Diploma in Pharmacy Fees in Kenya

Last updated on February 22nd, 2025 at 06:43 pm

If you have been admitted into the Pharmacy Diploma program (or you’re interested in pursuing a Diploma in Pharmacy course), below is the Diploma in pharmacy fees in Kenya (from the guidelines provided by some of the leading colleges/universities offering the course)

To be clear, we will look at the fee charged by the leading pharmacy training colleges in Kenya because we just want to give you an idea of what it will cost you so that you can budget properly. 

Diploma in Pharmacy Fees in Kenya at Kisumu National Polytechnic

Year 1: KSHs 67,189.00

Expect to pay nearly the same amount in Year 2 and Year 3- remember the fee is payable on termly basis so you don’t have to pay the entire amount at once.

The best part is you may get your fee subsidized significantly by the government under the revised higher education financing structure that heavily subsidizes fees for students from needy backgrounds.


Diploma In Pharmaceutical Technology fee at TUK (Technical University of Kenya)

The following is the Diploma in pharmacy fees in Kenya for students who choose to study the course at TUK:

Year and Term Fees payable
Year1 Term1 Kshs. 44, 850.00
Year1 Term2 Kshs. 24, 000.00
Year1 Term3 Kshs. 24, 000.00
Year2 Term1 Kshs. 41, 500.00
Year2 Term2 Kshs. 24, 000.00
Year2 Term3 Kshs. 24, 000.00
Year3 Term1 Kshs. 41, 500.00
Year3 Term2 Kshs. 24, 000.00
Year3 Term3 Kshs. 24, 000.00

Diploma in pharmacy course in Kenya fee at KMTC (kmtc diploma in pharmacy fee structure)

KMCT is one of the best institutions for the Diploma in pharmacy course and indeed, for many other medical /health related Diplomas:


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Now proceed reading below..

Diploma in pharmacy in KMTC Regular Student Fees Plus Other Charges 

YEAR 1 – Kshs. 80,700.00

YEAR 2 – Kshs. 78,000.00

YEAR 3 – Kshs. 78,000.00

YEAR 4 – Kshs. 39,000.00 (you only study for 6 months)

Self-sponsored Student Fees Plus Other Charges

YEAR 1 – Kshs. 120,700.00

YEAR 2 – Kshs. 118,000.00

YEAR 3 – Kshs. 118,000.00

YEAR 4 – Kshs. 59,000.00 (you only study for 6 months)

Foreign Student Fees Plus Other Charges 

YEAR 1 – Kshs. 250,700.00

YEAR 2 – Kshs. 248,000.00

YEAR 3 – Kshs. 248,000.00

YEAR 4 – Kshs. 124,000.00 (you only study for 6 months)

Please note that fees for accommodation and meals is paid directly to your respective KMTC Campus and it is at specified rates. 

Besides, you are advised by KMTC to make your own further financial arrangements to meet extra expenses that arise during activities such as your Practical Attachment, when you’re doing the Research project and the like.

You will be given the necessary details of which by the officials at the KMTC campus you will be enrolling in.


Fee for diploma in pharmacy in Mount Kenya University

Here you will be paying Kshs.49,550.00 per trimester and you will be doing so for 9 trimesters (which is the duration the course typically takes).

Again you need to have some extra funds to cater for your Practical Attachment, Research project, etc.


Diploma in Pharmacy Fees in Kenya at Nyeri National Polytechnic

Year 1: KSHs 67,189.00

Also budget to pay nearly the same amount in Year 2 and Year 3- remember the fee is payable on termly basis so you don’t have to pay a lump sum at once.

You can again get your fee subsidized significantly by the government.

The old fee was as indicated here

Diploma in Pharmacy Fees at Mombasa Technical University

Student Benevolent 75.00 75.00
Medical Levy 1500.00 1500.00
Library Levy 1000.00 1000.00
Activity Fee 1000.00 1000.00
Examinations Fee 4000.00 4000.00
Student Union 700.00 700.00
Student ID 1000.00
Tuition Fee 27390.00 27390.00
Industrial Attachment 3000.00
Registration Fee 750.00 750.00
Caution Money 1500.00
ICT Levy 2500.00 2500.00
TOTAL FEE 44415.00 38915.00

Please Reach Out to TUM (Technical University of Mombasa) and find out if they changed the fee because everyone seems to have adjusted the fee upward- call 0733-955377


Diploma in pharmacy fees in Kenya (Fee structure for Diploma in Pharmacy in Kenya)  – Final word

Needless to say, the cost of accommodation can be a huge burden too and this is sometimes not included in the diploma in pharmacy fee structure so ask your college/institution if it has been included.

Do not forget  that you can look and apply for bursaries and scholarships (options include your local NG-CDF and county government bursaries)..

Also do not forget HELB (helb is given even to students studying in private universities like MKU and KEMU) .

That said, your chosen college / university can come in handy when it comes to where and how to apply for bursaries or scholarships –we already saw that some county govts offer bursaries and some actually partner with specific institutions to identify deserving cases.


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