ICDL course in Kenya – all you need to know

Last updated on February 23rd, 2025 at 05:12 pm

ICDL course in Kenya: If you have just completed your form 4, the first thing that may have come to mind is taking a computer course- in this day and age, good computer skills are essential whatever career you’ll choose.

This guide explains everything you need to know about ICDL course in Kenya including ICDL fees in Kenya and difference between i c d l and computer packages (a lot of people are torn between taking ICDL and an ‘ordinary’ computer packages course).

Let’s dive in:

ICDL course in Kenya – all you need to know

What is ICDL course?

We start with ICDL meaning…

ICDL previously stood for international computer driving license course but that has since changed- the course evolves with trends in ICT – to International Certification in Digital Skills.

In other words, ICDL means International Certification in Digital Skills.

So, what is the course all about?

The most important thing to understand about ICDL is that it is internationally recognized- hence the use of the word international- so you can use your ICDL certificate to prove you’re digitally competent, wherever you go in the planet!

In fact, ICDL modules (a suite of programmes/applications you learn) have all been developed to give you the skills you need to complete any task demanded of you in today’s fast-paced digital world.

I should add that ICDL is recognized as proof of digital competence by governments, NGOs, big corporates, and even international institutions such as the UN.

ICDL modules

Having looked at what is ICDL in Kenya, let’s now turn our attention to what is covered…

To get us started, below is a breakdown of all the ICDL modules you can take(remember you can choose to take just a few or all):

ICDL Workforce modules

ICDL Workforce modules teach you the skills needed to be competent in the modern workplace.

The modules are grouped in three tiers as follows:

  1. Essential Skills modules– here you tackle units that are super important in today’s digital world.
  2. Office Applications modules– the units here help you develop skills you’ll be using in your everyday working life.
  3. Good Practice modules– the units here teach you how to use ICT technologies in the workplace safely, legally, and productively.

ICDL Workforce modules in summary

Essential Skills modules

  • Application Essentials
  • Computer & Online Essentials
  • Computer Essentials
  • Online Essentials

Office Applications modules

  • Documents
  • Spreadsheets
  • Presentation
  • Teamwork

Good Practice modules

  • Cyber Security
  • Information Literacy
  • Online Collaboration
  • Data Protection
  • Remote Work

ICDL Professional modules

In addition, ICDL has a variety of modules you can choose from for those seeking to build an ideal digital skillset for their needs. You can advance to these modules after completing your selected ICDL Workforce modules.

They’re again tiered as follows:

  1. Creative modules- these modules are suitable for anyone who is planning to venture into a career that involves a lot of creativity such as animation, architecture, and more.
  2. Entrepreneurial modules– the modules in this category are beneficial for students who have an entrepreneurial brain (current and future business owners). You’ll learn how to leverage technology in areas such as marketing, project management, client relationship management, etc.
  3. Computational modules– these modules are ideal for students who intend to pursue a career in a math-related area such as statistics and data science.
  4. ICDL for TeachersThis standalone module is intended to help teachers develop skills they can use to integrate ICT in today’s classroom.


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Now proceed reading below..

Available ICDL Professional modules in summary

Creative modules

  • Presentations(Advanced)
  • Documents(Advanced)
  • Web Editing
  • Websites
  • 2D Design
  • 3D Design
  • Image Editing
  • Multimedia

Entrepreneurial modules

  • Digital Marketing
  • Project Planning
  • eCommerce
  • CRM Systems
  • Computational modules
  • Financial Spreadsheets
  • Management Spreadsheets
  • Data Analytics
  • Computing (computational thinking & coding)
  • Using Databases
  • Databases(Advanced)

ICDL For Teachers

  • ICT in Education- standalone module

ICDL Insights

The final range of modules are for those who want to keep up with trending ICT technologies.

ICDL Insights modules (in summary)

  • Cloud Computing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Internet of Things
  • Big Data
  • Blockchain
  • Industry 4.0


ICDL Kenya fees

The training and certification fee for ICDL course in Kenya starts from Kshs.30000/- and will vary from one college to another (Note that students mostly take 7 modules at first in Kenya).

I should add that the ICDL fees will be higher for those taking more modules (remember that you are free to add more modules to your ICDL profile).

That said, the ICDL course fees is slightly cheaper for those taking the course through e-learning (some colleges offer this option).

How long does ICDL course take in Kenya

The ICDL course in Kenya takes between 7-10 weeks on average- in most cases, classes take between 3 hours and 6 hours in colleges offering ICDL in Kenya.

The duration may, however, be shorter for students who are studying via e-learning (since you can commit more hours to the course) and obviously, longer for those attending classes on weekends/part-time.

Colleges offering ICDL course in Kenya

To ensure quality training for students, the ICDL foundation only allows accredited colleges to offer training and testing of the ICDL course in Kenya.

Colleges must apply and be vetted by the ICDL (the foundation checks crucial features such as ICT available facilities and qualifications held by tutors) before they can be licensed to offer the ICDL programme.

Subsequently, you should only enroll in an accredited college for your ICDL course – you will otherwise be frustrated and drop out of the course before passing your exams.

To point you in the right direction, here is a list of approved colleges we recommend for those willing to pursue ICDL courses in Kenya:

Colleges offering ICDL in Nairobi – best colleges offering ICDL courses in Nairobi

Computer Pride (ICEA Building, Kenyatta Avenue) – check the computer pride ICDL fee structure and contacts here.

  1. Northpole College- Call 0733 905 900
  2. Oshwal College- 2nd Avenue, Parklands. Call 0203747905
  3. Multimedia University – Call 0723141 875
  4. Riara University- call 0703038000
  5. Computer Learning Centre- Museum Hill Centre
  6. Learnovate Technologies Ltd- Eco Bank Towers (4th Floor) Muindi Mbingu Street.
  7. Mahanaim College USIU Road. Call 0720919167
  8. Strathmore University- Call 0703034000
  9. Wang Point Institute– Northern Bypass Rd.  Call 0716 431688
  10. IAT Kenya- Call 0725040588 (IAT has branches all over in Kenya)

ICDL colleges in Mombasa

  • Memon College- Memon Villa. Call 0723141875

Other ICDL Colleges in Kenya


  1. TIBS (Thika Institute of Business Studies)- Call +2546731160
  2. NIBS- Call 0722 547746

Eldoret Town

  1. Alphax College-Off Eldoret-Iten Rd (1 kilometer from KNLS Eldoret). Call 0723118940
  2. Data To Information College– Muya House, 2nd Flr, Kenyatta Street.


Achievers College– Subura House, 3rd Floor, Mama Ngina Street (Embu)


Augab Services Limited- Off Sankuri Rd, Garissa


KIST (Kiambu Institute of Science & Technology), Kiambu Road


PUEA (Presbyterian University of East Africa)- call 0723799904


Pwani University


Kisii University- call 0773452323


  1. KCA University(Western Campus)- call 0721719262
  2. Kisumu National Polytechnic– Call 0723446773
  3. Maseno University- Varsity Plaza, Opp. Kisumu Hotel.


Kitale National Polytechnic- Call 0721379304/0780379304


Jusnet Business Institute-Malindi Complex(Ground Flr.), Malindi


  1. Meru National Polytechnic– Call 0202386139
  2. Nkabune Technical Training Institute– Call 0719186814
  3. Sipet College– Call 0724615545


Machakos Institute of Technology- Kinyali Building,2nd Floor.


  1. Nyeri Institute (of Computer studies)- Call 0727 832452
  2. Nyeri National Polytechnic– Call 0724 477 942

Difference between I C D L and computer packages

The key difference is that one is standardized and the other is not.

Put simply, while the ICDL course follows an internationally approved curriculum (the syllabus is developed and tested by the ICDL foundation), the syllabus for computer packages course is developed by the college you’re attending.

For that reason, the skills you get when you take the ICDL are more in-depth and in line with what the market needs at the present.

Indeed, you are taught how to use the latest software suites -for example, ICDL is taught and tested using the latest Microsoft Office suite.

On the same token, the course covers the latest emerging ICT technologies including revolutionary technologies such as blockchain.

Needless to say, that is mostly not the case with computer packages course as most institutions take too long to update their curriculum (and software).

The other key difference is in testing….

Now, the ICDL exam is taken online (tests are computer-based and you get the results instantly). On the other hand, very few computer colleges- if any- offer online testing for computer packages in Kenya (some won’t even test you).

More importantly, the ICDL certificate is widely recognized by governments (and countless professional institutions) globally meaning it can give you the edge over those who only hold a computer packages certificate when applying for some jobs.

international computer driving licence course in Kenya

ICDL Contacts

If you have a question and want to contact ICDL directly, you can use the following contact details to reach them:

Email address: kenya@icdlafrica.org

Telephone: 0722111108/0788219383

Website: https://icdlafrica.org/find-a-test-centre/kenya/

Wrapping it up

That is all about the ICDL course in Kenya

And as you have seen, ICDL is the course to go for whether you’re looking for skills to give you an edge at the workplace or you want more advanced skills to help you improve your occupational effectiveness.

In short, ICDL is the number 1 digital skills standard for today’s ever-changing digital world.

PS: Follow Kenya Education Guide on Facebook here for more educational tips and advice.


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