KUCCPS weighted cluster points formula- how to calculate cluster points

Last updated on February 23rd, 2025 at 04:51 pm

KUCCPS weighted cluster points formula: As you might be aware, you must meet the minimum kuccps cluster points for your dream course to be stand a chance of getting selected for the course.

So, how do you calculate cluster points?

Below we reveal the kuccps weighted cluster points formula to give you an idea of how KUCCPS cluster points for all courses are calculated.

But I need to explain what cluster points are before we get to the kuccps cluster points formula:

What are kuccps cluster points?

Weighted cluster points are a KCSE examination graduate’s computed performance in four subjects required for admission to a given degree programme against that of the best candidates in the particular KCSE examination year.

Keep in mind that it is based on cluster subject requirements and the overall performance of a candidate.

Now, the points are computed to three decimal places to reduce chances of applicants tying on points.

In essence, cut-off points are the weighted cluster points of the last competitively placed student in a given degree programme.


How to calculate cluster points – kuccps weighted cluster points formula

the formula to calculate cluster Points for various KUCCPS courses is given below:

C=[√ (r/R* t/T)]*48 Where r -sum of 4 cluster sbj R=48 t – your grade pts T=84


kuccps cluster points 2021

Applying the kuccps weighted cluster points formula – step by step

  1. Take the sum of points in the 4 subjects considered in whatever course you wish to take then divide by 48( maximum points in those 4 subjects)…
  2. Take your total points divide by 84, e.g 72/84….
  3. Multiply answer A by answer B then get the squareroot of the product…
  4. Multiply the squareroot you get in (C) above by 48, that gives the weighted cluster points.

or =[√ (r/R* t/T)]*48 Where r -sum of 4 cluster sbj R=48 t – your grade pts T=84

Note: The sign * means multiplication


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Now proceed reading below..

Can I calculate my cluster weight?

The answer is simply NO!

Why? You don’t have all the necessary information to calculate your cluster points, for instance, the raw marks scored per subject and your performance indices.

Luckily, the KUCCPS system automatically calculates your cluster points for you– of course they have every detail about your       KCSE performance from KNEC.

So, why would to spend time trying to work out your cluster weights while it has all been done for you?

In short, you should log in to your KUCCPS portal and check the cluster weights- by now that may have been already calculated and uploaded to the students’ portal.

In truth, KUCCPS usually calculates and posts each degree’s cluster points and even the cut off points from the previous years to help you make an informed decision.

Don’t forget that cut off points are simply the marks (cluster-weight) of the last student to join a degree programme in a university (after all the applicants to the degree have been ranked according to their cluster weights.

Crucially, those applying should understand that cut off points only become available after the placement of applicants to universities/colleges.

Here is the most important thing: this year’s applicants are provided with the cut off points of the past four years.

Why? KUCCPS intentionally does this to help applicants gauge how competitive a certain course is- you can easily tell if a course is competitive/not by looking at the last 4 years cut off points.

Subsequently, you are able to choose courses where you stand the best chance.

Now you know!

Quick Tips:

  • If your cluster-weight reads zero, it means there is a needed subject that you did not do in your KCSE.
  • Also, if the KUCCPS system says you don’t qualify for a given course, it means you have not met the requirements of a subject which is needed. It is best to choose another course in such as case.


A word on online kuccps cluster points calculator

I have come across a few online kuccps cluster points calculators that try to help candidates work out their actual cluster points when applying for course.

Well, while they can be helpful, such calculators are not 100% accurate meaning the best thing is to rely on the cluster points uploaded by KUCCPS to your student’s account.

That way, you can be sure that you’re only applying for courses that you have actually qualified for to avoid getting disappointed later when kuccps placement results are out.

KUCCPS latest news on cut off points

Below is what KUCCPS says about kuccps cut off points for courses

kuccps news cut off points

Frequently asked Questions (FAQs)

How many subjects do you consider for cluster point calculation?

The seven subjects examined by KNEC are considered in the calculation of applicants’ weighted cluster points.

Where can I get the subject requirements for various courses?

The information is available on the Student’s Portal under the “Programmes” and “Downloads” tabs.

How to contacts KUCCPS (Official KUCCPS contacts)

✓ TelePhone: 0723954927, 020 5137400
✓ E-mail address: info@kuccps.ac.ke
✓ Twitter Handle: @KUCCPS_Official (Confirm it’s verified- you’ll see a blue tick)
✓ Facebook Page: Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service(@The.Placement.Service)

PS: Follow Kenya Education Guide on Facebook here for more educational tips and advice.


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