Last updated on February 24th, 2025 at 06:19 am
This guide explains the KNEC registration process for private candidates.
And as you might be aware, KNEC provides this option for those who wish to upgrade their KCSE grade (repeating form four) or just get a KCSE certificate for the first time.
Let’s dive right in.
UPDATE: KNEC has introduced Mid Year KCSE Exams for those who would like to repeat…And that could be your best option instead of waiting a whole year, to resit your KCSE. Remember KCSE is ending in 2026 so you only have a short window to repeat/do your KCSE!
Read more about how to register for KNEC Mid year KCSE Exams below:
KNEC Mid Year KCSE Exams (KNEC Mid year KCSE Repeat Exams)
KNEC registration private candidates – the process
KNEC has simplified the process of registering for KCSE exams as a private candidate and all you have to do now is download and fill the KNEC private candidate registration form from their website.
You’re then required to present the completed form to your sub-county’s director of education.
The sub county education office will also guide you on the existing KCSE private registration centres in your sub county – you can request to be placed in a center that is convenient for you.
Note that you will sit your exam in one of the schools appointed as a KCSE private exam center in your sub county (KNEC permits only one private K.C.S.E examination centre in every sub county).
Official requirements to register as a private KCSE candidate in Kenya
You will be asked to supply the following documents when registering:
- Passport size photo (2 copies).
- Birth certificate copy (1 copy).
- A copy of your KCPE certificate.
Besides, a duration of not less than 3 years should have passed since you wrote your KCPE exam if you’re a first time private candidate.
Form 4 repeaters were previously required to spend two years out in the cold before re-attempting the KCSE exam but this condition has since been abolished after a review of the KCSE guidelines.
KNEC registration private candidates- how much is the examination fees?
If you’re taking 7 subjects, expect to pay about shs.5500/-.
The charges may, however, go up with an extra shs.200-shs.500 per extra exam depending on whether the paper is practical or theory.
The maximum number of papers you can sit is presently capped at 9.
Note: The fee keep on varying so it is important to contact your local sub-county education office /KNEC for final confirmation
Kenya national examination council registration for private candidates- payment of fees
While regular students ought to deposit the examination fees straight into any of the various KNEC collection bank accounts at National Bank, KCB, Co-operative Bank, or Equity bank branch, private students pay through the account you’re given by the sub-county education officer helping you.
Just request him/her to supply you with the details about the bank account account you are required to pay into- normally, each sub-county will have a unique bank account.
Once you pay, the deposit slip copy should be handed over to your sub county’s director of education along with the rest of the requested registration documents (as explained next).
He/she will ultimately transfer the entire amount (from all the private candidates who have registered through his/her office) to KNEC.
KNEC registration private candidates – when is the KCSE registration deadline?
To be eligible, you are supposed to submit the form and pay the applicable exam fees before the expiry of the set KCSE private candidate registration period.
Now, KNEC usually announces the deadline date through the media but I recommend that you contact your sub county’s education office soonest possible for confirmation as it will allow you to make the necessary arrangements.
Important: Keep in mind that the usual deadline for KCSE private candidate registration is 28th February. Of course, this may change as a result of special situations (such as the pandemic) or as KNEC/ministry of education deems fit. That is why we keep on insisting that the best approach to be sure of deadlines is to get in touch with your sub-county’s education office ASAP.
KNEC registration private candidates- A word on late registration
KNEC used to extend the exam registration period by a couple of days after the official deadline but this is no longer the case for both KCSE and KCPE exams.
It’s, therefore, crucial that you adhere to the deadline you’re given by the sub county education official.
Final thoughts
To boost your chances of scoring a good grade in your KCSE as a private candidate, consider enrolling in one of the adults secondary schools in Kenya such as Clevers schools or at least a secondary school near you especially for practicals.
There are schools that offer bridging courses you can consider too accross the country.
You can also hire a private KCSE tutor or use the KCSE study materials at your nearest Kenya National Library Services branch.
Also helpful during revision are KNEC past papers (search for them online or sweet-talk your teachers).
PS: You can contact Mr. Michael Obiero of Pan African Girls High School on 0724 679 057 0r 0789 881 380 if you’d prefer to bridge/resit your KCSE exam as a private candidate. He will help with everything including booking you for the resit and enrolling you for classes(if you’d like to be a private candidate).
KCSE private tuition in Nairobi (best centers)
Hi my name is Amon Kiplagat Kwambai and I did my kcse on 2018 and I would like to register as a private candidate for this year 2020 kcse national examination ..
i think deadline is passed
Am josephat mureithi gachanja,I did my KCSE 2013 and i want to rewrite it on 2021
Hi. If I did my KCSE in 2003 can I still do a re-sit 2021? Is there a limit to time lapsed since I did my KCSE. Which colleges or university around Thika does this?
Hey am Hassan Maloba nilifanya mtihani wa darasa la nane mwaka wa 2019.
Tulipata shahada zetu hivi maajuzi,lakini tena baadae shirika la mitihani Knec liliitisha hizo shahada zetu.
Je tutazipata tena??
Teso North Private.
Kindly contact KNEC directly for relevant advise
Hi, my name is james mwangi, i did my KCSE on 2015 and managed a C plain. Is it possible to repeat high school to upgrade please and will it be accepted for by GOK?
I did my kcpe exam in 1998, do I stand a chance to register for kcse online
Cert needed
Help me get admission
Talk to your nearest Education Office. They will help
Is it possible to re-sit only one subject at K.C.S.E as a private candidate?
Contact your local subcounty education office for help
Hi.I am Margaret Nduta Monirei I did my KCPE exams2015 do I have a chance to KCSE
I did my kcse in 2019, i reregistered again in 2020 can i still use my previous certificate?.
In the future can i still use both certificates?
I dont think so.
I think she will use the best certificate of the two ….no one will make a reject of one’s certificate…
In the recruitment such as KDF they normally said that one Must present The Originals not Suplementary so it’s better to use both.
When is the registration for 2022 kcse
Check with KNEC
When do knec private registration begins 2021 series
You should contact your local sub county education office for proper guidance urgently
I sat for my kcse in the year 1991 am I abled to resit as a private candidate
You should contact your local sub county education office for proper guidance.
I want adult registration kcse
Check with your sub-county education office
Hey sir. My name is Josphat kipyego am ready for kcse private candidate
Where are located? If you’re within Nairobi you can contact me I direct you to my previous adult school.
All the best
My brother sat for his knce in 2006 will he be able to resit on 2021/2022?
Contact your local sub-county education office
Am a private candidate in a private adult school you call me I direct you to my school if you may be near me, am in Nairobi.
My name is Ben i sat my exam 2016 .kindly i need to book it again is it possible
Contact your local subcounty education office
When is the registration for 2022 kcse
I sat for Knec 2017 am I allowed to register has a private candidate
Contact your local subcounty education office for guidance
Am aseyo sat for my kcpe exams in 2006 went to high school untill form four but did not sit for kcse due to lack of school fee can I redo it 2022 please am 28 willing to do anything for my k cse help please
Do as we have advised in the article and good luck
Hey am Sharon sat for my kcse 2021 march but I did not attain the best grade so can I re-sit as a private candidate and do the exams 2022?
Follow the steps we have indicated in the article to book for resit
Hi…when is KCSE for 2021 registration for private candidates commence?
Visit your local subcounty education offices for all the details
I need to repeat some subjects
Am Faith I did my KCSE in 2014 but didn’t get a better grade so wanted to resist so that I can get better grade to go in university direct Kindly can it be possible.
Just contact the local subcounty education office if you want to resit your KCSE for guidance. I however believe that it’s not a must for you to go to University for you to succeed in your career.
Hey, when did 2022 registration starts ?
Almost closing
Hi,am David I did my kcse 2019,,I would like to re do,,,please help
Contact the local sub county office for guidance
I sat for A-Level in 1978 as a private candidate and passed, but never collected my Certificate. How and where can l collect it?
I did my kcse exams 2014 I redo 2015 ….I used my 2014 certificate to join university will I be employed by tsc?
Hi?my name is enock I did kcpe in 2012 and I want to register as private candidate,how can you help me to reach my goal?
my name is Veronica isn’t go my exam of kcpe on 2010 then on 2011 ijoin secondary up to form 2 then lack of school fees idint finish my school idroup my parent they don’t have money go school fees soo ifesieded to dropout iwas asking if ican register fo kcse
I did my KCSE in 2009 and I would to reregister another one because I scored D+ which makes me incompetent.
Hi am Eugine Maliachi I say for my KCSE in the year 2011,I would like to resit the exam next year,is it allowed?
hi I am Mr Joram, can I enroll for KCSE and work it out while I am out of the country..??
Hi am Ikram Shungu ,I would like to sit the exam this year,is it allowed
hi,can i apply to redo 2 subjects and will the rectify my previous cert
I want to register for 2024 exam as private candidate can I qualify
can a registered private candidate postpone or cancel the exam?
if it’s possible what is the procedure?
Hi,am James Kipkorir I did my kcse 2018, I would like to re do it 2024,,,please help
hi, I have two questions
1. are bridging courses still being offered and are they accepted by knec?
2. I did my kcse in 2008, can I register as a private student to resist and is it possible for to sit for a single subject
Hi am Dedan Kimathi muriithi I did my kcse in 2018 and wish to upgrade it in 2024.
Hy am hildah minayo I sat for my k.c.s.e last year and I want to upgrade my grade