What Grades do You Need to Study Medicine in Kenya?

Last updated on February 23rd, 2025 at 10:00 am

So, what grades do you need to study medicine in Kenya?

Well, to study medicine in Kenya, one must first fulfill certain academic requirements.

It is important to note that admission to medical schools in Kenya is extremely competitive, and meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

Therefore, you will need to have excellent academic performance, as most prestigious universities offering medical courses, specifically the bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery, have set higher grade requirements.

So, in this article, we’ll look at the grades required to study medicine in Kenya.

Read on…


What grades do you need to study medicine in Kenya?

Bear in mind that admission requirements for bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery (MB.ChB) program are the same across all Kenyan universities.

Now, here is what you must have scored in order to study medicine in Kenya:

KCSE holders:

You must have at least a C+ (plus) in your KCSE.

You must also have passed the following cluster subjects, in addition to the C+ (plus) grade:

  • Biology – B (plain)
  • Chemistry – B (plain)
  • Physics/Mathematics – B (plain)
  • English/Kiswahili – B (plain)


Alternative cluster subjects combination:

  • Biological Sciences – B (plain)
  • Physical Sciences – B (plain)
  • Mathematics – B (plain)
  • English/Kiswahili – B (plain)

Keep in mind that the cluster points for medicine and surgery must be met. The cluster points can be checked on the KUCCPS portal.


KACE (Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education) holders:

  • A minimum of two principal passes in Biology and Chemistry.
  • A subsidiary pass in Physics/Mathematics
  • A credit pass in English


International Baccalaureate (IB):

  • A minimum of grade 5 or above in Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics/Physics, and English/Kiswahili.


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Now proceed reading below..

Diploma holders:

You must meet the following entry requirements if you have a diploma in medical sciences:

  • A three-year diploma with a minimum of credit pass from a board-approved accredited medical training institute.
  • A Division II pass at ‘O’ level or a KCSE mean grade of C+ with a credit C+ in the cluster subjects is required.


Degree holders:

You may still enroll if you have a degree in biological sciences or an equivalent qualification from a recognized institution and have passed the Graduate Record Examination (GRE).

Course duration: 6-8years


Where to study

  • University of Nairobi School of Medicine
  • Moi University School of Medicine
  • Kenyatta University School of Medicine
  • JKUAT School of Medicine
  • Mount Kenya University School of Medicine
  • Egerton University School of Medicine
  • Uzima University School of Medicine
  • Kenya Methodist University School of Medicine


However, if you are only interested in the medical field but do not meet the requirements to study medicine, there are several other options to consider. Clinical medicine, dentistry, and nursing are a few examples.

So, in this section, we’ll look at their minimum entry requirements as well as the different institutions where you can study.

Requirements to study Dentistry in Kenya

1.     Bachelor of Science in Dental Technology

Graduates of this program are prepared to work as dental technologists, whose primary responsibility is to create dentures, crowns, bridges, and dental braces that improve patients’ appearance, speech, and ability to chew.

Requirements for direct entry:

You must have a KCSE mean grade of C+ (plus).

Furthermore, you must have at least a C+ in the following cluster subjects:

  • Biology/Biological Sciences
  • Mathematics/Physics
  • Chemistry/Physical Sciences
  • English/Kiswahili

Course duration: 4 years


Upgrading entry requirements:

  • Have a diploma in Dental Technology from an accredited institution recognized by the University senate.
  • You must have completed a one-year internship and have at least one year of work experience.

Course duration: 2 ½ years


Where to study

  • Mount Kenya University (MKU)


2.     Bachelor of Dental Surgery

This degree program prepares students to become dental surgeons by providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills. It is typically concerned with the study of dental anatomy, physiology, pathology, and materials.

So, in order to study Bachelor of Dental Surgery, you must meet the following requirements:

For KCSE holders:

You must have a KCSE mean grade of C+ (plus) or above.

In addition, you should have a B (plain) average in the following cluster subjects:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Mathematics/Physics
  • English/Kiswahili

It is also important to note that you must meet the specified dental surgery cluster points.

For KACE holders:

  • A minimum of two principal passes in Biology and Chemistry.
  • A subsidiary pass in Mathematics/Physics.


International Baccalaureate (IB)

  • A minimum of grade 5 or above in Biology, Chemistry, physics/Mathematics, and English/Kiswahili.


For Diploma holders in Medical Sciences:

  • A minimum ‘O’ Level Division II in KACE, or a KCSE mean grade of C+ with a minimum C+ in the KCSE cluster subjects.
  • A three-year diploma with a minimum of a credit pass from a board-approved medical training institution in any of the following fields:
  • Dental technology
  • Dental surgery assistants
  • Dental hygiene
  • Community oral health
  • Clinical medicine
  • Laboratory technology
  • Pharmaceutical technology
  • Radiography
  • Nursing

Course duration: 5-8 years


Where to study

  • University of Nairobi
  • Moi University


Next, we look at the requirements to study clinical medicine in Kenya…


Requirements to study Clinical Medicine in Kenya

This program is designed for students who want to become competent clinical officers.

To clarify, clinical officers are trained to provide primary healthcare services and are authorized to prescribe medications, perform minor surgical procedures, and provide emergency care.

So, below are the required qualifications for the course:

Bachelor of Clinical Medicine requirements:

KCSE holders:

KCSE mean grade of C+ (plus)

In addition, you must meet the following subject cluster requirements:

  • Biology C+ (plus)
  • Chemistry C+ (plus)
  • Mathematics/Physics C+ (plus)
  • English/Kiswahili C+ (plus)

Alternative cluster subjects combinations:

  • Biological Sciences C+ (plus)
  • Physical Sciences C+ (plus)
  • Mathematics C+ (plus)
  • English/Kiswahili C+ (plus)


KACE holders:

For KACE holders, a minimum of two principle passes in Chemistry and Biology as well as a subsidiary pass in Physics/Mathematics are required.


Diploma holders:

  • Have a diploma in Clinical Medicine or higher diploma in Clinical Medicine from an accredited institution with a C (plain) in KCSE.
  • As a diploma holder, you must be registered with Clinical Officers Council.

Diploma in Clinical Medicine requirements:

You must have attained a KCSE mean grade of C (plain)

Besides, you must meet the following cluster subjects’ requirements:

  • English/Kiswahili – C (plain)
  • Biology/Biological Sciences – C (plain)
  • Chemistry/Physical Sciences – C – (minus)
  • Mathematics/Physics – C- (minus)


Where to study

  • Masinde Muliro University
  • Egerton University
  • Mount Kenya University
  • Uzima University
  • Kenya Methodist University


And lastly, let us check out what grades you will need to do nursing in Kenya.


Requirements to study Nursing in Kenya

Another highly marketable medical course to study in Kenya is nursing.

Direct entry requirements:

KCSE mean grade C+ (plus) with a C+ (plus) in Biology, chemistry, Physics/Mathematics, and English/Kiswahili.

Alternatively, you need to have attained a C+ (plus) in the following alternative cluster subject combination:

  • Biological Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • English/Kiswahili.


BScN-Upgrading group entry requirements:

  • Have Diploma in Nursing from an accredited institution with a minimum of C (plain) in KCSE or Division III in KACE.
  • You should have two-years working experience and be a registered nurse.
  • Also, you should have a valid practice license from the Nursing Council of Kenya.


Where to study BSc.N in Kenya

  • University of Nairobi
  • Mount Kenya University
  • Kenyatta University
  • Egerton University
  • Moi University
  • Dedan Kimathi University of Technology


Wrap up

So there you have it: the academic requirements for studying medicine in Kenya.

Hopefully, it will assist you in making the right decision in light of your career objectives and passion.

Also, make sure that the institution where you intend to enroll is accredited to teach the course.

All the best!



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