Kenyan Universities Ranking [Top 100 Universities and Colleges in Kenya]

Last updated on February 24th, 2025 at 03:48 am

2019 Webometrics Ranking of Kenyan Universities as well as other countries worldwide was made public earlier this year.

And like it has often been the case in recent years, the University of Nairobi (UoN) emerged top and with a good margin.

Overall, the largest universities in Kenya led by the UoN have outshone newer institutions such as Maasai Mara and Machakos Universities.

At the same time, Strathmore University retains its top ranking under the best private universities in Kenya.

Here are the latest official Kenyan Universities ranking s according to the latest Webometrics :

Positions of various Institutions in the Kenyan Universities Ranking

Note that some colleges made it to the top 100 and we have included them in our list.

Ranking World rank University
1 987 University of Nairobi
2 1565 Kenyatta University
3 2088 Moi University
4 2704 JKUAT
5 3591 Egerton University
6 4286 Strathmore University
7 4289 Maseno University
8 5056 Masinde Muliro University
9 5211 Murang’a University
10 6380 USIU
11 6505 Catholic University
12 6512 Daystar University
13 6793 TUK (Technical University of Kenya)
14 7649 Mount Kenya University
15 8631 SEUCO (South Eastern Kenya University)
16 8786 Kibabii University
17 9303 Pwani University
18 9454 AVU (African Virtual University)
19 9680 Kabarak University
20 9803 Dedan Kimathi University
21 9895 Kenya Methodist University
22 10120 Kisii University
23 10338 KEFRI (Kenya Forestry Research Institute)
24 10489 University of Eldoret
25 10560 Masai Mara University
26 11020 Technical University -f Mombasa
27 11074 Embu University
28 11074 JOOUST (Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science & Technology)
29 11265 KMTC
30 11624 Great Lakes University – Kisumu
31 11634 Machakos University
32 11707 Baraton University
33 11831 Karatina University
34 12029 Saint Paul’s University
35 12096 Meru University
36 12297 Africa Nazarene University
37 12499 Amani College
38 12828 KIM (Kenya Institute of Management)
39 14014 Kenya Coast National Poly
40 14048 University of Kabianga
41 14087 KCA University
42 14626 PACU (Pan Africa Christian University)
43 14730 Laikipia University
44 15216 Chuka University
45 15409 Co-operative University
46 15527 AIU (Africa International University)
47 15552 Zetech University
48 15564 Multimedia University
49 15813 Kenya School of Government
50 15838 Michuki Technical Institute
51 16123 MUA (Management University of Africa)
52 16270 Riara University
53 16317 Kenya Utalii College
54 16810 East African School of Aviation
55 17236 Adventist University
56 17861 Scott Christian University
57 17958 Railway Training Institute
58 18015 NIBS College
59 18147 Tangaza University College
60 18211 Hi-tec Institute of Professional Studies
61 18211 KCITI (Kenya Christian Industrial Training Institute)
62 18562 Kiriri Women’s University
63 18750 PUEA (Presbyterian University of East Africa)
64 19148 Gretsa University
65 19312 RVTTI (Rift Valley Technical Training Institute Eldoret)
66 19433 Taita Taveta University
67 19548 Rongo University
68 19650 Umma University
69 19859 KTTC (Kenya Technical Teachers College)
70 20394 Kirinyaga University
71 20950 East African University
72 20960 Rift Valley Institute (of Science & Technology-Nakuru)
73 21113 Uzima University
74 21276 EAICS (East Africa Institute of Certified Studies)
75 21474 KSMS (Kenya School of Monetary Studies)
76 21595 Maryknoll Institute
77 22067 Pioneer International University
78 22347 Kisumu Polytechnic Makasembo
79 22381 KAG East University
80 22405 Kiambu Institute (of Science & Technology)
81 22656 International Leadership University
82 22910 KIMC (Kenya Institute of Mass Comm)
83 23155 Oshwal College
84 23336 Computer Pride
85 23382 Computer Learning Centre
86 23509 Ramogi Institute -Kisumu
87 23679 Kaiboi Technical
88 23725 Lukenya University
89 23892 MIT (Machakos Institute of Technology)
90 23912 Kinyanjui Technical Training Institute
91 24066 Nakuru Training Institute
92 24193 Institute of Advanced Technology
93 24429 Garissa University
94 24481 Migori Teachers college
95 24636 Kenya Aeronautical College
96 24792 Alphax College
97 24851 Nairobi Technical Training Institute
98 25113 KIPS (Kenya Institute of Professional Studies) Nairobi
99 25338 Meru National Polytechnic
100 25519 Tom Mboya Labour College

What are Webometric rankings?

Now, Webmetric rankings gives an average indicator of how ranked colleges and universities are faring on various parameters including:

  • Overall Web presence
  • Richness of their web content (number of files and web pages)
  • Visibility and the impact of their web publications.

The goal of the webometrics Rankings is to promote the presence of World’s research and academic institutions on the internet and to improve open  publication of the results from scientific studies.

The ranking was started in 2004 and today captures over 12,000 universities worldwide.




While you can’t say that these webometrics Kenyan Universities ranking are the ultimate measurement in terms of what to expect in our institutions, it’s still a nice pointer towards each university’s information openness, research, and web weight.

Now, besides such data, you should evaluate other factors such as facilities, number of faculty, collaboration programs with partner institutions, and even the marketability of the courses a university is offering.

Also talk to students in your target university – they’re likely to give you the best information about life in the campus.


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