Last updated on February 24th, 2025 at 03:44 am
Here are the courses offered at KTTC [now Kenya School of Technical Vocational Education and Training (KSTVET) /Kenya School of TVET], the only institution in Kenya mandated to train technical trainers in Kenya (and instructors).
It’s worth noting that KTTC was offering dozens of non-teacher programs targeting form 4 leavers in disciplines such as business, engineering, information studies, and more but now majorly focuses on TVET trainer education Diploma (diploma in technical teacher education)
Read on to get all the information about KTTC courses and requirements including for the school based courses in KTTC such as diploma in technical teacher education KTTC.
Courses offered at Kenya School of TVET (Courses offered at KTTC) or Kenya School of Technical Vocational Education and Training (KSTVET) or Kenya School of TVET- all details
1. Teacher Education Programmes
Here are the courses you can pursue at KTTC if you want to become a trainer in any of the TVET approved colleges in Kenya and the entry requirements.
Building & Civil Engineering Department
Diploma in TTE (Technical Teacher Education) , Building/Civil Engineering.
Entry requirements: KCSE mean grade C+ (Plus) plus a C+ in Math or Physics. You should also hold a Higher Diploma or an ordinary Diploma in a building or civil engineering course (your area of specialization).
Course duration: 5 Terms or 7 Holidays(school based)
Intakes: January (for Regular Classes) and August (for School Based Classes)
Pre-Service Diploma in TTE (Technical Teacher Education), Building/Civil Engineering.
Entry requirements: KCSE mean grade C+ (Plus) plus a C+ in Math or Physics.
Course duration: 4 Years
Intakes: January or September
Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department
Diploma in TTE (Technical Teacher Education) Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
Entry requirements: KCSE mean grade C+ (Plus) plus a C+ in Math or Physics. You should also hold a Higher Diploma or an ordinary Diploma in a building or civil engineering course (your area of specialization).
Course duration: 5 Terms or 7 Holidays(school based)
Intakes: January
Diploma in TTE (Technical Teacher Education) , Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
Entry requirements: a Higher Diploma or an ordinary Diploma in Electrical or Electronics engineering course (your area of specialization).
Course duration: 4 Terms or 6 Holidays(school based)
Intakes: January (for Regular Classes) and August (for School Based Classes)
Education Department
Here we have a couple of programs that favor those who have previously studied courses like Tourism and Hospitality Management, Clothing Technology, Food and Beverage, Applied Sciences, Development studies, Project management, and Community/Social development and wish to become qualified trainers in these specialization areas.
Diploma in TTE (Technical Teacher Education), Food & Beverage or Tourism/Hospitality Management or Clothing Technology.
Entry requirements: Diploma In Food & Beverage or Tourism/Hospitality Management or Clothing Technology.
Course duration: 1 year (regular) or 6 Holidays (school based)
Intakes: January (for Regular Classes) and August (for School Based Classes)
Diploma in TTE (Technical Teacher Education) Mixed Mode
Entry requirements: Diploma In Project management, Development studies, Community/Social development, or Applied Sciences
Course duration: 3 terms or 3 Holidays (school based)
Intakes: April/December
Higher Diploma (KNEC) in Education Management
Entry requirements: Diploma In Education
Course duration: 2 Years
Intakes: April/August/December
Advanced Diploma In TTE (Technical Teacher Education)
This course is ideal if you hold a degree in areas such as ICT, Business management, community development, building technology and more and dream of becoming a trainer in a technical institute in Kenya or even as a secondary school teacher in technical subjects.
This can be a great alternative to the post graduate diploma in education offered by Kenya universities.
Entry requirements: First degree or a Post graduate Qualification (Masters)
Course duration: 3 terms or 3 holidays (school based)
Intakes: April or December every year.
Information Studies Department
Diploma In TTE (Technical Teacher Education), Information Studies
Entry requirements: KNEC Diploma in Information Studies
Course duration: 1 year (regular) / 6 holidays (school based)
Intakes: January or August every year.
Mechanical Engineering Department
Diploma In TTE (Technical Teacher Education), Automotive/Production Engineering
Entry requirements: Dip in Automotive or Production Engineering
Course duration: 3 Terms (regular) Or 6 school holidays (school based)
Intakes: January or August every year.
Diploma In TTE (Technical Teacher Education), Automotive/Production Engineering
Entry requirements: Diploma/Degree in Production/ Automotive Engineering plus KCSE C+ mean grade and a C+ in Math Or Physics
Course duration: 5 Terms (regular)
Intakes: January
Diploma In TTE (Technical Teacher Education), General Agriculture
Entry requirements: Dip in general agriculture plus KCSE C+ mean grade and a C+ in biology.
Course duration: 5 Terms (regular)
Intakes: January
Pre-Service Diploma in TTE (Technical Teacher Education), Mechanical Engineering
Entry requirements: KCSE mean grade C+ (Plus) plus a C+ in Math or Physics.
Course duration: 4 Years
Intakes: January or September
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Computer studies Department at Kenya School of TVET
The following are the courses offered at KTTC for graduates of computer studies, computer science, ICT or BBIT desiring to qualify as instructors/ teachers.
Diploma In TTE (Technical Teacher Education)- ICT, Computer Science, or BBIT
Entry requirements: Diploma/Degree in computer science, ICT, or BBIT
Course duration: 3/5 terms (regular program) and 6/7 holidays (school based)
Intakes: January/August
Diploma In TTE (Technical Teacher Education) with ICT (Information Communication & Technology)
Here you train to become as an ICT tutor at either a secondary school or TVET college from scratch.
Entry requirements: KCSE C+ (mean grade) and C+ in Math /Physics/English/Business Studies
Course duration: 3 Years
Intakes: January
Business Studies Department
The following are the courses offered at KTTC for graduates of business courses desiring to qualify as instructors/ teachers.
Diploma In TTE (Technical Teacher Education), Business
Entry requirements: Diploma/Degree in a business course like supply chain management, human resource management, business management, co-operative management etc.
Course duration: 4 Terms
Intakes: January/August
Diploma In TTE (Technical Teacher Education), Business
Entry requirements: Dip in a business related area plus KCSE C+ mean grade and a C+ in math/eng.
Course duration: 5 Terms (regular)
Intakes: January
Diploma In TTE (Technical Teacher Education) in a business specialization
Here you train to become as a business tutor at either a secondary school or TVET college from scratch.
Entry requirements: KCSE C+ (mean grade) and C+ in Math /Eng.
Course duration: 3 Years
Intakes: January/May/September
Instructor Training Department
These courses targets those who plan to practice as instructors in various areas.
Instructor Training Course Part I
Entry requirements: ‘O’ Level, Craft certificate in your area of specialization.
Course duration: 3 Months
Intakes: January/April/ May/Aug/September/Dec
Instructor Training Course Part II
Entry requirements: Instructor Training Course Part I
Course duration: 3 Months
Intakes: January/April/ May/Aug/September/Dec
Diploma course in Instructor Training
Entry requirements: Instructor Training Course Part I & II
Course duration: 3 modules and 2 terms
Intakes: April/August/December
Training of Trainers(TOT) course
Entry requirements: Cert in Instructor Training course Or a Supervisory Role
Course duration: 4 Weeks
Intakes: April/August/December
Certificate in Managing TVET institutions.
Entry requirements: Diploma course in Instructor Training/Instructor Training course Part II
Course duration: 4 Weeks
Intakes: April/August/December
ODEL (Open, Distance & e-Learning) Department at Kenya School of TVET
Integration of ICT Teacher Certificate (IITC)
Entry requirements: Teaching Certificate from any recognized institution
Course duration: Flexible (but not more than 12 months since starting)
Intakes: Open
Kenya School of TVET – How to apply
To apply, you’re supposed to download the application form from the KTTC website here, complete, and then post it to the postal address given towards the end of the article (apply to the, chief principal K.T.T.C) or hand-deliver it to the college.
Remember to deposit the Kshs. 1000.00 application fee to the following KTTC bank account:
Bank account: No.01129070020900
Name of bank: Co-operative Bank
Bank branch: Gigiri mall branch
Note that this money is non-refundable.
Another way to apply would be from the KUCCPS website especially for those who intend to pursue non teaching courses.
KTTC admission letters (Kenya School of TVET admission letters)
Those successfully admitted can download the admission letters from the KTTC website.
You can also visit KTTC main campus in Gigiri (Near the US Embassy) physically to collect the letter.
KTTC hostels
For accommodation, you can board in the hostels located within the college or choose to rent space from one of the privately-run accommodation facilities within the vicinity of the college.
We would advise you to go for the college-owned hostels if you’re on a budget.
That’s because the accommodation fee is way below what you would pay outside there.
For food, you can make arrangements to cook own food within your room or buy from the college-run cafeteria (the prices are quite pocket friendly).
KTTC contacts (Kenya School of TVET contacts)
For more details on the above KTTC course requirements, get in touch with the registrar at Kenya Technical Trainers College using the following details:
Address: P. O. Box 44600, Nairobi 00100
Mobile numbers: 0707 444222
E-mail address:
Kenya School of TVET Website:
Kenya School of TVET Fees Structure
The fee is as follows:
KTTC location (Kenya School of TVET location)
The government run institution is located along the United Nation’s (UN) Road in Gigiri (Nairobi County).
The easiest way to travel to the college is by boarding Matatus that ply Limuru road at Konja Stage, Nairobi.
Only board those that pass via KTTC and request to alight at KTTC.
Note: You can download the complete KTTC course brochure here (click)
KTTC fee structure (Full Kenya science teachers college fees structure)
TSC requirements for PGDE in Kenya [latest guidelines]
TSC registration qualifications and TSC number application guide
Zetech college hospitality courses [A Complete Guide]
I like your institution but i could like to do petroleum Geo science do you offer?
I graduated with diploma in cooperative management and I want to enrol as a tutor in the January intake ,please may I know how to go about it?
Contact KTTC using the given contacts
I have a pass in diploma of general agriculture can I pursue in teaching?
i have a degree in art and design and would like to be a trainer which course woould you advice me to specialize in as a trainer?
A relevant PGDE course. Also check KTTC courses
I’m BCOM graduate majored in procurement option…what course can train as trainer? Kindly advise
Shop around and see what suits you best
I have done Diploma in ICT and requesting to Know if am capable to pursue Higher Diploma in Education.
Contact KTTC ON 0707444222/0786444600
do you have courses suiting police officers?
Look for criminology related courses
I have a diploma in food and beverage… Can I apply through KUCCP to study as a trainer
Contact KTTC
I hold a degree in Agribusiness management,how van i go about in order to become a tutor
Take advanced diploma in technical education
I have a degree in Bcom.accounting option,I’m I elible to train as a trainer.
Yes. Take the advanced diploma in Technical Education at KTTC
I have degree in information science looking for teaching course in related field
Kindly note that the minimum qualifications are as stated in the article
Hello…are there applications and admissions for may intake 2021 in your institution?I would like to pursue diploma in education
Contact KTTC directly
I hold a diploma in information technology and i want to enroll to became a will i apply putting into consideration there is a covid-19 and lock down.
Contact KTTC for advise
Contact KTTC directly
IAM a teacher employed by teachers service commission,I would like to take a course on school based mode that can help me become atutor in TVET especially in food science or garment making, please help how
Check KTTC. This is the best place to be if you want to teach in a TVET. Read this article
I am an holder of Bsc.Records Management,Kenyatta university n want to be a tutor,kindly let me know how i can go about.
Contact KTTC for advicse
I wish to undertake a ccourse in ICT as a teacher
Intake ongoing
Interesting article. Thanks.
I like your college and I would wish to join you come next intake
I like your college and I would wish to join you come next intake, is September intake available
Ok. Visit KTTC or check them out online
I have done cert general agriculture can I train as ateacher
Do a Diploma first
can i persue a diploma in teacher training online i have diploma in business administration
Contact KTTC for answers
Hallo there, I have a degree in agricultural economics and resource management and would like to pursue a course that can help me teach in ITVET Colleges, kindly advice and also if you offer online classes.
Am A holder of craft plumbing can i train to be an instructor
Contact KTTC though I think minimum is Diploma
I am a p1 teacher and would like to pursue a course on general Agriculture ,school based or even online,is it possible?
I have a diploma in information science and I need to study online is it possible
I have attained craft certificate in plumbing,,i would like to become a technical lecture under plumbing & building, what am i supposed to combine with my cert plumbing to attain my goal
Nice article
Am holding artisan in carpentry joinery is it applicable to come and purse instructor 1
I’m holding a diploma in applied biology is it applicable for me to pursue as a trainer in any of the tvet institutions?
I have done diploma in civil engineering and wanted to know if I can do high diploma in education as teacher of technical colleges
I have done craft certificate in building technology ,can I pursue instructor part 1 in masonry and carpentry and joinery?
Hallo,I had applied to join your institution,and I have the admission letter,but due to unavoidable reasons I didn’t come but I am ready now for the next school-based intake,will I reapply or will use the previous admission letter.Kindly advice.
Hello,can I pursue library and information at kttc? I had a mean grade of c-
hello i have a mean grade of C plain with a certificate of Diploma in accounting and finance,,do i qualify to join your school to be train as atrainer?
Am a graduate of biomedical engineering and technology and I would like to be a teachnical trainer .
I have a diploma in cartography and GIS and i would like to be a technical trainer , can i get this chance at KTTC?
I have diploma in secretarial studies and a bachelor of business management and office administration and i would like to be a trainer. What course should i take? i will appreciate your guidance
Advanced Diploma in Technical Education
You can advise students to join University after graduating in Diploma
I graduated from KIMC with a diploma in Film/video programs production(directing option) which course can i take to be a trainer in the information industry?