Skills needed for employment in Kenya – 8 hotcake skills

Skills needed for employment in Kenya

Looking for a job? Here are the 21st century skills you should consider acquiring Skills needed for employment in Kenya The world of work is constantly changing, and we must always be prepared to adapt to these changes. For this reason, every graduate/college-leaver must be armed with content knowledge, essential skills, and expertise in his/her … Read more

KCSE private tuition in Nairobi [The best centers]

KCSE private tuition in Nairobi

If you’re looking for KCSE private tuition in Nairobi, you have come to the right place. Of course it’s easier for you to pass your KCSE exam (and gain entry to your dream course) with the help of a professional tutor if you’re repeating form four or upgrading KCSE grade. Admittedly, there are not that … Read more

Java Programmer Salary in Kenya: How much can you earn?

So, how much is the java programmer salary in Kenya? Well, on average, the java programmer salary in Kenya starts at shs.80000 and can increase to about shs.250000 per month depending on the organization you are working for. Needless to say, the biggest companies offer the highest salaries along with an expansive list of benefits- … Read more

Computer Engineering Salary In Kenya [How Much Can You Earn?]

Computer Engineering Salary In Kenya

So, how much is the computer engineering salary in Kenya? Well, this is a question on the lips of many students considering pursuing the computer engineering course in Kenya. Now, the computer engineering salary in Kenya starts at about shs.30000 (fresh graduates) and can rise to about shs.100000 if you have a working experience of … Read more

Courses offered at Kenya School of TVET (Courses offered at KTTC)

Courses offered at KTTC

Here are the courses offered at KTTC [now Kenya School of Technical Vocational Education and Training (KSTVET) /Kenya School of TVET], the only institution in Kenya mandated to train technical trainers in Kenya (and instructors). It’s worth noting that KTTC was offering dozens of non-teacher programs targeting form 4 leavers in disciplines such as business, … Read more