Emerging engineering courses in Kenya: Are these courses marketable?

Last updated on February 23rd, 2025 at 01:22 pm

Emerging engineering courses in Kenya: I have written several times about engineering courses in Kenya including about the best engineering courses in Kenya and the best engineering universities in Kenya.

In this article, we shall speak about emerging engineering courses in Kenya- you know, there are courses of engineering that are fairly new that can be a good option if you don’t want  to do the traditional engineering programs.

Specifically, we shall look at their career prospects, what the course entails, where to study for these courses, and even their general entry requirements

Let’s get started:


Emerging engineering courses in Kenya: List of engineering courses that have emerged recently, what they entail, and their job prospects

These are the new or emerging fields in engineering in Kenya:

Geospatial engineering

This field brings together the disciplines of computing, surveying, mapping, cartography, visualization and modeling spatial information.

Read everything about this course in this article: Is geospatial engineering marketable in Kenya?

Applied bioengineering

This is application of engineering principles to process the biological material from the biological agent.

Essentially, you can look at the course as involving the integrated use of biochemistry, microbiology and genetic engineering to engineer solutions to some of today’s unmet clinical needs (and other challenges of health).

Applied engineering researchers also use advanced scientific techniques to provide practical solutions to food security problems, environmental protection challenges, and more.

Where do applied bioengineering graduates work?

As an Applied bioengineering researcher, you’ll typically spend your days in labs and offices-and you will mainly be conducting experiments and professionally analyzing the results.

Career prospects for applied bioengineering graduates
Once you graduate with applied bioengineering, you may be hired by local as well as international research institutions that are involved in multi-disciplinary life sciences research projects,

You may also find work in production (especially quality assurance) or in technical sales departments in food processing companies including beverages producing companies, pharmaceutical companies.

Lastly, you may be hired by NGOs and other organizations operating in the environmental health protection sector.

Of course, you can also use your creativity to start your own business.

Minimum Entry Requirements
KCSE mean grade: C+ (Self-sponsored students).

On the other hand, students who are seeking admission under Government sponsorship through KUCCPS must meet the set minimum cut-off point which keeps on changing every year.

Specifically, you need to have passed well in these cluster subjects to get a chance:

Subject 1: MATH

Subject 2: PHYSICS

Subject 3: CHEMISTRY

Subject 4: BIOLOGY (or any other GROUP III / GROUP IV /any GROUP V subject).

ALSO READ: High school subjects in Kenya [Full list and groups]

Universities offering applied bioengineering in Kenya

JKUAT is the only main university offering this course.


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Now proceed reading below..

Energy engineering

This will give you the skills needed to engineer solutions to help the production of energy through natural resources (think of extraction of oil and gas from coal mines).

Energy engineers also create solutions that can boost the production of energy from renewable sources of energy (Solar, Geothermal, Wind, Biomass from plants, etc.).

In short, as an energy engineer, your work will be to come up with solutions that address energy needs in Kenya and related environmental issues.

Where do energy engineering graduates work?

Energy engineers are involved at all points in the energy production cycle—from the discovery of potential energy sources (renewable or traditional) to the grid—think of anywhere energy is harnessed.

As you may have guessed, in Kenya, energy engineers are in high demand particularly in the renewable energy sector (Solar, Geothermal, and the rest) and in oil extraction (Remember Kenya discovered oil reserves in the Turkana region in 2012).

Career prospects for energy engineering graduates

  • Energy engineer.
  • Power plant engineer.
  • Environmental engineer.
  • Electromechanical engineer.
  • Energy analyst.

Minimum Entry Requirements for energy engineering

In universities offering energy engineering courses in Kenya like KU, you must have attained these minimum grades:

KCSE mean grade: C+ (Minimum)

Cluster subjects

  • Mathematics-B+
  • Physics -B+
  • Chemistry-B
  • English-B

Like with other engineering courses, students who are seeking admission under Government sponsorship through KUCCPS must meet the set minimum cut-off point for that year (It changes almost every year).

Other accepted qualifications: You can also be admitted if you hold a Higher Diploma (with a credit pass) in a relevant field from an accredited institution.

Universities offering energy engineering in Kenya

  1. Kenyatta University
  2. JKUAT
  3. Multimedia University (MMU)

Marine engineering

This involves the design, construction and maintenance of vessels and structures used on or around water bodies.

To put it another way, marine engineering simply involves the design, development, and production (as well as maintenance) of the various equipment/machinery you see being used at the sea, lakes, and other water bodies including those used in the shipping sector (ships, boats, canoes, etc.).

Where do Marine engineering graduates work?

If you become a marine engineer, it goes without saying that you will spend most of your working life around water bodies.

That said, there is a significant number of opportunities in this field- from working for international shipping lines as a water vessel engineer to the navy (you can become a naval architect) and even to companies that make water transport vessels like ships, there are a number of good jobs in marine engineering.

Career prospects for marine engineering graduates

  • Marine technician
  • Ship fitter
  • Watercraft engineer
  • Marine engineering assistant
  • Marine engineering coordinator
  • Marine structural engineer
  • Transportation engineer (water)
  • Marine systems engineer
  • Marine engineering project manager
  • Marine propulsion engineer
  • Naval architect

Minimum Entry Requirements for a marine engineering degree (general)

At JKUAT- and other universities offering the course- you need the following grades to secure a seat:

KCSE mean grade: B- (Minimum)

Extra requirements for government-sponsored students: You must attain the total score set by KUCCPS in 4 cluster subjects which are often Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography/ Biology.

Besides, you must have at least a C+ grade in every of the 4 cluster subjects individually (this applies for self-sponsored students too).

Note that if you don’t have a C+ minimum in either Geography or Biology (the last cluster subject), you can still get a place if you had a C+ in any 2nd group III subject or any of the group IV subjects.

Universities offering marine engineering in Kenya

  • TUM(Technical University of Mombasa)

Mining and mineral processing Engineering

This is a discipline that applies science and technology in the extraction of minerals from the earth.

You’ll get knowledge about exploration, extracting, and processing of minerals –and your role is to engineer solutions that can make the mining systems more efficient and sustainable.

Where do mining and mineral processing engineering graduates work?

Overall, you’ll be working where mining is done (for example, in mineral mines, sand-and-gravel quarries, and gas extraction sites) which is typically in remote locations.

But you can also work in offices as a consultant for mining firms.

Career prospects for mining and mineral processing engineering graduates

  • Junior mining engineer
  • Senior mining engineer
  • Mine supervisor
  • Mine planning engineer
  • Resident manager
  • Mineral engineer
  • Mining safety engineers

Minimum Entry Requirements for a mining and mineral processing engineering degree (general)

KCSE mean grade: B- (Minimum)

Extra requirements: mean grade of B plain aggregate in the 4 cluster subjects (see table below for the specific subjects).

Please keep in mind that you must additionally have a C+ in each of the cluster subjects individually..

Here they are:

Alternative A

  • Mathematics-C+
  • Physics-C+
  • Chemistry-C+
  • Geography /Biology, (or any Group IV Subject)-C+

Alternative B

  • Mathematics-C+
  • Physical Sciences-B
  • Biological Sciences-C+
  • Geography (or any group IV Subject)-C+

Of course, a relevant diploma (with a credit pass) can be accepted too.

Universities offering mining and mineral processing engineering in Kenya


Taita Taveta University

Petroleum engineering

This is the field concerned with the activities related to the production of either crude oil or natural gas and can be a viable option if you dream of working in Kenya’s nascent oil industry.

Where do petroleum engineering graduates work?

Obviously, as a petroleum engineer, you will mostly be working at drilling/well sites.

That said, you may also be working from the offices of your oil-drilling/exploration employer but with occasional site visits to meet other engineers, oil-field workers, and customers.

Career prospects for petroleum engineering graduates

  • Oil drilling engineer
  • Oil exploration engineer
  • Oil well engineer
  • Reservoir engineers
  • Chief petroleum engineer


Petroleum engineering degree requirements (general)

KCSE mean grade: C+

Also, you need to have passed well in these cluster subjects to get admission:

  • MATH-B+
  • CHEMISTRY-B plain

Other accepted qualifications: You can also be admitted if you hold a Higher Diploma (with a credit pass) in a relevant field from an accredited institution plus a C (Plain) mean grade at KCSE.

Universities offering petroleum engineering in Kenya


Emerging engineering courses in Kenya- Final thoughts

There you have the best emerging engineering courses in Kenya..

Be sure to do more research before settling on any- you don’t want to rush only to discover very late that the course you are taking has no market (or is unaccredited).


Which is the best engineering course in Kenya?

Which are the accredited engineering courses in Kenya?




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