Is geospatial engineering marketable in Kenya?

Is geospatial engineering marketable in Kenya

Before we answer the question “is geospatial engineering marketable in Kenya?”, let us first understand the course. What is geospatial engineering as a course? This field brings together the disciplines of computing, surveying, mapping, cartography, visualization and modeling spatial information. What do geospatial engineers do? These engineers use modern mapping technologies (think GIS and GPS) … Read more

Accountancy courses in Kenya [All you need to know]

Accountancy courses in Kenya

In this article, we shall be discussing accountancy courses in Kenya- and we shall specifically try to talk about all you need to know about studying accountancy in Kenya. Are you ready for this? If yes, let’s dive in- we hope that our information will help you make an informed decision..   Accountancy courses in … Read more

TVET colleges in Nairobi [Government sponsored and private]

TVET colleges in Nairobi

Below is a list of TVET colleges in Nairobi to help you make the right decision if you have chosen to take your course at a TVET college in the city- sometimes studying in Nairobi can open up more opportunities compared to when you’re studying near home. TVET colleges in Nairobi [Government sponsored and private] … Read more

Best engineering universities in Kenya [updated list]

Best engineering universities in Kenya

Best engineering universities in Kenya: Engineering is a very good course but it is also important that you take your course at a good university- that’s the only way you can be sure you’re being taught in-demand skills. More importantly, studying in the best accredited engineering university means the paper you get at the end … Read more

Best engineering course in Kenya [2025 update!]

Best engineering course in Kenya

Engineering is generally a good course but because there are several disciplines, you may be wondering what is the best engineering course in Kenya. Now, as I have just told you, there are a couple of options when it comes to engineering courses in Kenya. And because it is important you know about them before … Read more

Best Grade C courses in Kenya (2025 update)

Grade C courses in Kenya

In this article we shall educate you about the best Grade C courses in Kenya- even if you are disappointed not to have managed a C+ to get you to university, C is not a bad grade if you choose the right course. After all, according to American Entrepreneur and Author Robert Kiyosaki, C students … Read more

High School Scholarships in Kenya 2025

High School Scholarships in Kenya

Below we have compiled a list of High School Scholarships in Kenya to help point you in the right direction if you’re looking for high school scholarships in Kenya… High School Scholarships in Kenya you can apply for – most popular High School Scholarships in Kenya 2022 for Bright and Needy learners   Equity Bank … Read more

Schools for special needs in Kenya [Contacts and location]

Schools for special needs in Kenya

Below is an updated list of schools for special needs in Kenya to help you know where you can take your child for education and other developmental needs if he/she has a disability (abled differently). Schools for special needs in Kenya [Contacts and location] Please note that this list of schools for special needs in … Read more

Autism schools in Kenya [Contacts and location]

Autism schools in Kenya

Some parents don’t know exactly where to begin ­so below are some great autism schools in Kenya that offer specialized learning strategies for non-traditional learners. Autism schools in Kenya [Contacts and location] Here is a list of autism schools in Kenya you can take your child for academics, social development, and more (to put them … Read more