Certificate in clinical medicine and surgery in KMTC

Certificate in clinical medicine and surgery in KMTC

So you want more information about Certificate in clinical medicine and surgery in KMTC? Well, below is what you need to know when it comes to Certificate in clinical medicine and surgery in KMTC Certificate in clinical medicine and surgery in KMTC [All you need to know] First, does KMTC offer certificate in clinical medicine? … Read more

KMTC Certificate Courses [2025 Intake]

KMTC Certificate Courses Qualifications

Certificate courses in KMTC and their requirements : Here is all you need to know about KMTC Certificate Courses Qualifications including the minimum certificate in nursing requirements  So, what are the KMTC certificate courses qualifications? Well, to join KMTC for any Certificate course, you need at least a minimum grade of C- (KCSE). In addition, you … Read more