Kabete technical training institute courses offered

Last updated on February 23rd, 2025 at 11:15 am

If you are looking for courses offered at the Kabete technical training institute (now known as Kabete national polytechnic), you are in the right place because we have a list of courses offered by the popular national poly below.

Kabete technical training institute courses offered

Before we look at the courses offered, it is worth noting that, this institution offers so many courses at different levels even for students looking to study for their desired careers.

As regards the intake dates, keep in mind that most intakes are in September apart from a few short courses-most courses take between 2 to 3 years, with just a few of the courses being an exception.

To be clear, the short courses duration is between 3 months to I year.

With that out of the way, let’s start by looking at the short courses offered at Kabete technical training institute.

Short courses offered at Kabete technical training institute courses

Programme Name/Course Exam body Minimum Entry Qualifications & duration
Electrical Artisan -Level 4 KNEC KCSE D-(minus) -1 year
Electrical Solar Installation -Level 3 NITA(National Industrial Training Authority) KCPE  -6 months
Electrical Wireman -Grades 3, 2, 1 NITA KCPE -6 months per level
Motor Vehicle Mechanics- Grades 3, 2, 1 NITA KCPE -6 months per level
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning – Grades 3, 2, 1 NITA KCSE D-(minus) *6 months
Plumbing Artisan -Level 4 KNEC KCSE D-(minus) *1 year
Plumbing – Grades 3, 2, 1 NITA KCPE -6 months
Painting and Decoration – Grades 3, 2, 1 NITA KCPE -6 months
Signwriting – Grades 3, 2, 1 NITA KCPE -6 months
Masonry – Grades 3, 2, 1 NITA KCPE -6 months
Carpentry & Joinery -Grades 3, 2, 1 NITA KCPE -6 months
Food & Beverage -Level 4 KNEC KCSE D-(minus) *1 year
Computer Maintenance & Repair -Level 4 KNP(Kenya National Polytechnic) KCPE  -3 months
Computer Web Design- Level 3 KNP KCPE -3 months
Driving -OPEN KNP OPEN (to both KCPE & KCSE Holders)
Gas Arc Welding – Grades 3, 2, 1 NITA KCPE- 6 months
Electric Arc Welding – Grades 3, 2, 1 NITA KCPE -6 months
Arc Welding & Fabrication – Grades 3, 2, 1 KNP KCPE -3 months
Lathe Operator – Grades 3, 2, 1 KNP KCPE -3 months


Kabete technical training institute courses offered – Other regular courses

Institute of Applied & Health Sciences (IAHS)

This institute has two departments.

  • Department of applied science (9 Programmes).
  • Department of health science (7 Programmes).

Let us look at the courses each department offers below….

Department of Applied Sciences

Programme Name Exam body Minimum Entry Qualifications
General Agriculture Technology-Level 5 KNEC KCSE- D(plain)
Food Processing and Preservation Technology -Level 5 KNEC KCSE- D(plain)
Science Laboratory Technology-Level 5 KNEC KCSE- D(plain)
Geophysical Exploration Technology -Level 5 KNP KCSE- C-(minus) *takes 6 semesters
Food Processing & Preservation Technology -Level 6 KNEC KCSE- C-(minus) or pass in the same programme, level 5
Petroleum Geo-sciences Technology -Level 6 KNEC KCSE- C-(minus)
Applied Biology -Level 6 KNEC KCSE- C-(minus) pass in Science Laboratory Technology, level 5
Analytical Chemistry -Level 6 KNEC KCSE- C-(minus) or pass in Science Laboratory Technology, level 5
General Agriculture Technology -Level 6 KNEC KCSE- C-(minus) pass in same course level 5


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Now proceed reading below..

Department of Health Science

Programme Name/Course Exam body Minimum Entry Qualifications
Nutrition and Dietetics -Level 5 KNEC KCSE D(plain)
Medical Engineering-Level 5 KNEC KCSE D+(plus)
Nutrition and Dietetics-Level 6 KNEC KCSE C-(minus) with D+ in Physics, Math, Home Science, General Science, Agriculture or pass in Nutrition and Dietetic level 5
Pharmaceutical Technology -Level 6 KNEC KCSE C(plain) and C plain in Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English
Medical laboratory Science Technology -Level 6 KNEC KCSE C(plain) with C plain in Math/Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English.
Health Records and Information Technology -Level 6 KNP KCSE C-(minus)
Medical Engineering -Level 6 KNEC KCSE C-(minus) and pass in Medical Engineering level 5

Institute of Hospitality and Consumer Studies (IHCS)

The Institute of Hospitality and Consumer Studies has 2 departments.

  • Department of hospitality which has 4 programmes.
  • Departments of studies which has only 1 programme.

Here now are the specific programmes and their minimum entry qualifications

Department of Hospitality

Programme name Minimum entry qualifications
Food and Beverages Production Sales and Service Management -Level 5 KCSE D(plain) or pass in the same programme, level 4
Catering and Accommodation Management -Level 5 KCSE D(plain) -pass in the same programme, level 4
Food and Beverages Production Sales and Service Management -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus)
Catering and Accommodation Management- Level 6 KCSE C-(minus) -pass in the same programme level 5 or in Food and Beverages Production Sales and Service Mgt(management) level 5


Department of consumer studies

Programme name Minimum entry
Hair and Beauty Therapy -Level 4 KCSE D(plain)


Institute of Social Sciences and Technology (ISST)

ISST has the following departments:

  • Department of Business Studies (8programmes)
  • Department of Liberal Studies (4 programmes)
  • Department of Mass Media Studies (3 programmes)

The departmental courses are as follows:

Department of Business Studies

Programme Name/Course Minimum Entry qualifications
Co-operative Management -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus)-pass in level 5(craft certificate)
Secretarial Studies -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus) -pass in single &group
Supply Chain Management -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus) -pass in level 5(craft certificate)
Project Management Level 6 KCSE C-(minus) -pass in level 5 (craft certificate)
Human Resource Management -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus) -pass in level 5 craft certificate)
Banking and Finance -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus)
Accounting -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus)
Secretarial Single & Group -Level 5 KCSE D(plain)

Department of Liberal Studies

Programme Name/Course Minimum Entry qualifications
Social Work and Community Development -Level 5 KCSE D(plain)
Guidance & Counselling Psychology -Level 5 KCSE D(plain)
Entrepreneurship Education -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus)
Social Work and Community Development -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus) –pass in level 5 (craft certificate


Department of Mass Media Studies

Programme Name/Course Minimum Entry qualifications
Print Media Journalism -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus)
Broadcast Media Journalism -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus)
Digital Media Journalism -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus)


Kabete technical training institute courses offered -More courses

Institute of Engineering and Built Environment (IEBE)

When we come to the Institute of Engineering and Built Environment (IEBE), it has the largest number of departments(5).

To make it clear, below is a list of the departments and the number of programmes offered in each..

  • Department of Computing and Informatics (6 programmes)
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering (6 programmes)
  • Department of Building and Civil Engineering (6 programmes)
  • Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning (3 programmes)
  • Department of Electrical & Electronics (5 programmes)

Let us now look at the programmes/courses offered in each department and minimum entry…

Department of Computing and Informatics

Programme Name/Course Minimum Entry qualifications
Information Communication Technology -Level 5 KCSE D(plain)
Library and Information Science -Level 5 KCSE D+(plus)
Records Management-Level 5 KCSE D+(plus)
Information Communication Technology -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus) or certificate in Information Communication Technology level 5
Library & Information Science -Level 6 KCSE C- (minus) or pass in the same programme level 5
Records Management -Level 6 KCSEC-(minus) -pass in the same programme level 5

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Programme Name/Course Minimum Entry qualifications
Mechanical Engineering Production -Level 5 KCSE D(plain)
Automotive Engineering -Level 5 KCSE D (plain)
Mechanical Engineering (Production) -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus) with a C- in Physics, English, & Mathematics, or pass in Mechanical Engineering,level 5
Automotive Engineering -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus) with a C- in Physics, English, & Mathematics or pass in Automotive Engineering, level 5
Plant Mechanical -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus) with a C- in Physics, English &Mathematics
Welding & Fabrication -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus) with a C- in Physics, English &Mathematics

Department of Building and Civil Engineering

Programme Name/Course Minimum Entry qualifications
Building Construction Technology -Level 5 KCSE D(plain) pass in Plumbing artisan, level 4
Plumbing -Level 5 KCSE D(plain) pass in Plumbing artisan, level 4
Carpentry and Joinery -Level 5 KCSE D (plain)
Masonry -Level 5 KCSE D(plain)
Building Construction Technology -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus) with a C-in Physics, English &Mathematics or Pass in building construction Technology, Masonry, Carpentry& Joinery, and Plumbing Artisan -all level 5
Civil Engineering -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus) with a C- in Physics, English & Mathematics



Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning

Programme Name/Course Minimum Entry qualifications
Architecture and Design -Level 6 KCSE C (plain) with c in Physics, English & Mathematics
Quantity Surveying -Level 6 KCSE C-(minus)
Land Survey- Level 6 KCSE C- (minus)


Department of Electrical & Electronics

Programme Name/Course Minimum Entry qualifications
Electrical & Electronics Technology -Level 5 KCSE D with D plain in English, Mathematics, and Physics or- Certificate in Electrical Artisan level 4 with at least Grade 6 in Trade Theory, Geometry&Support Subjects
Telecommunication Engineering -Level 5 KCSE D with D plain in English, Mathematics, and Physics or- Certificate in Electrical Artisan level 4 with at least Grade 6 in Trade Theory, Geometry&Support Subjects
Instrumentation & Control -Level 6 KCSE C- With a C- In Physics, English &Mathematics, or Pass in Electrical Artisan level 5
Electrical &Electronic Engineering (Power option) -Level 6 KCSE C- With a C- In Physics, English &Mathematics, or Pass in Electrical Artisan level 5
Electrical &Electronic Engineering (Telecommunication option) -Level 6 KCSE C- with C- in In Physics, English &Mathematics, or Pass in Electrical & Electronic Engineering level 5


How to apply

To apply, visit KUCCPS portal -when it is opened- and apply via the portal.

It is the best way of applying- and this is for the latest form 4 leavers- because you’ll be awarded  government capitation meaning you’ll end up paying reduced fees.

Everyone else can apply directly to the institution via their website or by visiting the college and getting the application letter…you’ll be advised about when to return the forms and what you need to attach.

Kabete technical training institute Hostels

For accommodation, you can book a hostel online at Kabete National Polytechnic by visiting the student portal or by visiting the institution physically(when reporting).

But if they’re full- because competition is stiff- you can choose to go rent space from private hostels near the institution (there are hostels for every budget).


Kabete technical training institute courses offered- How to contact the institution

For more details related to Kabete technical training institute course requirement , call or visit the institution using the contact details below:

Cellphone number: 0790 000 001 . You can also call the Registrar via cell number 0790 000 033

Postal address: P. O. Box 29010 – 00625, Nairobi.

Email: info@kabetepoly.ac.ke

Main website: https://www.kabetepoly.ac.ke/


Kabete technical training institute is located along Waiyaki Way, Near Uthiru Market, Nairobi.


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