Is IT marketable in Kenya?

Last updated on February 23rd, 2025 at 11:25 am

We answer the question “Is IT marketable in Kenya?” comprehensively in this article.

A lot of students, parents, and guardians seem to be unsure about an IT course in Kenya going by the number of emails we get concerning the marketability of the course.

And so we have decided to answer the question “Is IT marketable in Kenya?” comprehensively in this article.

Read it to the end if you have been called for the course by KUCCPS or if you’re thinking about doing IT but you’re not sure if the course has jobs in Kenya:

Is IT marketable in Kenya?

Yes. IT is very marketable in Kenya and you are unlikely to go for long without getting an ideal job..

But there is a catch: You must know what you’re doing- and specifically, you must specialize in the right IT discipline for you to get a well-paying job.

Let me explain:

You see, a lot of students taking the course (or who have taken it) choose to go the easy route..

What I mean is that they are happy to master and specialize in easy IT fields such as networking, web design, and computer repair and maintenance.

The problem is that these fields are already flooded – there are countless young Kenyans out there with an IT degree/Diploma who will claim to be very good in networking, web designing, and computer repair and maintenance but who are actually jobless.


They went to college but due to lack of information, ended up not learning the skills which the market demands.

They instead choose these easy-to-pass specializations only to be shocked that they are no jobs when they come out because employers are advertising for positions which require skills they ignored like programming, cyber security, artificial intelligence and machine learning, virtual reality, and the like.

Let me assure you something: It is not easy to learn and master the above-mentioned units (Everything in the list is ‘hard’ to master from Programming/coding to artificial intelligence and cloud computing).

I have personally taken exams in some of these areas and I have to admit that they take a lot of hard work to pass.

And even though they won’t say it, this is probably the main reason why many IT students in Kenya do not want anything to do with programming languages, ethical hacking, database development, and the like.

Yet, these are the IT sub-fields that have the highest number of jobs- and not just in Kenya but across the planet!

To cut the long story short, IT has jobs but you need to take some extra courses when studying to make sure you graduate with the right skills:

The key is specializing in an in-demand skill

I pity you if you’re going to follow the crowd and take a specialization that is easy (but has very few opportunities) like networking or web design.

As I had mentioned, because such specializations are easy for everyone, every Tom, Dick, and Harry will have these skills.

Unfortunately, job openings are not easy to come by in these niches so there is tough competition once jobs emerge.

So I encourage you to make sure you learn and pass the above easy-peasy units but do not make them your specialization..

Instead, I urge you to choose specialities like:


Work hard until you become an expert in languages/platforms like Python, Javascript,  Java, React.Js, Node.Js and more.

That way, you can create a software/app that can do anything which will in turn make you a hotcake in the job market.


Artificial Intelligence

You want to learn how to combine the incredible power of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Data Science to create powerful A.I. for Real-World applications!


Cyber security is another well-paying speciality that has lots of jobs and you can choose to go the cyber security route.

Remember that your work will be to ensure that software and apps as well as all information management systems are secure (and cannot be accessed by hackers and other cyber criminals).


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Now proceed reading below..

Blockchain technology

It is an open secret that blockchain technology has grown in leaps and bounds in the last few years.

Unsurprisingly, the demand for blockchain techies is at an all-time high.

I should add that to get typical blockchain projects jobs, you need the following skills:

  • Programming skills in Javascript, Python, C++, Java, etc.
  • Knowledge in the use of Hyperledger(fabric, composer) and or Ethereum(solidity) to develop in blockchain.
  • SQL (and/or NoSQL) skills


Cloud computing

You can opt to master Cloud Computing skills including learning hands-on skills on Amazon Web Services(AWS).

Robotics engineering

Robots are automating everything and you can decide to learn Robotic Process Automation(RPA) and UiPath.

A good robotics course will teach you how to Design, develop/build, and deploy functional RPA robots.

Other options

You can also venture into games development (it’s part of programming), virtual reality development, AR(augmented reality), and Data science (this is best if you are taking Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, or Engineering).

Where can you study for these specializations/complementary courses?

Since most universities in Kenya do not offer actual specialization options when it comes to IT courses, I recommend you learn the above skills by taking relevant online short courses alongside your main IT course.

Udemy is my recommended online varsity for these courses- they have awesome tutors and you will even be assigned practical projects to do as you learn.

Most importantly, the fee is very affordable for most of these courses!

Don’t forget that you can check out colleges like Moringa School (for programming) if you prefer a physical class.

Final word

I have shared with you the above courses because you will not only get a good job if you do them but you are also going to make a lot of money with your IT course in Kenya.

Oh, and remember to look for a relevant internship when the time comes- you will learn more during the internship and it could also end up opening doors for you if you prove yourself.


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