Unmarketable Courses in Kenya

Unmarketable Courses in Kenya

Here is a list of some unmarketable courses in Kenya (to avoid) As many courses as there are to pursue in the hopes of getting into lucrative careers, there are some that are less marketable with few job opportunities and will take ages to get a formal job, or worse, end up with no job. … Read more

Is nursing marketable in Kenya?

Is nursing marketable in Kenya?

Here is a quick question: Is nursing marketable in Kenya? Well, this is the question I will be answering in this article comprehensively so read the article to the end if nursing is your dream career . Is nursing marketable in Kenya? To be blunt, let me say that over the years the number of … Read more

Least marketable courses in Kenya [2025 update]

Least marketable courses in Kenya

KUCCPS has released a report showing the degree courses that have been attracting the fewest number of applications from form 4 leavers on its portal. These are considered to be the least marketable courses in Kenya among those seeking to join universities in Kenya, at least going by the lowly number of new applications recorded … Read more