Nursing Course In Kenya [Nursing courses in Kenya and qualifications]

Nursing Course In Kenya

Nursing courses in Kenya and qualifications: A nursing course in Kenya could open your doors to a lucrative career in the healthcare industry in Kenya. And with Kenya’s population rapidly expanding, demand for nurses and other healthcare professionals will continue rising. Here is all you need to know about pursuing a nursing course in Kenya. Why … Read more

KNEC bridging courses : All you need to know

KNEC bridging courses

If you’re looking for guidelines about KNEC bridging courses, then you have come to the right place. First, what are KNEC bridging courses? Bridging courses meaning KNEC bridging courses are short courses in which you re-sit subject/subjects you had failed at the KCSE, hoping to improve your grade. The purpose of KNEC bridging courses is … Read more

Highly demanding courses in Kenya in 2025

Highly demanding courses in Kenya

Because some of you have been asking, find below a list of the most highly demanding courses in Kenya. Of course, we understand that some of us are uncomfortable taking courses with a lot of math or sciences-talents and capabilities differ anyway. Others shudder at the thought of spending an eternity in college (life is … Read more

Most marketable short courses in Kenya 2025

marketable short courses in Kenya

We look at the short courses in Kenya that are marketable in this short article (In other words, the most marketable short courses in Kenya) So, what are the most marketable short courses in Kenya? Well, you’re just about to discover the most marketable certificate courses in Kenya these days and where you can study … Read more

Requirements to study medicine in Kenya in 2025

requirements to study nursing in kenya

Find out what are the exact requirements to study medicine and surgery in Kenya in this article… So, what grades do you need to study medicine in Kenya and how easy is it to join medical schools locally? Well, the truth is that it’s extremely competitive and exceedingly unlikely for you to get admission into medicine … Read more

Java Programmer Salary in Kenya: How much can you earn?

So, how much is the java programmer salary in Kenya? Well, on average, the java programmer salary in Kenya starts at shs.80000 and can increase to about shs.250000 per month depending on the organization you are working for. Needless to say, the biggest companies offer the highest salaries along with an expansive list of benefits- … Read more

Least marketable courses in Kenya [2025 update]

Least marketable courses in Kenya

KUCCPS has released a report showing the degree courses that have been attracting the fewest number of applications from form 4 leavers on its portal. These are considered to be the least marketable courses in Kenya among those seeking to join universities in Kenya, at least going by the lowly number of new applications recorded … Read more

Computer Engineering Salary In Kenya [How Much Can You Earn?]

Computer Engineering Salary In Kenya

So, how much is the computer engineering salary in Kenya? Well, this is a question on the lips of many students considering pursuing the computer engineering course in Kenya. Now, the computer engineering salary in Kenya starts at about shs.30000 (fresh graduates) and can rise to about shs.100000 if you have a working experience of … Read more

Courses offered at Kenya School of TVET (Courses offered at KTTC)

Courses offered at KTTC

Here are the courses offered at KTTC [now Kenya School of Technical Vocational Education and Training (KSTVET) /Kenya School of TVET], the only institution in Kenya mandated to train technical trainers in Kenya (and instructors). It’s worth noting that KTTC was offering dozens of non-teacher programs targeting form 4 leavers in disciplines such as business, … Read more