1 month cooking course in Kenya [Best Colleges]

Last updated on February 22nd, 2025 at 05:58 pm

1 month cooking course in Kenya : So you want to take a 1 month cooking course may be because you to start a catering business? It could also be that you are looking for chef jobs and you keep missing out because you do not have a certificate.

Now, whatever your motivation, I have some good news for you: there are several institutions offering short courses on cooking in Kenya including a 1 month cooking course in Kenya.

I will share them with you below, to help you know where you can go for training as a cook and get a certificate in 1 month.

Let’s dive in:

1 month cooking course in Kenya – colleges and other institutions offering short term cooking courses in Kenya

If you are looking for 1 month  short courses on cooking in Kenya, consider the following culinary skills  training colleges and institutions

Kenya Utalii College

Utalii is government owned and one of the oldest hotel and hospitality training institutions in Kenya

1 month cooking courses at Utalii College

Pastry and Bakery
Tuition fees: Kshs. 65000.00
Where offered: Utalii Main Campus

Of course, Utalii offers one of the topmost baking courses in Kenya so you will be in good hands if you’re interested specifically in baking and pastry.

Cake Making & Decorations

Tuition fees: Kshs. 65000.00
Where offered: Utalii Main Campus

Minimum entry requirements for these courses

KCSE Or “O” Level certificate – any grade


International Hotel and Tourism Institute

The IHTI (International Hotel and Tourism Institute) has not been left behind and also offers quite a number of short culinary courses, including popular one-month cooking courses.

The institute has one of the best-equipped culinary lab so it can be another great option.

1 month cooking courses /baking courses at International Hotel and Tourism Institute

Pure cooking cases

  • Cookery Level I- takes 60 hrs. (1 Month)
  • Cookery Level II- takes 60 hrs. (1 Month)

Baking and pastry programs

  • Pastry Level I- takes 60 hrs. (1 Month) too
  • Pastry Level II- takes 60 hrs. (1 Month) too

You can go to their website to learn more


Cascade Institute of Hospitality

If you’re in Thika and its environs, you can check out the fast growing Cascade institute- they also have a basic cooking (and kitchen operations) course.

Here’s what you’ll cover:

  • Basic cooking equipment
  • Menu planning,
  • Knife skills -vegetable chopping and pairing
  • How to make salads, pastas, meats, snacks, popular traditional dishes, etc.


Minimum Entry Requirements

None- the course is OPEN to everyone.

Tuition Fees

Kshs. 24,000  -(You can reach out to them to confirm if the fee has changed)

By the way, you can also take a 1-month Cake Making and Decorations course at the same college.


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Now proceed reading below..

Boma International Hospitality College (BIHC)

Boma has an international-oriented culinary skills short course that you may want to take a look at, especially if you’re searching for opportunities in 5 star establishments or you harbor dreams of working as a cook outside the country.

Course Objectives

By the time you’ll be completing the course, you will have the necessary skills/knowledge/expertise to comfortably:

  • Use assorted kitchen utensils and/or equipment- you will have understood the modern kitchen environment very well.
  • Prepare basic stocks as well as sauces (classical to modern)
  • Prepare cold as well as hot appetizers
  • Execute main course dishes comprising seafood, poultry, fish, vegetarian plus other meat items

Tuition Fees

50,000.00 Kshs. (inclusive of Certificate of Achievement and every learning material)

There is an extra Kshs.1000 paid as application fee.


  • April every year
  • August every year
  • December every year

You can go to their website to learn more

East Africa College of Tourism and Hospitality Management

The EACTHM(East Africa College of Tourism and Hospitality Management), based in the city too, teaches short-term cooking courses.

These are:

  • Basic Cake-Making & Decorations- 2 Weeks to Month.
  • Advanced Cake-Baking & Decoration-2 Weeks to Month.
  • Meal Preparation(Cuisines)- 4 Weeks (1 Month)
  • Desserts, Salads& Dressings- 4 Weeks (1 Month)
  • Food Service-2 Weeks.

The College is one of those teaching short cooking courses in Nairobi – it is located at Nairobi West, Mai-Mahiu Rd.

Nakuru college of hotel and tourism management

Nakuru college of hotel and tourism management can be an option for you if you’re in Nakuru or the wider Rift Valley area.

The college is along Geoffrey Kamau Avenue, in Nakuru Town and teaches a 1-month Pastry & Baking course


Gourmet Academy 254  Mombasa

The Gourmet Academy 254 –Mombasa offers intensive and very practical one-month cooking courses and we recommend it if you live at the coast.

Their programs are very systematic and will help you develop excellent skills and techniques…

You will be taken through all the essentials from culinary principles, latest cooking methods, menu-planning, and even gastronomy in a super professional culinary training environment.

Call 0706 349213 for more info.


1 month cooking course in Kenya -Final words

Please remember to research each college’s cooking course curriculum, facilities, and more importantly, reputation – you want to be sure that you’re joining an institution that will help you meet your goals within 1 month.

You can do that by contacting each institution via websites or calling and asking the questions you may have about their one month cooking courses (enrollment procedures, how the training is done, etc).

Good luck!


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