Certificate in clinical medicine and surgery in KMTC

Last updated on February 21st, 2025 at 06:30 am

So you want more information about Certificate in clinical medicine and surgery in KMTC?

Well, below is what you need to know when it comes to Certificate in clinical medicine and surgery in KMTC

Certificate in clinical medicine and surgery in KMTC [All you need to know]

First, does KMTC offer certificate in clinical medicine?

Let me start with the news that will not make you happy….

There is no such course at KMTC…

Yeah…You heard me right..

Now, for some reason, the government of Kenya doesn’t allow KMTC to offer the course so the lowest you can start for pharmacy is at the Diploma level.

In fact, there are no colleges offering Certificate in clinical medicine and surgery in Kenya…not a single one is permitted to do that so do not bother looking at other medical colleges.

Disappointing? Well, I know but here comes the good news….

The good news is that there are some nice alternatives to the course …..I understand that probably the reason you are searching about Certificate in clinical medicine and surgery at KMTC is that your grades did not qualify you for the diploma in clinical medicine and surgery whose requirements are as shown..

Certificate in clinical medicine and surgery at KMTC

But the point is, there are quite a couple of certificate courses in the medical sector that you can consider taking

And these could give you a satisfying career too.


Well, it is always good to have an open mind (be ready to accept new ideas) so below are some of the substitute medical certificate courses you can take at KMTC (go through them and see which attracts you most)

Alternative certificate courses to a Certificate in clinical medicine and surgery in KMTC

Here they are along with the required qualifications:

Certificate course in Community Health Nursing

Why not take a certificate in Nursing? It’s one of the most marketable medical courses in Kenya…

Certificate course in community health nursing requirements

Mean Grade(in KCSE): C-

Subject requirements(Cluster subjects and their grades): C- in languages (English/Kiswahili) and C- in either Biology/Biological Sciences. Besides, have a D+ grade (D plus) in any of the following subjects:

  • Physics/Physical Sciences.
  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics

*Be sure to upgrade to Diploma in nursing later on as that can open many other opportunities for you.

Certificate course in Nutrition& Dietetics

Certificate in nutrition& dietetics minimum requirements

KCSE Mean/aggregate Grade: D+(plus)

Subject (cluster) requirements: D+ in languages (English/Kiswahili) and D+ in either Biology/Biological Sciences

Also, you need a D plain grade(minimum) in any of the following KCSE subjects:

  • Chemistry or Physical Sciences
  • One out of these: Agriculture, Home Science, Physics, Business Studies, Mathematics, General Sciences.


Certificate Course in Medical Engineering at KMTC

Requirements for certificate course in medical engineering in KMTC

Mean Grade(KCSE aggregate): C-

Subject (cluster) requirements: C- in languages (English/Kiswahili), D (plain) grade in mathematics, and D (plain) grade in either Physics or Physical Sciences or Chemistry.

Finally, you must have a D (plain) grade (minimum) is needed in one the following:

  • Chemistry/Biology/Biological-Sciences/ Metal Work/ Electricity/ Technical Drawing.

Certificate course in Orthopaedic Trauma Medicine

Requirements (minimum) for Certificate in Orthopaedic Trauma Medicine in KMTC

Mean Grade(KCSE Aggregate): C-

Subject (cluster) requirements: C- in languages (English/Kiswahili), D+ in either Biology or Biological Sciences.

Also, have a D+ (plus) in any one of:

  • Physics/Physical Sciences
  • Maths
  • Chemistry
  • Woodwork
  • Metal Work
  • Metalwork
  • Agriculture
  • Home Science
  • Technical Drawing


Medical certificate courses in KMTC with the fewest opportunities

Now, even if you have qualified, the following KMTC certificate courses might not be the best choice since they seemingly don’t have as many employment opportunities as let’s say certificate in community health nursing:

  • Certificate in Health records& IT (information technology)
  • Certificate course in Public Health….has jobs but not that many
  • CHA Course(Certificate in Community Health Assistant)….well, the job market for CHA holders is challenging.

Certificate in clinical medicine in Kenya –  Final words

If I were you- and you must do a medical certificate course in KMTC- I would go for community health nursing now that there’s no Certificate in clinical medicine in KMTC

Of course, you need to have met the specified qualifications…..

Which means you might need to consider the other alternatives, if you have not.

Otherwise, you may choose to go away from the medical field and pursue a good technical certificate course in a TVET college.

If that sounds fine with you, below are links to the most marketable technical certificate courses you can do in Kenya (click to open it and see the course that matches your interests and passions in life best)


Technical university of Kenya certificate courses [What you need to know]

Best Technical Courses for Ladies in Kenya

Best Paying Technical Courses in Kenya

D plain courses in colleges in Kenya [18+courses]

Certificate courses in Kenya

KMTC clinical medicine and surgery fee structure

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