Schools for special needs in Kenya [Contacts and location]

Last updated on February 23rd, 2025 at 01:39 pm

Below is an updated list of schools for special needs in Kenya to help you know where you can take your child for education and other developmental needs if he/she has a disability (abled differently).

Table of Contents

Schools for special needs in Kenya [Contacts and location]

Please note that this list of schools for special needs in Kenya includes both public and private special needs schools in Kenya and includes special schools in Nairobi as well as a few special schools in Mombasa.

Let’s get started:

Schools for special needs in Kenya [list of special schools in Kenya with contacts and location information]

Kibirigwi Special School

Kibirigwi Special School is one of the best known public special needs school in Kenya and has been operating since 1983.

Telephone: 020 3318581


Acorn Special Tutorials

Acorn is an excellent special education school as well as teacher training facility and it’s one of the best private special schools in Nairobi.

Acorn believes that every child has innate potential to excel in a big way to reach their fullest potential.

Telephone: 0725959137


Aquinoe Learning Centre

Located in Kitale County (along Kapenguria- Lodwar road), Aquinoe Learning Centre mostly serves kids living with disabilities (and many other special needs) in and around Kitale.

Telephone:  0733-750197 /0733-897513 / 0720-286365

Bright Hill Special School and Assessment Centre

Established in 2001, Bright Hills Special needs School offers the 8-4-4 education system and caters to kids with myriad learning difficulties.

Telephone:  0722-352-736 / 0721-597-900


Embu Special School for Mentally Handicapped

Embu Special School is one of the most famous special schools for mentally challenged in the Eastern Kenya region.

Telephone:   +254 068 30199


Homa Bay Children’s Home Academy

This is both a Children’s Home and an inclusive education private Primary School.

It is in Asego (near HomaBay Town).

Telephone: +254 059-22312


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Now proceed reading below..

Karatina Special School for Mentally Handicapped

This  public primary school is for intellectually challenged kids and is found in Karatina, Nyeri county.

Telephone: +254 061-20371378


Dagoretti Special School

This is in Uthiru/Ruthimitu and is managed by an NGO/CBO. It is both a day and boarding special school.

Telephone: 0722 299127


Kenya Institute for the Blind

This is one of the most popular special schools for the blind in Kenya (it’s only for the blind).

The is an authorized National Braille Resource Centre(for Blind Persons) by the Education Ministry.

Website:  (Visit the website for the Kenya society for the blind contacts)

Kibos School for the Blind

This school is in Winam (near Kisumu Town), in Kisumu County.

Telephone: +254 05743135


Kenya Community Centre for Learning (KCCL)

KCCL is a top-notch non-profit making community special school offering alternative education to handicapped learners aged 6 – 21 years.




Mathare Special Training Centre(MSTC)

MSTC is a public education institution for both special education (foundational) and vocational training.

It serves learners with varying degrees of intellectual disability.

Telephone: 0721 652969

Facebook page:

Mombasa Secondary School for the Physically Handicapped(MSSPH)

MSSPH was started by Round Table-Mombasa 3- to cater to the learning needs of physically handicapped boys.

Telephone: 0722 303196


S.A Joytown Secondary School – one of the top special schools in Thika

This is one of the most popular special schools for physically challenged learners in Thika (it’s along Kenyatta Highway) and one of the leading special boarding schools in Kenya.

Telephone: 0720 490237 (email:


The Grangeville School

Grangeville School is one of the special international schools offering British School Curriculum in Kenya.

Telephone: 0716 916274


The Salvation Army Thika Primary

The Salvation Army sponsored Thika Primary is one of the oldest special schools in Thika.

Telephone:   +254 06721691


·  Special schools for the deaf in Kenya


Iten School for the Deaf

This public special school is located in Keiyo North (Kamariny area)- Sergoit Road, Iten.

Telephone:  +254-053-52045

Kaaga School for the Deaf

This public primary special school is in Mulathankari (Miriga Mieru East), near Meru Town

Telephone: (254) 64 – 32207


Kambui School for the Deaf  -One of the special schools in Kiambu county

Kambui School is in Ting’ang’a, Kiambu road, Kiambu.

Telephone: 020 2091354


Kapsabet School for the Deaf

Kapsabet School for the Deaf is in Emgwen Location, Kapsabet sub-county in Nandi North.

Telephone: 053 52045


Kerugoya School for the Deaf

This public primary special school is in Kerugoya, Kirinyaga county.

Telephone: +254-060-21221


Kibarani School for the Deaf

Kibarani is adjacent To Kibarani Primary School along Kilifi-Ganze Road in Kilifi township.

Telephone: +254207122005


Kitui School for the Deaf

Kitui School for the Deaf(KSTD) is located along Kalimani road in Kitui.

Telephone: +254 044 23053


Kuja Special Secondary School for the Deaf

Kuja Special Secondary School is l in Central Kamagambo in Rongo, Migori County

Telephone: 059 42057


St Anthony School for the Deaf

This is in Webuye…


Kabuchai school for Hearing Impaired

This is in Kabuchai…


Model Center for Deaf Education and Training

Model Center for the deal is in Kitengela, Ololoitikoshi.

Telephone: 0722948565


Mumias Primary School for the Deaf

This is a government special needs boarding school (Boys and Girls) that caters to the educational needs of special needs students.

The school is located in Mumias.

Telephone: 056 641007


Tumu Tumu School for the Deaf

Tumu Tumu School for the Deaf is a special needs public institution in Mathira, Nyeri county.

Email address:

Ziwani School for the Deaf

Located in Mombasa (in Tudor), Ziwani School for the Deaf is a special needs public primary school.

Telephone: 020 3318581


Rev. Muhoro Secondary School

This school for the Deaf is in Mukurwe-Ini (Nyeri county) .

Rev Muhoro  is one of the best known special needs secondary schools in Kenya.

Telephone:  0719822683


Chekombero Special School for the Deaf

Chekombero. is a special needs public primary school in Sabatia (near Busali East Town), Sabatia Constituency.

Telephone: Not available


Karen Technical Training Institute

This is a dedicated vocational and technical skills training school for the deaf and one of the biggest public special needs technical institutes in Kenya.


Kimwanga School for the Hearing Impaired

This is in Kimwanga, Bumula sub county, Bungoma County


Ngara school for the deaf

Another school with a good reputation among the special schools and units in Nairobi County is the Ngara school for the deaf.

Telephone: +254 051-41151 / 0722-362086

Schools for special needs in Kenya – Frequently asked Questions (FAQs)

How many special schools are there in Kenya?

We counted about 46 special schools when compiling this  article.

We think there are more if you include those that appear in the ministry of education’s list of special secondary schools in Kenya so you have many options.



Autism schools in Kenya [Contacts and location]

Colleges offering Special education in Kenya

8 thoughts on “Schools for special needs in Kenya [Contacts and location]”

  1. Hello, I’m looking for a secondary special school for learners with intellectual disabilities for my attachment come January 2025


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