But for Agriculture, Home Science, Computer studies, and Business studies, you must have taken the 2 specialization subjects at the KCSE level to be eligible. Having said that, to be considered, you need to have scored at least a C+ in Math at the KCSE if you’re targeting Business studies or Computer (yet you had not taken them in form 4). On a similar note, you need a mean grade of C+ in Biology if you’re targeting either Agriculture or Home Science (and again you had not taken them in form 4).
  3. Candidates who present enhancement certificates/transcripts (including those obtained through passing professional ExamLabs) from any recognized institution shall qualify for employment.
  4. Applicants who had previously been employed under contract terms but were later terminated due to having inadequate units in the teaching subjects as per the TSC approved subject combinations can qualify on condition that they have since acquired the requisite certificates in suitable enhancement courses.
  5. Back to qualifications for secondary school teacher at the graduate level and you’re supposed to have taken at least 8 course units for every teaching subject to qualify.
  6. You should have pursued a pre-university, bridging course, or A – level in the relevant subjects if you had not attained the required mean grade of C+ in those units at the KCSE whether you’re a Degree or Diploma holder. Here is the catch: a bridging certificate shall only be accepted if you had a C plain in the applicable subjects and not lower. Besides, the bridging certificate should have been pursued prior to joining your teaching course.
  7. The minimum qualification to be considered for teaching vacancies in secondary schools in Kenya is a Diploma in Education from one of the approved teaching training colleges in Kenya. Plus, you must also have studied TSC approved subject combinations.

TSC requirements for secondary teachers: Other requirements

To stand a chance to be hired by the TSC next time they announce a recruitment exercise, you must meet these additional requirements;

  1. You have to be a Kenyan citizen.
  2. You must not be more than 45 years old.
  • You have to be a registered teacher (have a TSC number) according to the provision of the TSC act, Section 23.

Note: If by any chance you have been registered by the TSC but don’t yet have the Certificate of Registration, attach the online print out of your TSC number together with the original bank slip reflecting your payment to the TSC for the registration.

Likewise, if there’s an academic or professional certificate you’re missing at the time of applying, you must prove that you have applied to KNEC for confirmation of such certificates. And it’s upon you to follow up with KNEC (within 14 days).


Secondary school teacher employment for those above 45 years old

According to the latest, TSC guidelines, teachers who are over 45 years can still apply for employment but it will be on contractual terms.

This category of teachers shall be hired on a 3-year long contract, renewable subject to achieving a satisfactory performance.

Lastly, the teachers engaged under this arrangement can only serve up to the age of sixty-five (65) years.

PS: Follow Kenya Education Guide on Facebook here for more educational tips and advice.

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102 thoughts on “Qualifications for secondary school teacher in Kenya”

  1. My daughter’s dream career is teaching ,she got Mean grade of B _minus and scored C_minus in English,Will she qualify for education SC,if she has c+ in the teaching subjects..?

  2. I have a dream and passion of teaching in secondary,taking sciences as an option.My mean grade was C+ and two teaching subjects being C+ but in maths D plain .Do I qualify to undertake education(science).

  3. I enjoy teaching and am over 45 years, can I get a TSC job for the remaining years? I have a B.E.D/ Arts degree.Am currently a B.O .M teacher in high school.

  4. hello if a person has a retake in an elective unit, and he/she have graduated ,can s/he apply for a tsc number? kindly assist.

  5. I did diploma in education agricultural education in sec option with mean grade of Cplain and C+in teachingsubject, have Tsc no and now studying for bachelor degree in education in thesame agricultural education.

  6. If the advertised subject in a school is kiswahili/geography( for example ) and they dont get any applicant with that combination..can they hire a person with a different subject combination with one subject being the advertised one example kiswahili/PE

  7. I have a Diploma in Education (secondary option) had a mean grade of C plain and a the teaching subject ( English/Literature), I had a B..graduated I 2014..my query is, why have I not received a Tsc number and yet per the university entry requirements am okay with a C plain but after the course the Commission is like , we can’t have you as one of us?…..Why then is it allowed to pursue a course with those requirements and yet the main employer will reject you at the end of it?…..It has cost me so so much….

    • same to me. imagine I pursued a diploma with mean grade c plain after graduating 2013 commission they changed. surely what should one do yet some1 in 2008 and b4 can ģet a jo with a tsc.i really love teaching aki but… please somebody talk to God aki please commission do something to us we are so many we graduated diploma hata private ni ngumu aki. basi tureen tsc number God will help us secure à job private. I feel wasted and the more I hate whom so ever said this .

  8. I have taken B.ed science (special needs) Hearing Impairement,Maths/Bio, and I didn’t have ksl as subject in KCSE, can I be employed in special school for the DEAF??

  9. Back to qualifications for secondary school teacher at the graduate level and you’re supposed to have taken at least 8 course units for every teaching subject to qualify.
    What does this really mean?

  10. Can someone who did BA and completed but has not gotten his/ her certificate apply for tsc number but has the university completion letter?


  12. I have a mean grade of C plain
    but scored an A in Computer studies and also C+ in some other 2 subjects

    Can i qualify to have a diploma in Secondary education (computer studies being the teaching subject)

  13. Hello am currently winding up with history /cre , can l enhance to math/ computer studies yet l didn’t do computer at high school, l got math B+

  14. Hello
    I have a diploma in counseling psychology and a BA major in language and communication can i qualify to be a teacher at any level (secondary/primary)?

    • 2 teaching subjects are required for TSC registration but some private secondary schools do consider a BA for literature and english classes. Also consider applying in tertiary colleges. Besides, you can even apply to secondary schools but for the counsellor position.
      In addition, you may consider operating a counselling firm. If not, you can use your BA to hunt for non-teaching jobs in broadcast, print, and digital media. My friend you can do a lot with your course if teaching doesn’t work. Try to look far and wide. Best of luck.

  15. Can a candidate with C+ aggregate and above C+ in two teaching subjects and a D plain in mathematics be employed by tsc upon completion of degree course

  16. I scored a mean grade of C plain. I had a C+ in english and maths and a B- in physics.. Can i qualify to be a secondary school diploma teacher.

  17. I scored a mean grade of C plain …wishing to be a teacher in history and kiswahili….I got A plain in history and C plus in kiswahili……finally will I get a TSC no.?

  18. Having a diploma in education with a mean grade of c plain and c plus in two teaching subjects, can you qualify to pursue a B.A to later be registered by tsc. How long should it take?

  19. I have a student who scored C+ and had B- in kiswahili and C- in English. She wants to pursue education arts . History she got B+ and Cre B. Can she substitute English with kiswahili?

    • The qualifications for the various courses are as indicated in the article. Also remember the BED policy is changing soon. Check newspapers

    • I have a degree in agricultural education secondary option with diploma with the same qualification (kcse mean grade cplain and c plus teaching subject)can I qualify to be employed by tsc

  20. Y daughter is in to teaching in high school,she scored a B-.maths C+,Eng B+ ,Kisw B,Phy C-,Chem C-, History B,CRE B+,BUSNESS B+.WHAT SUITS HER MOST??KINDLY ADVICE

    • It is really hard to tell what can suit her most. Let her select the subjects she feels most passionate about (refer to the available combinations as indicated in the article).

  21. Hello ,,my daughter did BA,, major in Economics and minor psychology,,,can she get a chance to be a high school teacher?.

  22. I have degree in bachelor of science environmental science, do I qualify to take postgraduate diploma in education and be registered with Tsc?

  23. Ann muasya had aminimum grade of c plain bt want to take a geography kiswahili wich she had b-bt had a d plain in maths and in chemistry can i do a diploma in education and be employed by tsc

  24. I have a be minigrade of c plain and i want to take a diploma in secondary education and teach kiswahili geography which i had b- bt in maths and in chemistry i had a d plain.can i be employed by tsc

  25. i did advanced diploma in technical education, and i want to teach Bio/Chem in high school. i did Bsc chem, zoology and botany.alredy registered by Tsc. can i be employed

    • write an email to TSC (use the email address info@tsc.go.ke) to enquire if your undergraduate course is acceptable for registration after completing the PGDE (You can also call TSC via 020-2892351)

  26. If I take a masters in Bcom in campus can I be employed to teach maths , Business studies or Computer at High school level though among those I only took maths in high school (which I scored a B plain ) but I have a computer certificate with the 9 packages…waiting for your response

    • To be employed by TSC, You must hold a Bachelor of Education degree in 2 teaching subjects.


      You must have a mean grade C+ (Minimum) and or its equivalent.
      In addition, you should have a C+ in 2 subjects of specialization at KCSE

      You may also be considered with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (Bsc.) degree


      A mean grade of C Plus (minimum) in your O levels.

      Additionally, you are expected to have a C+ in the 2 specialization subjects.

      Lastly, you need to hold a PGDE (Post graduate diploma in Education) from an accredited university for this Degree.

      Note: Holders of Bachelor of Education degree plus a C Plain KCSE mean grade and a C Plain grade in the two specialization subjects at KCSE will be considered as long as they have pursued a diploma in Education or have an A-Level qualification.

      Also note that holders of Bachelor of Science (BSc.) degrees with Education or Bachelor of Arts (BA) degrees with Education qualify if they have the mandatory two teaching subjects.

      The last batch to qualify is those who are currently practicing as primary school teachers and have met the below requirements:

      Are Kenyan Citizens.
      Have a PI Certificate.
      Have a Bachelor’s Degree (BeD) in Education (with the 2 mandatory teaching subjects).
      Have a KCSE mean grade of C+ (Plus) at the KCSE (or its equivalent) and a C+ in the 2 teaching subjects.
      Are currently employed by the TSC.

  27. I am pursuing BSC(Agriculture Education and Extension).
    I had a mean grade of B minus.
    Bio B plain,Agri B plain
    But I had a C minus in Eng.
    On completing my course, would I be granted TSC No?

  28. If one has a c+ as mean grade and B+ in both teaching subjects,and a DPlain in mathematics…can the guy get a chance to teach after a degree in barchelor of arts and post graduate diploma course….???

  29. I had a mean grade of c plus,Mat D+,Eng c,Kis c-,chem c,biol B+,Agr B+, Cre B, i graduated bachelor of education kiswahili c- and Cre B, since i do not have any other subject option to combine with Cre, i opted to take agriculture units, will TSC accept my combination of Agiculture and CRE. waiting for your response.

  30. am 37 years, i like teaching, if the training takes 4 years, then i will finish 41 years, depending with my subject combination His and Cre, will tsc employ me or i will expire

  31. i scored c+ mean grade, mat D+,Eng,c, kisw c-bio B+, Chem c-, agri B+, cre B, I finished my bachelor of education arts cre B and kiswahili c-, since i do not have any other subject which i scored c+ and above to meet bachelor of arts, i opted to take agricultural units to have 2 teaching subjects, will tsc recognize my combination. thanks

  32. carol had a mean grade of c plain she wishes to bridge education and teach CRE and KISWAHILI in which she had B(minus)in each of the two teaching subjects kindly need some advice

  33. I had B plain and c-in mathematics and I wanted to take education science, I had B plus andB-in two teaching subjects can I qualify?

  34. I have a mean great of C+ and I have a D+ in English will I get that chance of education mathematics and physics

  35. I have a diploma in ECDE and had B- meangrade in KCSE with B- in all my subjects.I am a P1 employed by TSC.Can I qualify to teach in Junior secondary?

  36. student who is deaf got mean grade C plain diploma in education special needs can teach two subject history B minus and KSL A plain but in math and chem both got D plain .can TSC employe

  37. #Am interested in teaching computer studies,i did BA combination maths business,can do post graduate diploma for computer studies since didn’t do at KCSE

  38. I’m pursing a Bsc industrial chemistry course, can I qualify to be a secondary teacher ,, after pursing a PGDE,,let me know please. Thank you

  39. What of those who were short of the C-plain in English and D+in mathematics are already in training.
    For one who did his KCSE in 2005 and is willing to train as highschool teacher,will he/she be subjected to those requirements.


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