Functions of KICD: The explainer 

Last updated on February 24th, 2025 at 03:45 am

This explainer is all about the various functions of KICD and its role in Kenya’s evolving education system.

Let’s start with the basics.

What is KICD (Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development)?

KICD (Formerly KIE -Kenya Institute of Education) is Kenya’s curriculum development hub- they develop syllabuses and approve the curricula for practically everything that’s taught in Kenya (except Universities).

KICD is a state corporation and gets its mandate from the K.I.C.D Act No. 4 (2013) of the Kenyan laws.

Besides curriculum development (and review), KICD also researches and develops support materials for the various curricula in addition to coming up with policies and other relevant rules.

They also offer consultancy services related to curricula at both the basic and tertiary levels of education and training.

But what are the specific functions of KICD?

Read on to discover more about what KICD does including challenges facing KICD.

Functions of KICD: A complete outline

KICD delivers the following services to various parties.

  1. Issues advice to the Government on everything relating to curriculum development
  2. Evaluates, vets, and approves both local and foreign curricula as well as curriculum support materials for use in Kenya in the various levels of education/training.
  3. Implements the relevant policies pertaining to curriculum development at basic and tertiary levels of education and training.
  4. Crafts, reviews, and approves curricula, curriculum support materials, and programs that meet relevant international standards for:
    • Early childhood education, care, and development.
    • Pre-primary education.
    • Primary education.
    • Secondary education.
    • Adult, continuing, as well as non-formal education.
    • Teacher education in Kenya and training.
    • Special needs education.
    • TVET (technical & vocational education and training).
  5. Initiates and carries out research to inform all curriculum policies, relevant review, and development.
  6. Collects documentation and catalogues information related to curricula, curriculum support, and various innovations to establish a comprehensive data bank of the same and disseminates guiding information to Kenya’s educational institutions, learners/students and other relevant institutions.
  7. Prints, publishes, and distributes information/materials relating to the curricula for basic and tertiary training/education.
  8. Collaborates with other parties (individuals and institutions) in organizing as well as conducting professional development projects/programs for teachers, trainers, quality assurance (and standards) officers and all other officials involved in the education and training programs on curriculum topics and support materials.
  9. Develops, disseminates, and communicates programs and curricula support materials via mass media, e-learning (electronic learning), distance learning, and other applicable modes of delivering educational and training programs/materials
  10. Promotes equity and ready access to quality curricula in addition to curriculum support materials.
  11. Promotes appropriate application of technology to enhance innovations and the achievement of a knowledge-based economy
  12. Offers consultancy services as needed in basic and tertiary training and education.
  13. Incorporates national values, leadership values, and talent in curriculum development
  14. Receives, considers, improves, and reviews any curriculum proposals.


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Now proceed reading below..

KICD management and KICD organisational structure

This section looks at the organizational structure of KICD and the management, as headed by the KICD chairperson.

KICD organisational structure

The institute headed by a governing council. Their work is to offer strategic direction and to supervise the management team.

The latter, led by the director/CEO steers the day-to-day operations at KICD.

One of their most important duties is to develop guidelines on critical issues such as the curation of online curriculum content and any other areas touching on the KICD curriculum development model.

Challenges faced by KICD

Having looked at the structure of KICD, let’s now look at the problems that the organization grapples with in the process of implementing the aforementioned functions of KICD.

Overall, KICD faces the following difficulties:

  • Late disbursement of funds
  • Lack of an elaborate planning policy
  • Problems in implementing the published schemes of service for the staff.
  • Inadequate financing.
  • Sometimes they’re unable to retain talented staff.
  • Failure to meet the commitments specified in their client service charter.
  • Insufficient infrastructure (tools & equipment’s).
  • Poor and/or inadequate continuous monitoring of the curriculum delivery.
  • Failure to monitor & evaluate the various KICD policies.
  • Lack of an elaborate communication policy as well as a marketing strategy.
  • Slow and cumbersome procurement procedures.
  • Lack of a clear succession planning policy.

There could be other issues but these are the most dominant.

Functions of KICD: Frequently asked questions(FAQs)

Is KICD a parastatal?

Of course, yes.

KICD is a state corporation charged with the responsibility of driving the curriculum development process in Kenya and managing the curriculum review process in Kenya among other functions.

It gets its authority from a host of laws, legal, and policy documents including:

  • The Constitution of Kenya(2010)
  • The KICD No. 4 (2013)
  • The Basic Education Act (2013)
  • The Copyright Act 2011
  • The Education Act (Cap. 211)
  • The KNEC act (Cap 225 A) of 2013
  • The TSC act 2012 – article 237 of the Kenyan constitution
  • The Technical & Vocational Education & Training Act 2013
  • The State Corporations Act- Cap 446
  • Various Education Sector Reports
  • Sessional paper 14 (2012)
  • Kenya Vision 2030 -MTP 2
  • NESP (National Education Sector Plan) 2013–2018
  • Legal notices:
  • 105 (1976)
  • 144 (1980)
  • 126 (1984)
  • 125 (2004)
  • 55 (2007)
  • 18 (2010)
  • 120 (2010)

Also important for internal control and engagement with various stakeholders are the published KICD regulations and ethics.

These are developed internally and include regulations on:

  1. Accreditation of institutions in Kenya
  2. Developing, Evaluation, and Vetting and eventually the Approval of Non-Formal and Informal Learning Programs
  3. Quality Assurance and standards


KICD direction and Contacts

Offices: Desai Road, Off Murang’a Road, Nairobi, Kenya. (Take any Matat plying Thika road and request to alight at KICD)

Telephone: 020 3749900-9 / 020 3749900-3 /0729 327 334 /0787 883 311



Wrapping it up

As you have seen, among the core functions of KICD is overseeing all the stages of curriculum development in Kenya and conducting continuous curriculum development research.

That means KICD is the right body to channel any questions on CBC curriculum together with stakeholders like the ministry of education and the active examination bodies in Kenya.

They also disseminate information about all matters relating to curriculum research, development, and support materials through online and electronic media such as the KICD Edu channel.


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1 thought on “Functions of KICD: The explainer ”

  1. The responsibilities of the institute are indeed vast. I hope scholarships do exist for further research in curriculum and pedagogy.


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