Where is cooperative university of Kenya located?

Last updated on February 23rd, 2025 at 10:43 am

Wondering where is cooperative university of Kenya located? If yes, read this article to the end. 

In this article, we will give you direction to the university in a clear way to make sure you don’t get  lost.

Keep reading……

Where is cooperative university of Kenya located?

As we look for cooperative university location, note that we will look at each of the following cooperative campus’s location; main campus, CBD campus, Meru campus, and Mombasa campus.

To start with, let us look at:

Main campus

The cooperative university of Kenya (CUK) main campus is located in Karen, Nairobi along Ushirika road approximately 20km from Nairobi City Centre.

CBD campus

For  Co-operative University of Kenya CBD campus, it is located at the Ufundi Co-op Plaza on the  6th, 7th, 10th floor and 11th floor at the Junction of Moi Avenue and Moktar Dadar Street, just next to Jeevan Jee Gardens.

Just so you know, the campus is located 20km from main campus which is located in at Karen .

Meru campus

Right at the time, Meru cooperative campus is located at JEDI USHIRIKA PLAZA, the plaza is right opposite Hotel Westwind at Makutano on the Meru-Maua Road.

Mombasa campus

The Cooperative University Mombasa campus is located in Mombasa town, and to avoid confusion if you had visited or overhead where the university is located sometime back, note that, it was relocated to the new Jubilee Arcade on Moi Avenue in the year 2015, next to the elephant tasks (a place that is easy to trace).

Having known the location for various cooperative university campus, let us now look at additional information about the university below.

To begin with, let us look at the most popular course in the university (cooperative management course) it might be the course you would like to pursue.


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Now proceed reading below..

So, what is cooperative management course?

To put it in simple words, cooperative management course is a course that equips you with competence to procure Organizations, Goods and services, Warehouse procured goods and gain skills when it comes to distributing stored goods, participating in procurement contracts management, taking part in organizational assets disposal, conducting market survey, and handling organizations goods within the institution’s/organizations among others in an acceptable standard operating procedure (SOPs).

By now, you already know what the course entire and you might be wondering if the course is worth pursuing or not?
To clarify, you might be wondering if this course is among the marketable courses in Kenya.

To point you in the right direction, let us look if this course is marketable in Kenya in this section.

Is cooperative management marketable in Kenya?

Cooperative Management course is one course that is not so common in Kenya, but the good thing is that it is a  marketable course.

What makes this course marketable is the fact that, as it was initially suited for individuals working in SACCOs, and many SACCOs are coming up in Kenya day in day out that require expects thus creating job opportunities.

Additionally, things have changed and you do not only need to focus on working in a SAACO after pursing this course, because it has been accepted in all sectors of economy, meaning opportunities are raising making the course more marketable.

Bearing that in mind, below are areas you can in.

Areas you can work after pursing Cooperative Management course

  • Research Firms.
  • Banks.
  • In any Private organizations.
  • Universities.

Now, let us go ahead and find out if the university is a private or public university below.

Is cooperative university private or public?

To be precise, Co-operative University of Kenya (CUK) is public institution established by the Government of Kenya under the Universities Act 2012.

In addition, the University is an accredited Technical and Vocational Training (TVET) Centre that was established to run and manage the Diploma and Certificate Programmes within the University in line with TVET Act No. 29 of 2013.

Cooperative university hostels

If you get admitted to Cooperative university, the university offer accommodation (it has hostels).

Just so you know, hostels are offered in this criterial, 1st priority is given to the first-year students, and students with disability and special needs (only who have provided such information before and to the Dean of Students).

Accommodation cost is Kshs. 12000   per student, and per semester payable to the University account only (cash is not accepted).

Due to limited bed spaces within the university, you can only apply online when application is open (meaning hostels are available) through the institution website.

When it comes to  allocation, it is also done online (but only upon payment of full accommodation and at least half of the fee).

All payments to the institution are payable to the Co-operative Bank of Kenya a/c No.01129062663600 (Karen Branch) and Equity Bank Kenya a/c 1250277107862(Karen Supreme branch)

Cooperative university intakes

If you qualify for a Programme and you would like to join any branch of the university to pursue the course, intakes are usually open in January, May and September.

Cooperative university contacts

For more information about anything in cooperative university,  visit any of the cooperative university branch.

Alternatively,  you can call or even email different branches using the contacts we will provide below.

Karen campus (main campus)

Phone number: 0724311606, +254 (0)20 2430127,020 2679456

E-mail: admissions@cuk.ac.ke

Nairobi CBD Campus

Phone: 0702587959

Email: nairobicampus@cuk.ac.ke

Twitter: @coopunivcoll

Meru campus

Phone Number: +254 020 8891401-4

Email Address: enquiries@cuck.ac.ke

Mombasa campus

Phone: 0722930280/0732000116

Email: mombasacampus@cuk.ac.ke.


Cooperative university fee structure

Cooperative university diploma courses


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