Last updated on February 22nd, 2025 at 12:26 pm
In this article, we shall look at all the current KASNEB courses and qualifications.
We thought it is important we do so because some of you have an interest in pursuing KASNEB courses in Kenya but you appear unsure of which is the best KASNEB course to take.
KASNEB courses and qualifications – a list of all courses offered by kasneb
When it comes to KASNEB courses and qualifications, the best course will depend on:
Your career goals
If, for example, you are passionate about numbers and you’re comfortable working as a finance person (accountant, auditor, etc), doing just a CPA course might be enough.
But if you want to be an ICT professional specializing in networking, a Diploma in Computer Networks and Systems Administration may not be enough. You may have to add a Diploma in ICT/Computer science By KNEC or a University to your CV to be competitive.
Your background
KASNEB courses such as CPA are best for Bcom and Business Management graduates (essentially business degree holders) while the CCP (Certified credit professional) is best for people who have a background in credit (loan officers, credit managers in SACCOs/banks, etc.)
Your grades/past qualification
Obviously, your KCSE grades and previous qualifications matter.
That’s because each KASNEB qualification needs specific minimum requirements and you must meet them to take the course.
Let us now look at these KASNEB Courses and qualifications …
KASNEB Vocational Certificate Courses
These are short-term skills-based courses so they are for you if you’re looking to get skills and knowledge (and you want a recognized certificate) in these areas:
- Graphic design
- Information and cybersecurity
- Entrepreneurship and innovation
- Blockchain technology
Let us look at them individually:
KASNEB Vocational Certificate in Information& Cyber Security
The teaches you how to identify information/cyber threats as well as risks and how to implement protective measures in systems to secure information and databases.
Can be worthwhile if you’re already in ICT/Computer science and you’re looking for a basic certificate in cyber security.
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Now proceed reading below..
KASNEB Vocational Certificate in Block-chain Technology
The teaches you how to develop a simple Block-chain program as well as execute Blockchain transactions.
Can be worthwhile if you’re already in ICT/Computer science and you’re looking for a basic certificate in blockchain technologies.
KASNEB Vocational Certificate in Entrepreneurship & Innovation
The teaches you how to excel in entrepreneurship together with the basics of innovation
Can be worthwhile if want to learn how to start a thriving business or expand a business you have bought.
KASNEB Vocational Certificate in Graphic Design
Another one for ICT guys looking for an extra certificate to boost their CVs….graphic design is basically designing marketing materials for online and offline promotions including designing things like logos, brochures, t-shirts, calendars, etc.
Also a good course if you’re a creative looking for extra skills.
Minimum entry requirement (all vocational certificates)
A KCSE Certificate(Any grade accepted).
KASNEB Certificate Courses
CAMS(certificate in Accounting and Management Skills)
KASNEB offers one certificate course: CAMS(certificate in Accounting and Management Skills)
Who is it for?
Well, CAMS is for you if you did not get the C- needed to pursue the ATD (Accounting technician Diploma) yet you want to work as a book-keeper, bursar, assistant accountant, and such entry-level accounting/management posts.
Do not forget that the CAMS course has two levels and each level takes six months(on average) to complete so this is a one year course.
Minimum entry requirements
KCSE mean grade(aggregate)- D plain or a KASNEB vocational certificate.
KASNEB Diploma Courses
Kasneb offers three diploma programmes with each having three levels(level 1-3).
Now, each level, in general, takes one year to complete so these are two-year courses.
Again you can go for tuition at a college near you or study privately.
The qualifications are:
Accounting Technicians Diploma(ATD)
For you, if you did not get the C+ aggregate grade needed to pursue the CPA and you really want to do the CPA..this is your bridge.
Also a course by itself because you can work as an accounts person in the small and medium-sized enterprises(you can even calculate basic taxes for small businesses).
Diploma in Computer Networks& Systems Administration(DCNSA)
Personally I see this course as an additional certificate for those with a degree or diploma in ICT/IT/Computer science especially if you want to specialize in computer networks.
Diploma in Data Management & Analytics(DDMA)
Again I see this as a booster course for anyone who already has a general ICT qualification but you’re targeting database administration or data analytics roles.
Minimum entry requirement (all kasneb Diploma courses)
KCSE mean grade(aggregate): C- only
Data science course in Kenya [All you need to know]
KASNEB Professional Qualifications
Kasneb currently offers 5 professional courses.
Now, all have three levels/stages again: Foundation level, Intermediate level, and Advanced level.
As regards the duration, each level takes one year so you might take 3 years to complete the course(unless you’re granted exemptions)
You also have to attend internship or practical experience classes to get the final certificate
Let us start with KASNEB’s most popular course: the CPA (Great on its own or as a backup to your BCOM/Business-related degree)
Certified Public Accountants(CPA)
KASNEB CPA is structured as follows:
- Financial Accounting(FA)
- Communication Skills
- Introduction to Law&Governance
- Economics
- Quantitative Analysis(QA)
- Information Communication Technology(ICT)
- Company Law
- Financial Management(FM)
- Financial Reporting & Analysis
- Auditing and Assurance
- Management Accounting(MA)
- Public Finance & Taxation
Compulsory papers-3 PAPERS
- Leadership and Management
- Advanced Financial Reporting& Analysis
- Advanced Financial Management(AFM)
Specialization papers – Pick 1 (double specialization also allowed)
- Advanced Taxation
- Advanced Auditing& Assurance
- Advanced Management Accounting(AMA)
- Advanced Public Financial Management(APFM)
Additional Business Data Analytics(Practical Paper- Must be done by all)
ALSO READ: CPA course in Kenya [All you need to know]
KASNEB courses and qualifications continued
Certified Secretaries(CS)
CS is best for anyone with a background in law…..take it if you want to work in corporate law and roles such as company secretary.
CS Structure
- Management Principles & Practice
- Communication Skills & Records Management
- Introduction to Law & Governance
- Principles of Accounting & Taxation
- Human Resources Management
- Information Communication Technology(ICT)
- Company Law
- Public Sector Governance, Policy& Administration
- Meetings: Compliance& Administration
- Financial Markets & Specialized Institutions
- Corporate Governance & Ethics
- Research, Consultancy & Advisory
- Strategic Management
- Finance for Decision-Making
- Governance & Compliance Audit
- Boardroom Dynamics
- Research Project
KASNEB Certified Credit Professionals(CCP)
I had already told you: CCP (Certified credit professional) is best for people who have a solid background in credit (loan officers, credit managers in SACCOs/banks, debt collectors, etc.)
CCP structure
- Credit Management
- Communication and Customer Relations
- Introduction to Law and Governance
- Credit Risk Management
- Principles of Accounting
- Business Environment
- Financial Statements Analysis for Credit Managers
- Corporate Credit Analysis
- Collections Management
- Credit Governance and Compliance
- Leadership and Management
- Advanced Credit Risk Management
- Advanced Collections Management
- Debt Recovery Management
KASNEB Certified Investment and Financial Analysts(CIFA)
CIFA is a good course for those who have a degree in areas such as economics, banking, commerce, statistics, and such (including actuarial science) and who want to work in investment banking, capital markets, and risk management roles such as actuarial scientists
CIFA structure
- Financial Accounting
- Professional Ethics & Governance
- Regulation of Financial-Markets
- Economics
- Quantitative Analysis(QA)
- Introduction to Finance & Investments
- Portfolio Management
- Financial Statements Analysis
- Equity Investments Analysis
- Corporate Finance
- Public Finance & Taxation
- Leadership & Management
- Fixed Income Investments_Analysis
- Alternative Investments Analysis(AIA)
- Advanced Portfolio Management
- Derivatives Analysis
- Financial Modelling& Data Analytics(Practical Paper)
KASNEB Certified Information Systems Support Expert(CISSE)
This is advisable if you have a degree in ICT, BBIT, or computer science (ideally).
CISSE structure
- Computing Systems
- Information Systems Support & Integration
- Communication Skills & Ethics in Information Systems
- Computer Information Systems Applications’
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Information Systems Strategy,Governance& Ethics
- Data Management Information Systems(DMIS)
- Research &Project Management
- Networking & Data Communication
- Programming & Systems Analysis and Design(PSAD)
Elective I: Big Data Management/and Analytics
- Big Data Management
- Big Data Analytics(BDA)
Electives II: Networking/&Information Systems Security
- Networking & Telecommunications
- Information Systems Security(ISS)
Minimum entry requirements(for all KASNEB professional courses)
KCSE mean grade/aggregate: C+
KASNEB Post-Professional Qualifications (kasneb post professional courses)
Finally, KASNEB offers one post-professional certification for those who would like to go further in fraud particularly forensic audit.
The course is called CFFE(Certified Forensic Fraud Examiner) and as you can guess from the name, it’s for guys who want to work as certified fraud examiners(generally, anti-corruption guys).
Areas you can work in when you take the course:
- Financial fraud investigations
- Corruption investigations
- Fraud prevention roles
- Fraud risk analysis
- Related areas(to risk/fraud examination)
The CFFE has three modules(each lasts 3 months so course takes 1 year) and there are workshops you must attend once you’re done with the course.
- Introduction to Forensic Accounting& Audit
- Fraud & Corruption Schemes
- Overview of Legal & Justice System
- Laws Related to Fraud
- Principles of the Law of Evidence&the Trial Process
- Planning & Conducting Formal Investigations
- Fraud Prevention & Detection
- Fraud Risk Management
- Integrated Case Study & Workshop
Minimum entry requirements(for CFFE course)
Any kasneb professional qualification/Course or a Bachelor’s Degree from any recognised university.
KASNEB courses and requirements – How to get More Details and The Complete Syllabus
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How to Apply for KASNEB Courses
First register with KASNEB to access learning materials.
You can also join a college of your choice.
Then remember to book for exams (exams are in April, August, and December) on or before the last day of the month prior to the month exams are to be held. E.g, to sit for august exams, book by 31st July.
How to register for kasneb courses
You do everything from KASNEB app including registering for kasneb online courses so first download the app. Then follow the easy prompts
PS: Check out KASNEB’s new CPA Syllabus
KASNEB courses pdf